


  • 中文名:周榮剛
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業北京航空航天大學經管學院副教授,碩士生導師
  • 性別:男




  1. 國家自然科學基金:駕駛中行動電話的使用:基於補償式信念的自我調整行為研究,課題負責人,2013.01-2016.12(在研)
  2. 國家自然科學基金:參照系整合條件下方位識別中的判斷策略,課題負責人,2009.01-2011.12(結題)
  3. 北京市自然科學基金:航空安全檢查中違禁物品出現的機率對檢查績效的影響,課題負責人,2011.01-2012.6(結題)
  4. 中國博士後科學基金:駕駛時行動電話的使用及其對駕駛安全的影響,課題負責人,2008.09-2009.09(結題)
  5. 企業委託項目:目前主要為中國移動研究院、聯想、阿里巴巴等企業提供移動終端和移動套用等領域的用戶體驗研究和諮詢服務


5.《Project Management》(留學生)


  1. Zhou R, Fong PSW, Tan P. (2014). Internet Use and Its Impact on Engagement in Leisure Activities in China.PLoS ONE, 9(2): e89598. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0089598.
  2. Siqing Shan, Zhonghui Mao,Ronggang Zhou, Zhilian Liu and Feng Wu.(2013). Streaming Media Advertising: An Empirical Study.Systems Research and Behavioral Science,30, 398–411.
  3. Binfeng Li, Wei Zhang,Ronggang Zhou, Chengyun Yang, Zhihong Li.(2012).Acomparativeergonomics study: Performing reading-based tasks on a large-scale tabletop vs. laptop.International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 42, 156-161.
  4. RonggangZhou, Pei-Luen Patrick Rau, Wei Zhang, Damin Zhuang. (2012). Mobile phone use while driving: Predicting drivers’ answering intention and compensatory decisions.Safety Science,50, 138-149.
  5. RonggangZhou, William J. Horrey. (2010). Predicting adolescent pedestrians’ behavioral intentions to follow the masses in risky crossing situations.Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior,13, 153-163.
  6. RonggangZhou, William J. Horrey, Ruifeng Yu. (2009).The Effect of Conformity Tendenceon Pedestrians’ Road-Crossing Intentions in China: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior.Accident Analysis& Prevention, 41, 491-497.
  7. RonggangZhou, Changxu Wu, Pei-Luen Patrick Rau, Wei Zhang. (2009). Young Driving Learners’ Intention to Use a Handheld or Hands-free Mobile Phone When Driving.Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior,12, 208-217.
  8. Feng Wu, Jichen Li, Qi Ma,Ronggang Zhou. (2012).Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of User's Advertising Tolerability of Web Page.Industrial Engineering Journal/工業工程, 15 (5), 79-85.
  9. ZHOURong-gang, ZHANG Kan. (2008). Spatial Direction Judgments Based on Integrating of Spatial References (In Chinese).Space Medicine & Medical Engineering/航天醫學與醫學工程, 21 (5), 386-391
  10. RonggangZhou, Kan Zhang. (2008). Object Location Judgments in Spatial Memory Based on Coordinating Egocentric and Allocentric References (In Chinese).Acta Psychological Sinica/心理學報,40 (12), 1229-1239.
  11. RonggangZhou, Kan Zhang. (2008).How Information Presentation Affect Absolute Direction Judgments Based on Integrating Spatial Reference Frames (In Chinese).Acta Psychological Sinica/心理學報,40 (11), 1137-1148.
  12. ZHOURong-gang. (2007). Research on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of IT product’s user experience quality (in Chinese).Computer Engineering and Applications/計算機工程與套用, 43 (31), 102-105
  13. RonggangZhou,Kan Zhang. (2005). The cardinal direction judgments in integrating environmental and egocentric reference frames (In Chinese),Acta Psychological Sinica/心理學報, 37(3), 298-307.
  14. RonggangZhou,Kan Zhang. (2005). Direction judgments based on integrating reference Frames in Imagination (In Chinese),Ergonomics/人類工效學, 11(2), 137-140.
  15. RonggangZhou, Kan Zhang. (2005). Thinking aloud: a useful method in usability testing from case study (In Chinese).Ergonomics/人類工效學, 11 (3), 55-58.
  16. RonggangZhou, Kan Zhang. (2004). The Theories of Spatial Memory and Retrieval (In Chinese).Advance in Psychological Science/心理科學進展, 12 (3), 330~339.
  17. JiazhongYang, Ronggang Zhou, Kan Zhang. (2004). The training effect and direction effect on spatially cardinal direction judgments (In Chinese),Psychological Science/心理科學, 27 (6), 1322-1325.
  18. RonggangZhou, Kan Zhang. (2004). Visuo-spatial relations judgments based on clue (In Chinese).Acta Psychological Sinica/心理學報,36 (2), 127-132.
  19. RonggangZhou, Kan Zhang. (2004). Evaluation hypertext: the measures of lostness (In Chinese).Ergonomics/人類工效學, 10 (2), 20-25.
  20. Ronggang Zhou, Kan Zhang. (2004). Gender-related difference in cardinaldirection judgments (In Chinese).Ergonomics/人類工效學, 10 (1), 10-13.
  21. RonggangZhou, Kan Zhang. (2004). Review on evaluation methods of presence in virtual environment (In Chinese).Advance in Psychological Science/心理科學進展, 12 (2), 201-208.
  22. RonggangZhou, Kan Zhang. (2003). Cognitive walkthrough used in usability evaluation (In Chinese).Ergonomics/人類工效學, 9 (3), 30-33.
  23. Qinxing Shi,Ronggang Zhou, Yan Ge, Kan Zhang. (2005). Internet Addiction Disorder and Sensation Seeking of Middle School and High School Students (In Chinese).Chinese Mental Health Journal/中國心理衛生雜誌,19 (7),453-456.
  24. Yan Ge,Ronggang Zhou, Qinxing Shi, Xiangang Qin, Kan Zhang. (2005). A Survey of Students’Attitude to Learning Online.Ergonomics/人類工效學,11 (3), 50-52.
  25. Yan Ge,Ronggang Zhou, Kan Zhang. (2005). Heuristic evaluation method used in usability.Ergonomics/人類工效學,11 (4),64-66.


  1. Zhilian Liu, Feng Wu,Ronggang Zhou, Siqing Shan. (2012). User’s Tolerance and Experience Towards Online Advertsing: an Eye-Tracking Study.Proceedings of The 11International Conference on Industrial Management (ICIM 2012), 103-108.
  2. Junlan Zhang,Ronggang Zhou. (2012).The Effect of Perceived Enjoyment for Predicting Video Call Use Intention.Proceedings of 4International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2012), 4782-4790.
  3. XiaoLin, Feng Wu,Ronggang Zhou. (2012). The Effect of Online Advertisements on Internet Users' Experience.Proceedings of 4International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2012), 5741-5749.
  4. Ronggang Zhou, Zhenxin Yu, Alan Chan, Xiangang Qin. (2010). Agile User Experience: How to balance Sample Size and Number of Research Tasks for Structured Interview.Proceedings of 2010 Third International Conference on Education Technology and Training(ETT 2010), 338-341.
  5. WilliamJ. Horrey,Ronggang Zhou, Ruifeng Yu. (2009). Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Examine Pedestrians’ Road-Crossing Intentions in China.IEA 2009, Beijing, China.
  6. Ronggang Zhou, Shengshan Huang, Xiangang Qin, Feng Huang. (2008). A survey of User-Centered Design Practice in China.2008 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2008),1885-1889.
  7. RonggangZhou, Kan Zhang.(2007). Impact of Mental Rotation Strategy on Absolute Direction Judgments: Supplementing Conventional Measures with Eye Movement Data.In: J. Jacko (Ed.):Human-Computer Interaction, Part III, HCII 2007Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4552, 789–798.
  8. Ronggang Zhou. (2007). How to Quantify User Experience: Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model Based on Summative Usability Testing.In: N. Aykin (Ed.):Usability and Internationalization, Part II, HCII 2007,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4560, 564–573.
  9. R. Zhou,H. Sato, Q. Gao, et al. (2007).Mobile Search: How to Present Search Results for Older Users.Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 457-461.
  10. YanGe,Ronggang Zhou, Xi Liu, Kan Zhang. (2007). Chinese color preference in software design.LNAI 4562, 62-68.
  11. RonggangZhou, Kan Zhang. (2004). How to make cardinal direction judgments based on integrating environmental and egocentric frames?The 28th International Congress of Psychology (Abstract). August 8-13, Beijing, China.
  12. RonggangZhou, Jiazhong Yang, Kan Zhang (2003). Training-related difference in cardinal direction judgments based on integrating reference frames. Proceedings ofIEA2003, Seoul, Korea.
  13. ZhouR, Li H, Zhang K. (2002). The effect of contextual navigation aids and cognitive style on usability of Chinese hypertext. In: Dai G.Proceedings ofAPHCI2002.Beijing: Science Press, 98-107.
  14. Chen Zhao, Tom Plocher, Yifei Xu,Ronggang Zhou& Kan Zhang. (2003). Cognitive user interface for Chinese.Proceedings of IEA2003, Seoul Kroea.
  15. Chen Zhao, Thomas Plocher, Yifei Xu,Rongang Zhou, Xi Liu, Sheau-Farn Max Liang & Kan Zhang. (2002). Understanding the polychronicity of Chinese. In: Dai G.Proceedings of APHCI2002.Beijing: Science Press, 188-195.
  16. Ronggang Zhou, Kan Zhang. (2004). How to make cardinal direction judgments based on integrating environmental andegocentricframes?The 28th International Congress of Psychology (Abstract)(ICP2004). August 8-13, Beijing, China.
  17. KanZhang, Xianghong Sun, Yanfang Liu, Qunhui Yang &Ronggang Zhou. (2004). Application of multiple resources theory in pilot selection (Abstract). The 28th International Congress of Psychology (ICP2004). August 8-13, Beijing, China.
  18. XingguangPang, Kan Zhang, Qunhui Yang, Jianguo Wu &Ronggang Zhou. (2004). An interactive battery of tests for pilot selection (Abstract). The 28th International Congress of Psychology (ICP2004). August 8-13, Beijing, China.
  19. YuXiaohui, Kan Zhang, Huilong Li, Xi Liu &Ronggang Zhou. (2004). Effects of using sunlight simulation on learning of driving (Abstract). The 28th International Congress of Psychology (ICP2004). August 8-13, Beijing, China.


1.周榮剛等譯. (2009).用戶體驗度量,機械工業出版社


