


  • 中文名:周晶
  • 性別:男
  • 職務:大連理工大學建設工程學部學術委員會主任
  • 任職單位:大連理工大學








共發表論文200餘篇。其中自2001年-2006年共發表論文84篇。其中SCI檢索 12 篇,EI檢索31 篇,ISTP檢索 10篇。近10年論文目錄如下:
2.魏大春,周晶. 水工混凝土結構系統的災變機理和災害控制對策. 世界地震工程,2006,22(3):77-83
3.李靜,陳健雲,周晶. 考慮局部切向約束接觸問題的直接剛度法. 計算力學學報, 2006,23(4) :459-463(EI收錄)
4.范穎芳,胡志強,周晶,朱彤,張學志. 橋面板約束條件對鋼筋混凝土拱橋力學性能影響的試驗研究. 工程力學,2006,23(9):146-152(EI收錄)
5.馮新, 范穎芳,周晶. 基於柔度的桁架結構損傷定位研究. 計算力學學報, 2006,23(5) :563-568(EI收錄)
6.X. Feng, and J. Zhou. Crack identification by jointly time-frequency analysis. Key Engineering Materials, 2006, Vol.324-325 :161-164 (SCI收錄)
7.X. Feng, and J. Zhou. Identification of Modal Parameters for Close-mode Structure with Output-only Data. Proceedings of the the 10th ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments,2006, Houston, USA (EI收錄)
8.X. Feng, and J. Zhou et al. Diagnosis and health monitoring for free spanning submarine pipelines. Proceedings of the 16th International offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2006, San Francisco, USA(ISTP收錄)
9.Ren,L; Li,HN; Zhou,J; Li,DS;Sun,L, Health monitoring system for offshore platform with fiber Bragg grating sensors, Optical Engineering,45(8):Art. No.08441, AUG,2006 (SCI收錄)
10.Ren,L; Li,HN; Zhou,J; Li,DS;Sun,L, Application of tube-packaged FBG strain sensor in vibration experiment of submarine pipeline model, CHINA OCEAN ENGINEERING,20(1),2006 (SCI收錄)
1.李學平,馮新,周晶. 黃河勝利大橋動力測試和安全評估. 世界地震工程,2005,21(3):135-142
2.金嶠,周晶,李昕. 半主動TLCD對固定式海洋平台的離散神經網路滑模控制. 世界地震工程,2005,21(3):28-34
3.田明俊,周晶. 土石壩土體參數反演的一種新方法. 土木工程學報,2005,38(8):118-122
4.金嶠,周晶,景浩. 考慮控制延時影響的相鄰建築結構的離散變結構振動控制方法. 計算力學學報,2005,22(4):482-491,EI
5.舒鐵,李昕,周晶. 單立柱海洋平台的可靠度分析. 中國海洋平台,2005,8:36-40
6.金嶠,周晶,考慮控制延時的AMD對偏心結構離散變結構控制. 哈爾濱工業大學學報,2005,37(6):790-794,EI
7.田明俊,周晶. 岩土工程參數反演的一種新方法. 岩石力學與工程學報,2005,24(9):1492-1496,EI
8.袁旭東,周晶,黃梅. 基於靜力位移及頻率的結構損傷識別神經網路方法. 哈爾濱工業大學學報,2005,37(4):488-490, EI
9.石志曉,李昕,周晶. 損傷檢測的經驗模態分解法. 大連理工大學學報,2005,45(3):401-404,EI
10.馮新,李國強,周晶. 土木工程結構健康診斷中的統計識別方法綜述. 地震工程與工程振動,2005,25(2):105-113
11.田明俊,周晶. 基於蟻群算法的土石壩土體參數反演. 岩石力學與工程學報,2005,24(8):1411-1416,EI
12.石志曉,李昕,周晶. 時頻聯合分析方法在土木工程中的研究現狀. 工業建築,2005,35(5):75-80
13.陳健雲,周晶,馬恆春,朱彤. 高聳煙囪結構豎向地震回響的模型試驗研究及分析. 建築結構學報,2005,26(2):87-93,EI
14.范穎芳,周晶. 基於分形研究的受腐蝕鋼筋混凝土構件承載力預測模型. 大連理工大學學報,2005,45(1):108-112, EI
15.Ren L, Li HN, Zhou J, et al. Development of health monitoring system for ocean offshore platform with fiber Bragg grating sensors. PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTEENTH (2005) INTERNATIONAL OFFSHORE AND POLAR ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, VOL 4 : 424-428, 2005,EI
16.X. Feng, J. Zhou. Structural Health Monitoring Using Artificial Neural Network and Statistical Process Control in a Changing Environment. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure, Nov. 13-15 2005
17.X. Feng, J. Zhou. et. Al. System Identification of Dynamic Characteristics with Ambient Vibration Measurements. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Test and Measurement, June 1-5 2005
18.Y.F.Fan, J. Zhou, Z.Q. Hu. Application of fractals to study the corroded reinforced concrete beam,Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2005,Vol.20, No.3, EI
19.Jing Zhou,Xin Li, and Dubo Dong,Experimental Study and Numerical Analysis on Free Spanning Submarine Pipeline and Dynamic Excitationm PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTEENTH INTERNATIONAL OFFSHORE AND POLAR ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, 2005, VOL.4:135-140,EI
20.R.B.Dong, J. Zhou, T.Zhu, L.Ren and X.Feng, Study on Dynamic Testing and Signal Processing of Free Spanning Submarine Pipeline, Proceedings of International Conference of Survey and Inspection,2005,EI
21.NI Han-gen, LI Xin and Zhou Jing, JIN Qiao, Effect of Aerator on Hydraulic Drag Acting on A Chute, Journal of Hydrobynamics, 2005,17(1):34-42.EI
22.Y.F.Fan, J. Zhou, Z.Q. Hu. Application of fractals
1.Fan YF., Zhou J, and Feng X. Study on mechanical property of corroded R.C. beam based on fractal and artificial neural network Study on mechanical property of corroded R.C. beam based on fractal and artificial neural network. Journal of Key Engineering Materials. 2004,Vols. 274-276,SCI,EI
2.Fan YF., Zhou J, and Feng X.,Prediction on Load Carrying Capacity of Corroded R.C. Beam, China Ocean Engineering, 2004(1),SCI,EI
3.Chen JY, Li J, Zhou J. Seismic analysis of large 3-D underground caverns based on high performance recursive method. International Journal of Soilds and Structures. 2004,41(11-12):3081-3094 SCI
4.Tian MJ., Zhou J.Inversing Mechanical Parameters of Concrete Gravity Dams Using Ant Colony Optimization[A]. Fourth International Workshop on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence[C]. Lecture Note in Computer Science, Vol. 3172, 358-365, Springer Press:2004 SCI,ISTP
5.范穎芳,周晶. 受腐蝕鋼筋混凝土構件受力性能研究現狀. 土木工程學報, 2004(7):22~26
6.Fan YF, Zhou J. et. al. Inspection and safety evaluation of a cable-stayed bridge. 3rd Chian-Japan-US Symposium on Health Monitoring and Control of Structures,2004
7.范穎芳,周晶. 人工神經網路在受腐蝕鋼筋混凝土結構工程中的套用. 四川建築科學研究,2004(1)
8.Feng X., Zhou J. Identification of Frequency and Damping Ratio with Output-only Measurements. 3rd Chian-Japan-US Symposium on Health Monitoring and Control of Structures,2004
9.Yan B., Zhou J. Observation Data Analysis of Fengman Dam. 3rd Chian-Japan-US Symposium on Health Monitoring and Control of Structures,2004
10.馮新,周晶,范穎芳. 基於模態觀測的混凝土壩反演方法的研究. 水利學報, 2004(2)
11.范穎芳,周晶,朱彤. 在役鋼筋混凝土拱橋病害分析和力學性能研究. 防災減災工程學報,2004(1)
12.劉澤,周晶,范穎芳. 複雜空間屋架鋼結構的安全性分析. 安徽建築工業學院學報,2004(3)
13.Jin J., Zhou J. Discrete_time variable structure-based AMD active control methodology for eccentric buildings with time delay in control. 3rd Chian-Japan-US Symposium on Health Monitoring and Control of Structures,2004
14.Shi Z.X., Zhou J. Model parameter identification through adaptive chirplet-based signal approximation. 3rd Chian-Japan-US Symposium on Health Monitoring and Control of Structures,2004
15.Yuan XD., Zhou J. A method of structural damage identification using neural networks based on static displacements and natural frequencies. 3rd Chian-Japan-US Symposium on Health Monitoring and Control of Structures,2004
16.Feng X., Zhou J. Detection of anomalous structural condition of free-span submarine pipeline. 3rd Chian-Japan-US Symposium on Health Monitoring and Control of Structures


