周晅毅,1975年11月出生,同濟大學土木工程學院風洞試驗室教授,博士生導師,同濟大學土木工程防災國家重點實驗室成員。兼任國際標準化組織(ISO)TC98/SC3/WG1雪荷載專家組成員,中國力學學會環境力學專業委員會委員。2008年11月至2009年11月在加拿大的西安大略大學風工程研究中心從事訪問研究。2018年1月至2018年5月在日本東京大學從事訪問研究。研究方向:建築結構的風雪荷載,城市風環境和污染擴散。2018年7月作為會議組織委員會主席承辦了第一屆全國雪冰工程學術研討會;並擔任第九屆國際雪工程會議(2020年)的大會主席。在國際學術會議和國內學術會議上做大會或特邀主題報告 3 次,參編行業和協會標準兩部。作為負責人承擔了四項國家自然科學基金項目(一項青年基金,三項面上項目)。負責了北京大興國際機場航站樓、烏魯木齊新機場航站樓、重慶江北國際機場 T3A 航站樓、深圳機場T3 航站樓、青島新機場航站樓、哈爾濱富力江灣新城等多個重大工程的風雪荷載研究項目。
- 中文名:周晅毅
- 國籍:中國
- 出生地:湖南長沙
- 出生日期:1975年11月
- 職業:同濟大學教授
- 畢業院校:同濟大學、哈爾濱工業大學、長沙理工大學
- 2018.12 –現在:同濟大學,橋樑工程系,結構風工程專業,教授;
- 2010.12 – 2018.12:同濟大學,橋樑工程系,結構風工程專業,副教授;
- 2004.03 – 2010.12:同濟大學,橋樑工程系,結構風工程專業,講師;
- 2018.01 – 2018.05:日本東京大學生產技術研究所大岡研究室,國際研究員;
- 2008.11 – 2009.11:加拿大西安大略大學風洞實驗室,訪問學者。
22. S.Qiang, X.Zhou*, K.Kosugi, M.Gu, A study of snow drifting on aflat roofduring snowfall based on simulations in acryogenic wind tunnel, Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics, 2019, 188, 269-279.
21. X.Zhou, Y.Zhang, L.Y.Kang*, M.Gu, CFD simulation of drifting snow loads on gable roofs: impact of roof slope, Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics, 2019, 185, 16-32.
20. X.Zhou, Y.Zhang, M.Gu*,Coupling a snowmelt model with a snowdrift model for the study of snow distribution on roofs, Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics, 2018, 182, 235-251.
19. L.Kang, X.Zhou*, T.Hooff, B. Blocken, M.Gu,CFD simulation of snow transport over flat, uniformly rough, open terrain: impact of physical and computational parameters, Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics, 2018, 177, 213-226.
18. X.Zhou, G.Zu*, M.Gu, J.Hu, LES and Wind Tunnel Test on Friction Velocity on Roof Surfaces, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2018, 151, 109-118.
17. S.Qiang, X.Zhou*, M.Gu, Research on reliability of roof structures subjected to snow loads at representative sites in China, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2018, 150, 62-69.
16. X.Zhou, S.Qiang, Y.Peng, M.Gu*, Wind tunnel test on responses of a lightweight roof structure under joint action of wind and snow loads, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2016, 132, 19-32.
15. X.Zhou, L.Kang, X.Yuan, M.Gu*, Wind tunnel test of snow redistribution on flat roofs, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2016, 127, 49-56.
14. X.Zhou, L.Kang, M.Gu*, L.Qiu, J.H.Hu, Numerical simulation and wind tunnel test for redistribution of snow on flat roofs, Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics, 2016, 153, 92-105.
13. W.Sun, M.Gu, X.Zhou*, Universal Equivalent Static Wind Loads of Fluctuating Wind Loads on Large-Span Roofs Based on POD Compensation, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2015, 18(9) 1443-1459.
12. X.Zhou, J.Li, M.Gu*, L.Sun,A new simulation method on sliding snow load on sloped roofs, Natural Hazards, 2015, 77(1) 39-65.
11. X.Zhou, Y.Lin, M.Gu*, Optimization of multiple tuned mass dampers for large-span roof structures subjected to wind loads, Wind and Structures, 2015, 20(3) 363-388.
10. X.Zhou, J.Hu, M.Gu*,Wind tunnel test of snow loads on a stepped flat roof using differentgranularmaterials, Natural Hazards, 2014, 74(3) 1629-1648.
09. X.Zhou, M.Gu*, G.Li, Constrained Least-Squares Method for Computing Equivalent Static Wind Loads of Large-span Roofs,Advances in Structural Engineering, 2014, 17(10) 1497-1515.
08. X.Zhou, Y.Zhang, M.Gu*, Simulation Method of sliding Snow Load on Roofs and its application in Some Representative Regions of China, Natural Hazards,2013, 67(2) 295-320.
07.X.Zhou, Z.Han, M.Gu*, A.Zhang, W.Zhang, W.Fang, Research on Wind-induced Responses of a Large-scale Membrane Structure, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2013, 12(2) 297-305.
06. P.Huang, X.Zhou, M.Gu*, Experimental study of wind loads on cylindrical reticulated shells, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 2013, 34(3) 281-296.
05. X.Zhou, M.Gu*, G.Li, Grouping Response Method for Equivalent Static Wind Loads Based on Modified LRC Method, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2012, 11(1) 107-119.
04. X.Zhou, P.Huang, M.Gu*, F.Mi, Wind Loads and Responses of Two Neighboring Dry Coal Sheds, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2011, 14(2) 207-221.
03. X.Zhou, M.Gu*, An Approximation Method for Computing the Dynamic Responses and Equivalent Static Wind Loads of Large-span Roof Structures , International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2010, 10(5) 1141-1165.
02. X.Zhou, P.Huang, M.Gu*, L.Zhu, H.M. Pan, Wind loads and wind-induced responses of Guangzhou New TV Tower, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2010, 13(4) 707-726.
01. M.Gu*, X.Zhou, An approximation method for resonant response with coupling modes of structures under wind action, Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics, 2009, 97(11-12) 573-580.