



  • 中文名:周愛鋒
  • 出生地:浙江長興
  • 畢業院校:蘭州大學
  • 學位/學歷:理學博士
  • 專業方向:湖泊環境與氣候變化;碳-14年代學;生物-有機地球化學;環境考古;有機殘留物分析
  • 職務:博導
  • 外文名:Aifeng Zhou
  • 職稱:教授
  • 性別:男


 2000年6月畢業於蘭州大學化學系,獲化學學士學位;
 2007年6月畢業於蘭州大學資源環境學院,獲自然地理學博士學位;
 2009年10月-2010年10月,英國倫敦大學學院訪問學者,英國格拉斯哥大學Honorary Professor;
 2012年3月-9月,香港大學地球科學系Honorary Research;
 2016年-2017年,美國阿肯色大學訪問學者,美國亞利桑那大學訪問學者。






  1. 系統研究了湖泊沉積物碳十四測年存在的“碳庫效應”,較早提出我國湖泊碳庫效應隨時空變化,碳循環過程是影響湖泊碳庫效應變化的主因;
  2. 重建了季風邊緣區高山湖泊中晚全新世高解析度氣候記錄,為當前全球環境變化研究和未來氣候變化研究提供了氣候背景,並提出湖泊沉積更好地記錄了極端氣候事件,為新石器以來文明演化與人類活動提供了環境依據;
  3. 定量重建了中國南北氣候過渡帶高山湖泊溫度和濕度變化,為氣候模擬和氣候驅動機制分析提供了關鍵區域氣候要素;


  1. Chen, L., Zhao, J., Zhang, Z., Shen, Z., Dong, W.*, Ma, R., Chen, J., Niu, L., Chen, S., Wu, D., Liu, J., Zhou, A.*, 2022. Lake eutrophication in northeast China induced by the recession of the East Asian summer monsoon. Quaternary Science Reviews 281, 107448. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.1074482.
  2. Chen, L., Huang, Z., Niu, L., Dong, W. *, Xiao, S., Chen, S., Zhao, J., Wu, D., Zhou, A. *, 2021. GDGTs-based quantitative reconstruction of water level changes and precipitation at Daye Lake, Qinling Mountains (central-east China), over the past 2000 years. Quaternary Science Reviews 267, 107099. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.1070993.
  3. Zhang, Y., Cui, Q.*, Huang, Y., Wu, D., Zhou, A.*, 2021. Vegetation Response to Holocene Climate Change in the Qinling Mountains in the Temperate–Subtropical Transition Zone of Central–East China. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9, 734011. https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2021.7340114.
  4. Zhang, Y., Marquer, L., Cui, Q. *, Zheng, Z., Zhao, Y., Wan, Q., Zhou, A. *, 2021. Holocene vegetation changes in the transition zone between subtropical and temperate ecosystems in Eastern Central China. Quaternary Science Reviews 253, 106768. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.1067685.
  5. Ji, P., Chen, J., Zhou, A., Ma, R., Chen, R., Chen, S., Lv, F., Ding, G., Liu, Y., Chen, F., 2021. Biofuels Reserve Controlled Wildfire Regimes Since the Last Deglaciation: A Record From Gonghai Lake, North China. Geophysical Research Letters 48. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL0940426.
  6. Meng, B., Zhou, A., Zhang, Y., Song, M., Liu, W., Xie, Z., Li, S., Liu, Z., 2020. Downcore variations of carbon reservoir ages linked to lake level changes in northwest China. Quaternary Geochronology 60, 101105. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quageo.2020.1011057.
  7. Yang, R., Wu, D.*, Li, Z., Yuan, Z., Niu, L., Zhang, H., Chen, J., Zhou, A.*, 2021. Holocene-Anthropocene transition in northwestern Yunnan revealed by records of soil erosion and trace metal pollution from the sediments of Lake Jian, southwestern China. J Paleolimnol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10933-021-00193-x.8.
  8. Zhang, X., Zhou, A.*, Huang, Z., An, C., Zhao, Y., Yin, L., Russell, J.M., 2021. Moisture evolution in North Xinjiang (northwest China) during the last 8000 years linked to the westerlies’ winter half-year precipitation. Quat. res. 100, 122–134. https://doi.org/10.1017/qua.2020.949.
  9. Wu, D.*, Zhou, A.*, Zhang, J., Chen, J., Li, G., Wang, Q., Chen, L., Madsen, D., Abbott, M., Cheng, B., Chen, F., 2020. Temperature-induced dry climate in basins in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the early to middle Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews 237, 106311. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.10631110.
  10. Zhang, C., Zhao, C., Yu, Z., Zhang, H., Zhou, A., Zhang, X., Feng, X., Sun, X., Shen, J., 2020. Western Pacific Ocean influences on monsoon precipitation in the southwestern Chinese Loess Plateau since the mid-Holocene. Clim Dyn 54, 3121–3134. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-020-05159-911.
  11. Chen, T., Qiu, M., Liu, R.*, Li, H., Hou, H., Howarth, P., Bowring, S., Zhou, A.*, 2020. HUMAN RESPONSES TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE LATE PREHISTORIC WESTERN LOESS PLATEAU, NORTHWEST CHINA. Radiocarbon 62, 1193–1207. https://doi.org/10.1017/RDC.2020.3212.
  12. Cheng, B., Adams, J., Chen, J., Zhou, A.*, Zhang, Q., Mackay, A.W.*, 2020. Neoglacial trends in diatom dynamics from a small alpine lake in the Qinling mountains of central China. Clim. Past 16, 543–554. https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-16-543-202013.
  13. Zhang, C., Zhou, A.*, Zhang, H., Zhang, Q., Zhang, X., Sun, H., Zhao, C., 2019. Soil erosion in relation to climate change and vegetation cover over the past 2000 years as inferred from the Tianchi lake in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 180, 103850. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2019.04.01914.
  14. Zhang, C., Zhao, C., Zhou, A., Zhang, K., Wang, R., Shen, J., 2019. Late Holocene lacustrine environmental and ecological changes caused by anthropogenic activities in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Quaternary Science Reviews 203, 266–277. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.11.02015.
  15. Wang, H., He, Y., Liu, W., Zhou, A., Kolpakova, M., Krivonogov, S., Liu, Z., 2019. Lake Water Depth Controlling Archaeal Tetraether Distributions in Midlatitude Asia: Implications for Paleo Lake‐Level Reconstruction. Geophys. Res. Lett. 46, 5274–5283. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL08215716.
  16. Feng, X., Zhao, C., D’Andrea, W.J., Liang, J., Zhou, A., Shen, J., 2019. Temperature fluctuations during the Common Era in subtropical southwestern China inferred from brGDGTs in a remote alpine lake. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 510, 26–36. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2018.12.02817.
  17. Chen, Jianhui, Liu, J., Zhang, X., Chen, S., Huang, W., Chen, Jie, Zhang, S., Zhou, A., Chen, F., 2019. Unstable Little Ice Age climate revealed by high-resolution proxy records from northwestern China. Clim Dyn 53, 1517–1526. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-019-04685-518.
  18. Chen, F., Chen, J., Huang, W., Chen, S., Huang, X., Jin, L., Jia, J., Zhang, X., An, C., Zhang, J., Zhao, Y., Yu, Z., Zhang, R., Liu, J., Zhou, A., Feng, S., 2019. Westerlies Asia and monsoonal Asia: Spatiotemporal differences in climate change and possible mechanisms on decadal to sub-orbital timescales. Earth-Science Reviews 192, 337–354. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.03.00519.
  19. Liu, C., Huang, W., Feng, S., Chen, J., Zhou, A., 2018. Spatiotemporal variations of aridity in China during 1961–2015: decomposition and attribution. Science Bulletin 63, 1187–1199. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2018.07.00720.
  20. Sun, H., Bendle, J., Seki, O., Zhou, A.*, 2018. Mid- to- late Holocene hydroclimatic changes on the Chinese Loess Plateau: evidence from n-alkanes from the sediments of Tianchi Lake. J Paleolimnol 60, 511–523. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10933-018-0037-921.
  21. Wu, D., Chen, X., Lv, F., Brenner, M., Curtis, J., Zhou, A., Chen, J., Abbott, M., Yu, J., Chen, F., 2018. Decoupled early Holocene summer temperature and monsoon precipitation in southwest China. Quaternary Science Reviews 193, 54–67. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.05.03822.
  22. Zhang, X., Zhou, A., Wang, X., Song, M., Zhao, Y., Xie, H., Russell, J.M., Chen, F., 2018. Unmixing grain-size distributions in lake sediments: a new method of endmember modeling using hierarchical clustering. Quat. res. 89, 365–373. https://doi.org/10.1017/qua.2017.7823.
  23. Li, Y., Qiang, M., Jin, Y., Liu, L., Zhou, A., & Zhang, J. (2017). Influence of Aquatic Plant Photosynthesis on the Reservoir Effect of Genggahai Lake, Northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Radiocarbon, 1-9. doi:10.1017/RDC.2017.12724.
  24. Chen, J.-H., Lv, F.-Y., Huang, X.-Z., Birks, H.-JB., Telford, R.-J., Zhang, S.-R., Xu, Q.-H., Zhao, Y., Wang, H.-P., Zhou, A.-F., Huang, W., Liu, J.-B., Wei, G.-Y., 2017.A novel procedure for pollen-based quantitative paleoclimate reconstructions and its application in China. Science China-Earth Sciences, 60(11): 2059-2066.25.
  25. Li, Y., Qiang, M.-R., Zhang, J.-W., Huang, X.-Z., Zhou, A.-F., Chen, J.-H., Wang, G.-G., Zhao, Y., 2017. Hydroclimatic changes over the past 900 years documented by the sediments of Tiewaike Lake, Altai Mountains, Northwestern China. Quaternary International, 452: 91-101.26.
  26. Zhao, Y.-T., An, C.-B., Duan, F.-T., Zhao, J.-J., Mao, L.-M., Zhou, A.-F., Cao, Z.-H., Chen, F.-H., 2017. Consistent vegetation and climate deterioration from early to late MIS3 revealed by multi-proxies (mainly pollen data) in north-west China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 244:43-53.27.
  27. Chen, X.-M., Huang, X.-Z., Wu, D., Zhang, X.-N., Dodson, J, Zhou, A.-F., Chen, F.-H., 2017. Modern pollen assemblages in topsoil and surface sediments of the Xingyun Lake catchment, central Yunnan Plateau, China, and their implications for interpretation of the fossil pollen record. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 241:1-12.28.
  28. Chen, F., Wu, D., Chen, J., Zhou, A., Yu, J., Shen, J., ... & Huang, X. (2016). Holocene moisture and East Asian summer monsoon evolution in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau recorded by Lake Qinghai and its environs: A review of conflicting proxies. Quaternary Science Reviews, 154, 111-129.29.
  29. Dong, G.-H., Liu, H.-G., Yang, Y.-S., Yang, Y., Zhou, A.-F., Wang, Z.-X., Ren, X.-Y., Chen, F.-H., 2016. Emergence of ancient cities in relation to geopolitical circumstances and climate change during late Holocene in northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Frontiers of Earth Science, 10(4): 669-682. 30.
  30. Zhang, X.-N., Zhou, A.-F.*, Zhang, C., Hao, S.-T., Zhao, Y.-T., An, C.-B., 2016. High-resolution records of climate change in arid eastern central Asia during MIS 3 (51600-25300 cal a BP) from Wulungu Lake, north-western China. Journal of Quaternary Science, 31(6): 577-586 (SCI-2/2, 2.857)
  31. Zhou AF*, He YH, Wu D, Zhang XN, Zhang C et al., 2015. Changes in the radiocarbon reservoir age in Lake Xingyun, southwestern China during the Holocene. PlosOne,DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121532(IF=3.53)
  32. Wu, D.,Zhou, A.-F., Chen, X.-M., Yu, J.-Q., Zhang, J.-W., Sun, H.-L., 2015. Hydrological and ecosystem response to abrupt changes in the Indian monsoon during the last glacial, as recorded by sediments from Xingyun Lake, Yunnan, China, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2015, 421: 15-23(SCI-2, 2.630)
  33. Wu, D., Zhou, A.-F., Liu, J.-B., et al. 2015. Changing intensity of human activity over the last 2,000 years recorded by the magnetic characteristics of sediments from Xingyun Lake, Yunnan, China. Journal of Paleolimnology, 53(1):47-60(SCI-3, 2.082)
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  35. Chen X, Chen F, Zhou A, et al. Vegetation history, climatic changes and Indian summer monsoon evolution during the Last Glaciation (36,400–13,400 cal yr BP) documented by sediments from Xingyun Lake, Yunnan, China[J]. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2014, 410: 179-189.
  36. Zhao, Y., Yu, Z., Tang, Y., Li, H., Yang, B., Li, F., ...& Zhou, A.(2014). Peatland initiation and carbon accumulation in China over the last 50,000 years. Earth-Science Reviews, 128, 139-146.
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  38. Zhou AF, Sun HL, Chen FH, et al , High resolution climate change in mid-late Holocene on Tianchi Lake, Liupan Mountain in the Loess Plateau in central China and its significance, 2010, Chinese Science Bulletin, 55 (20):2118-2121
  39. Zhao Y, Chen FH, Zhou AF, et al., Vegetation history, climate change and human activities over the last 6200 years on the Liupan Mountains in the southwestern Loess Plateau in central China, 2010, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 293(1):197-205
  40. Zhang Ke, Zhao Y, Zhou AF, et al., Late Holocene vegetation dynamic and human activities reconstructed from lake records in western Loess Plateau, China, 2010, Quaternary International, 227(1):38-45
  41. Zhang K, Zhao Y, Yu ZC, Zhou AF, et al., A 2700-year high resolution pollen record of climate change from varved Sugan Lake in the Qaidam Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, 2010, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 297(2):290-298
  42. Zhou Ai-feng, Chen Fa-hu, Wang Zong-li, Yang Mei-lin, Qiang Ming-rui, Zhang Jia-wu, temporal change of radiocarbon reservoir effect in sugan lake, northwest china during the late Holocene, radiocarbon, 2009, 51(2):529-535(SCI)
  43. ZHOU AiFeng, CHEN FaHu, QIANG MingRui, YANG MeiLin, ZHANG JiaWu, 2007, The discovery of annually laminated sediments (varves) from shallow Sugan Lake in inland arid China and their paleoclimatic significance, Science in China Series D, 50(8): 1218-1224
  44. Qiang Mingrui, ChenFahu, Zhou Aifeng, Xiao Shun, Zhang Jiawu and Wang Zhenting, 2007, Impacts of wind velocity on sand and dust deposition during dust storm as inferred from a series of observations in the northeastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, China, Powder Technology, 175(2): 82-89
  45. 張歡, 牛麗麗, 袁子傑, 張燦, 孫惠玲, 張欣佳, 周愛鋒*. 2021. 中晚全新世六盤山流域土壤侵蝕的湖泊沉積記錄[J]. 地球環境學報, 12(2): 146–158.53. 張姚, 崔巧玉, 周愛鋒. 孢粉濃縮物在AMS14C測年研究中的套用及展望. 第四紀研究. 2021, 41(1): 137-146.54.
  46. 馬睿,陳建徽,劉建寶,袁艷麗,周愛鋒,丁國強.湖泊沉積物DNA在氣候環境變化和生態系統回響研究中的套用.湖泊科學,2021,33(3):653-666. DOI:10.18307/2021.030355.
  47. 吳鐸,周愛鋒,張家武,等.我國季風邊緣區湖泊沉積記錄的全新世亞洲夏季風衰退事件.第四紀研究,2019, 39(3): 665-67756.
  48. 柳中暉, 周愛鋒, 劉衛國. 近千年來青海湖水熱變化再重建. 第四紀研究,2017, 37(5): 974-981. DOI: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2017.05.0557.
  49. 郝盛吞, 周愛鋒*, 張曉楠, 吳鐸, 尹麗穎. 湖泊沉積有機碳埋藏效率及其影響要素研究進展. 地球環境學報. 2017 (04): 12-26.58.
  50. 張曉楠, 張燦, 吳鐸, 周愛鋒*. 基於 XRF 岩心掃描的中國西部湖泊沉積物元素地球化學特徵[J]. 海洋地質與第四紀地質, 2015, 35(1): 163-17459.
  51. 張燦, 周愛鋒*, 張曉楠, 吳鐸, 郝盛吞.湖泊沉積記錄的古洪水事件識別及與氣候關係[J]. 地理科學進展, 2015, 34(7): 898-908
  52. 張欣佳,孫惠玲,吳鐸,張曉楠,周愛鋒*. 6200年來六盤山天池磁學特徵及環境重建.湖泊科學. 2013, 25(5): 756-764(通訊作者)
  53. 肖舜,周愛鋒,黃小忠等.柴達木盆地表土與大氣降塵粒度Weibull組成及其環境意義[J].中國沙漠, 2012,32(5): 1193-1200
  54. 周愛鋒,孫惠玲,陳發虎,趙艷,安成邦,董廣輝,王宗禮,陳建徽.黃土高原六盤山天池記錄的中晚全新世高解析度氣候變化及其意義[J].科學通報, 2010,55(22): 2263-2266
  55. 周愛鋒,強明瑞,張家武,陳發虎,鐘艷霞,陳建徽,肖舜.蘇乾湖沉積物紋層計年和210Pb、137Cs測年對比研究,蘭州大學學報,2008,44(6):15-18
  56. 周愛鋒,陳發虎,強明瑞,楊美臨,張家武.2007,內陸乾旱區柴達木盆地蘇乾湖年紋層的發現及其意義,中國科學D輯,37(7):941-948


