
周愛軍:男,2000.92004.7 浙江大學 材料科學與工程專業,本科學士學位,2012.8至今電子科技大學 微電子與固體電子學院,副教授


  • 中文名:周愛軍
  • 職業:電子科技大學 微電子與固體電子學院副教授
  • 性別:男
2000.92004.7 浙江大學 材料科學與工程專業,本科學士學位
2004.92010.3 浙江大學 材料科學與工程專業,工學博士
2007.82009.9 德國航空航天研究中心(DLR)材料研究所,聯合培養博士
工作履歷/Work Experience
2010.42012.7電子科技大學 微電子與固體電子學院,講師
2013.72014.7 香港中文大學 機械與自動化工程學院,訪問學者
2012.8至今 電子科技大學 微電子與固體電子學院,副教授
學術任職/Academic Affairs
研究方向/Research Interests
1. 熱電轉換材料及器件/Thermoelectric materials & devices
a) 矽化物、碲化物、銻化物及氧化物體系熱電材料
b) 薄膜熱電材料的製備及熱電性能表征
c) 基於物聯網套用的薄膜/厚膜微型熱電器件的開發
2. 鋰(鈉)離子電池材料/Lithium (Sodium) ion batteries
d) 鈷酸鋰、三元及富鋰正極材料的合成和表面改性
e) 薄膜及全固態鋰離子電池
科研項目/Funded Projects
1. Zhou*, Aijun, Weihang Wang, Bin Yang, Jingze Li, and Qiang Zhao, Thermal conductivity study of micrometer-thick thermoelectric films by using three-omega methods. Applied Thermal Engineering accepted (2016)
2. Dai, Xinyi, Aijun Zhou*, Jin Xu, Yanting Lu, Liping Wang, Cong Fan, and Jingze Li*, Extending the high-voltage capacity of LiCoO2 cathode by direct coating of the composite electrode with Li2CO3 via magnetron sputtering. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2016) 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b10677.
3. Zhou, Aijun, Qiang Fu, Wenhua Zhang, Bin Yang, Jingze Li, Pawel Ziolkowski, Eckhard Mueller, and Dongyan Xu*, Enhancing the Thermoelectric Properties of the Electroplated Bi2Te3 Films by Tuning the Pulse Off-to-on Ratio. Electrochimica Acta 178 (2015) 217-224.
4. Dai, Xinyi, Aijun Zhou*, Jin Xu, Bin Yang, Liping Wang, and Jingze Li*, Superior Electrochemical Performance of LiCoO2 Electrodes Enabled by Conductive Al2O3-doped ZnO Coating via Magnetron Sputtering. Journal of Power Sources 228 (2015) 114-122.
5. Dai, Xinyi, Aijun Zhou, Jin Xu, Yanting Lu, Liping Wang, Cong Fan, and Jingze Li, Extending the High-Voltage Capacity of LiCoO2 Cathode by Direct Coating of the Composite Electrode With Li2CO3 via Magnetron Sputtering. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2015)
6. Zhang, H.Q., Q.J. Deng, A.J. Zhou, X.Q. Liu, and J.Z.* Li, Porous Li2C8H4O4 coated with N-doped carbon by using CVD as an anode material for Li-ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (2014) 5696-5702.
7. Ying, Wang, Zhou Aijun, Dai Xinyi, Feng Lidong, Xu Xiaohui, Du Jingfang, and Li Jingze*, A Review of Selenization of Metal Precursors for the Deposition of CIGS Thin Film. Rare Metal Materials & Engnineering 43 (2014) 506-512.
8. Wang, Y., W. Zou, X.Y. Dai, L.D. Feng, H.Q. Zhang, A.J. Zhou, and J.Z.* Li, Solid-state synthesis of graphite carbon-coated Li4Ti5O12 anode for lithium ion batteries. Ionics 20 (2014) 1377-1383.
9. Wang, Y., A.J. Zhou, X.Y. Dai, L.D. Feng, J.W. Li, and J.Z.* Li, Solid-state synthesis of submicron-sized Li4Ti5O12/Li2TiO3 composites with rich grain boundaries for lithium ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 266 (2014) 114-120.
10. Wang, L.P., H.Q. Zhang, Q.J. Deng, Z.L. Huang, A.J. Zhou, and J.Z.* Li, Superior rate performance of Li4Ti5O12/TiO2/C/CNTs composites viamicroemulsion-assisted method as anodes for lithium ion battery. Electrochimica Acta 142 (2014) 202-207.
11. W., Zou, J.W. Li, Q.J. Deng, J. Xue, X.Y. Dai, A.J. Zhou, and J.Z.* Li, Microspherical Na2Ti3O7 prepared by spray-drying method as anode material for sodium-ion battery. Solid State Ionics 262 (2014)
12. Dai, X.Y., A.J.* Zhou, L.D. Feng, Y. Wang, J. Xu, and J.Z.* Li, Molybdenum thin films with low resistivity and superior adhesion deposited by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering at elevated temperature. Thin Solid Films 567 (2014) 64-71
13. Dai, X.Y., L.P. Wang, J. Xu, Y. Wang, A.J. Zhou, and J.Z.* Li, Improved Electrochemical Performance of LiCoO2 Electrodes with ZnO Coating by Radio-Frequency Magnetron Sputtering. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6 (2014) 15853-15859.
14. Zhou, A. J.*, L. D. Feng, W. Liu, X. Y. Dai, H. G. Cui, X. B. Zhao, and J. Z. Li, Sequential Evaporation and Thermoelectric Transport Properties of Bi-Te Thin Films with Controllable Composition Journal of Electronic Materials 42 (2013) 2184-2191.
15. Zhou, Aijun*, Lidong Feng, Wei Liu, Xinyi Dai, Hengguan Cui, Xinbing Zhao, and Jingze Li, Performance evaluation of a silicide-based thermoelectric generator for power generation. Materials Science Forum 743-744 (2013) 144-152.
16. Zhang, Haiquan, Qijiu Deng, Chengxu Mou, Zongling Huang, Ying Wang, Aijun Zhou, and Jingze* Li, Surface Structure and High-Rate Performance of Spinel Li4Ti5O12 Coated with N-Doped Carbon as Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries. Journal of Power Sources 239 (2013) 538-545.
17. LI Jian-Wen, ZHOU Ai-Jun, LIU Xing-Quan, LI Jing-Ze*, Si Nanowire Anode Prepared by Chemical Etching for High Energy Density Lithium-ion Battery (in Chinese). Journal of Inorganic Materials 28 (2013) 1207-1212.
18. 戴新義, 李劍文, 張海全, 黃宗令, 鄧七九, 周愛軍, and 李晶澤*, 薄膜鋰離子電池關鍵電極材料的研究. 新材料產業 9 (2012) 15-21.
19. Zou, Wei, Xiaozhou Cai, Jianwen Li, Xinyi Dai, Haiquan Zhang, Aijun Zhou, Jingze* Li, Lijun Song, and Tomokazu Iyoda, Selective deposition on block copolymer film by thermal evaporation of silver. Surface & Coatings Technology 206 (2012) 4634-4638.
20. Zhou, A. J., D. Mei, X. G. Kong, X. H. Xu, L. D. Feng, X. Y. Dai, T. Gao, and J. Z.* Li, One-step synthesis of Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 absorber layers by magnetron sputtering from a single quaternary target. Thin Solid Films 520 (2012) 6068-6074.
21. Zhou, A. J.*, H. G. Cui, J. Z. Li, T. J. Zhu, and X. B. Zhao, Bulk higher manganese silicides thermoelectric materials and modules (in Chinese). Procedia Engineering 27 (2012) 94-102.
22. ZHAO, Lin-na, Ying WANG, Ai-jun ZHOU, Jing-ze* LI, and Tao GAO, Non-vacuum fabrication of CIGS film by screen printing method (in Chinese). Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities (Natural Science Edition) 38 (2012) 431-434.
23. Zou, Wei, Ying Wang, Zhihong Wang, Aijun Zhou, Jingze* Li, Aimin Chang, Qi Wang, Motonori Komura, Kaori Ito, and Tomokazu Iyoda, Solvent induced formation of an ordered nanorod array of gold/polymer composite by block copolymer film templating. Nanotechnology 22 (2011) 335301.335301
24. Zhou, Ai-Jun*, Heng-Guan Cui, Jing-Ze Li, and Xin-Bing Zhao, Structure and Morphology of Induction-Melted Higher Manganese Silicide. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica 27 (2011) 2915-2919.
25. Zhou, Aijun, Tiejun Zhu, Xinbing* Zhao, and Eckhard Mueller, Grain size effect on the phase transformations of higher manganese silicide thermoelectric materials: An in situ energy dispersive x-ray diffraction study. Journal of Materials Research 26 (2011) 1900-1906.
26. Huo, Wenpei, Jingze* Li, Guoguang Chen, Yi Wang, Wei Zou, Qiang Rao, Aijun Zhou, Aimin Chang, and Qi Wang, LiCoO2 thin film cathode fabricated by pulsed laser deposition. Rare Metals 30 (2011) 106-110.
27. Dasgupta, T., C. Stiewe, R. Hassdorf, A. J. Zhou, L. Boettcher, and E.* Mueller, Effect of vacancies on the thermoelectric properties of Mg2Si1-xSbx (0 <= x <= 0.1). Physical Review B 83 (2011) 235207
28. Zhu, T. J., K. Xiao, C. Yu, J. J. Shen, S. H. Yang, A. J. Zhou, X. B.* Zhao, and J. He, Effects of yttrium doping on the thermoelectric properties of Hf(0.6)Zr(0.4)NiSn(0.98)Sb(0.02) half-Heusler alloys. Journal of Applied Physics 108 (2010) 044903
29.Zhou, A. J., T. J. Zhu, X. B.* Zhao, S. H. Yang, T. Dasgupta, C. Stiewe, R. Hassdorf, and E. Mueller, Improved Thermoelectric Performance of Higher Manganese Silicides with Ge Additions.Journal of Electronic Materials39 (2010) 2002-2007.
30.Zhou, A. J., X. B.* Zhao, T. J. Zhu, S. H. Yang, T. Dasgupta, C. Stiewe, R. Hassdorf, and E. Mueller, Microstructure and thermoelectric properties of SiGe-added higher manganese silicides.Materials Chemistry and Physics124 (2010) 1001-1005.
31.Zhou, A. J., X. B.* Zhao, T. J. Zhu, T. Dasgupta, C. Stiewe, R. Hassdorf, and E. Mueller, Mechanochemical decomposition of higher manganese suicides in the ball milling process.Intermetallics18 (2010) 2051-2056.
32.Zhou, A. J.*, X. B. Zhao, T. J. Zhu, Y. Q. Cao, C. Stiewe, R. Hassdorf, and E. Mueller, Composites of Higher Manganese Silicides and Nanostructured Secondary Phases and Their Thermoelectric Properties.Journal of Electronic Materials38 (2009) 1072-1077.
33.Zhou, A. J., T. J. Zhu, X. B.* Zhao, H. Y. Chen, and E. Mueller, Fabrication and thermoelectric properties of perovskite-type oxide La1-xSrxCoO3 (x=0, 0.1).Journal of Alloys and Compounds449 (2008) 105-108.
34.Zhou, A. J., T. J. Zhu, and X. B.* Zhao, Thermoelectric properties of perovskite oxides La(1-x)Sr(x)CoO(3) prepared by polymerlized complex method.Journal of Materials Science43 (2008) 1520-1524.
35.Zhou, A. J., T. J. Zhu, H. L. Ni, Q. Zhang, and X. B.* Zhao, Preparation and transport properties of CeSi2/HMS thermoelectric composites.Journal of Alloys and Compounds455 (2008) 255-258.
36. Zhang, Q., T. J. Zhu,A. J. Zhou, H. Yin, and X. B.* Zhao, Preparation and thermoelectric properties of Mg(2)Si(1-x)Sn(x).Physica ScriptaT129 (2007) 123-126.
37. Hu, J. Z., X. B.* Zhao, T. J. Zhu, andA. J. Zhou, Synthesis and transport properties of Bi2Te3 nanocomposites.Physica ScriptaT129 (2007) 120-122.
38.Zhou, A. J., T. J. Zhu, and X. B.* Zhao, Thermoelectric properties of perovskite-type oxide La1-xSrxCoO3 (x=0, 0.1) prepared by solid state reactions.Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology128 (2006) 174-178.
學術會議報告/Conference contributions
第31屆國際熱電會議(2012.7.9-12),丹麥奧爾堡, Sequentially Evaporated Bi-Te Thin Films with Controllable Composition and Their Thermoelectric Transport Properties
第29屆國際熱電會議(2009.7.26-30),德國弗萊堡,口頭報告:Improved thermoelectric performance of Higher Manganese Silicides with Ge-addition
第6屆歐洲熱電會議(2008.7.2-4),法國巴黎,Effect of ball milling on the phase constitution and microstructure of induction melted Higher Manganese Silicides and their thermoelectric properties
第十八屆全國電化學大會(2015.8.7-11),哈爾濱,(1) Magnetron Sputtering Tuning and Electrochemical Performance of Oriented LiCoO2 Thin Films as Cathode Materials for All-Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries;(2)鋰離子電池負極材料(Cu1-xFex)3P的機械合金化製備和電化學性能研究;(3)磁控濺射Li3PO4薄膜包覆LiCoO2複合電極的研究;(4)鋰離子電池負極材料Li4Ti5O12球型顆粒的噴霧乾燥製備與原位C包覆
第34屆國際熱電會議(2015.6.28-7.2),德國德勒斯登, Electrochemical deposition of Bi2Te3 thin/thick films and full characterizations of their thermoelectric properties
第六屆中國熱電材料及套用學術會議(2014.10.11-14),南昌,電鍍製備Bi2Te3 薄膜/厚膜的Seebeck係數測量及其厚度與襯底效應
第32屆國際熱電會議(2013.6.29-7.4),日本神戶,(1) Microstructure and Thermoelectric Transport Properties of Electrochemically Deposited Bi2Te3 Thin Films,(2) Tuning the microstructures and the electrical properties of screen-printed manganese silicides thick films by incorporation of conductive nanoparticles
2012中國材料大會(2012.7.13-18),太原,Performance Evaluation of a Silicide-based Thermoelectric Generator for Power Generation
16屆全國固態離子學學術會議暨下一代能源材料與技術國際研討會(2012.7.6-9),成都, Bi2Te3厚膜熱電材料的絲網印刷法製備及其電學輸運性能
第28屆國際熱電會議(2008.8.3-7),美國俄勒岡,Composites of Higher Manganese Silicides and nanostructured second phases and their thermoelectric properties


