- 中文名:周德明
- 畢業院校:美國加利福尼亞大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:運營管理,供應鏈管理,契約對策
- 職稱:滙豐商學院副教授
“A study on capacity allocation scheme with seasonal demand”, Jian Zhou, Zheyu Tang, Deming Zhou and Ting Fang. International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 53, Issue 15, pp. 4538-4552, 2015.
“Perishable Product Inventory Policies with Emergency Replenishments,” Deming Zhou, Lawrence C. Leung, and Bill Pierskalla. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. Vol. 13, pp. 420-438. 2011.
“Designing Supply Contracts: Contract Type and Information Asymmetry”, Charles Corbett, Deming Zhou, and Chris Tang. Management Science. Vol. 50, No.4, pp.550-559, 2004.
“Price Discount Based on Early Order Commitment in a Single-Manufacturer-Multiple-Retailer Supply Chain”, Jinxing Xie, Deming Zhou, Jerry Wei & Xiande Zhao. European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 200, pp.368-376, 2010.
“The Effect of Demand Uncertainty on Channel Structure”, Wen Cao, Bo Jiang, and Deming Zhou. European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 207, pp.1471-1488, 2010.
“Postponement Strategy from a Supply Chain Perspective: Cases from China”, Jeff Yeung, Willem Selen, Deming Zhou, and Min Zhang. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. Vol. 37 No. 4, pp.331-356, 2007. (Annual Highly Commended Award by Emerald Literati network in 2008)
“A Fuzzy Programming Approach for Supply Chain Network Design”, Xiaoyu Ji, Deming Zhou, and Xiande Zhao. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems. Vol. 15, pp.75-87, 2007.