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  • 中文名:周建業
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族 
  • 出生日期:1978年6月
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 職業:教師
  • 職務:西北民族大學醫學部教授、碩士生導師
  • 主要成就:國家民委青年英才 



1. 2016年,蘭州大學,土木工程與力學學院,博士畢業,導師:王記增
2. 2005/09-2008/06,蘭州大學口腔醫學院,口腔微生物學,碩士 ,導師:何祥一
3. 1996/09-2001/06,蘭州醫學院,口腔系,學士


1. 2001-2006,武警8670部隊醫院
2. 2008- 2024 西北民族大學口腔醫學院





(1) Guoyun Ma, Liya,Ma, Zhou J*, et al. Comparison of oral microbial community structure among the same ethnic group in different living environments[J]. BioMed Research International.2022:4(5)
(2) Ikram Khan, Imran Khan3,... Zhou J, et al. Comparison of Microbial Populations in the Blood of Patients With Myocardial Infarction and Healthy Individuals.Frontiers in Microbiology,2022:
(3) Ikram Khan, Imran Khan3,... Zhou J, et al. Analysis of the blood bacterial composition of patients with acute coronary syndrome and chronic coronary syndrome. Frontiers in cellutar and infection microbiology.
(4) Khan I, Khan I, Jianye Z, et al. Exploring blood microbial communities and their influence on human cardiovascular disease[J]. Journal of Clinical Labora- tory Analysis, 2022: e24354.(1)
(5) Khan I, Khan I, Jianye Z, et al.Analysis of mitochndrial DNA mutation in pakistani women gestations diabetes melltitus. Intenational journal of biomedicine
(6) Wu S, Yu F, Zhou J*, et al. Do Maternal Microbes Shape Newborn Oral Microbes?[J]. Indian Journal of Microbiology, 2020.
(7)Xiao Ma, Xuefei Zhang, Jia Liu.,Zhou J. The correlations between Th1 and Th2 cytokines in human alveolar echinococcosis, BMC Infectious Diseases 2020,doi: 10.21203/rs.2.21197/v1 (2)
(8) Li Y , Gao X , Zhou J. et al. Modification of Mcl-1 alternative splicing induces apoptosis and suppresses tumor proliferation in gastric cancer[J]. (2020) Aging, 12(19):19293-19315.a
(9) Zhou J, Jiang N, Wang Z, Li L, Jumei Zhang, Ma R, Nie H , Li Z. Influences of pH and iron on the salivary microbiome in individuals with and without caries.[J]. Applied and environmental microbiology, 2017, 83(4): e02412-16.
(10) Zhou J, Yao Y, Jiao K, Zhang J, Zheng X, Wu F, Hu X, Li J, Yu Z, Zhang G, Jiang N, Li Z. Relationship between Gingival Crevicular Fluid Microbiota and Cytokine Profile in Periodontal Host Homeostasis[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017, 8:2144.
(11) Yao Y, Wei Y, Wei L, Zhou J. Effect of Inoculum on Anaerobic Co-digestion of Vegetable Processing Wastes and Cattle Manure at High Solids Concentration[J]. Waste& Biomass Valorization, 2017(6):1-8. (9)
(12) Zhou J, Jiang N, Wang S, Hu X, Jiao K, He X, Li Z, Wang J.. Exploration of Human Salivary Microbiomes—Insights into the Novel Characteristics of Microbial Community Structure in Caries and Caries-Free Subjects[J]. PloS one, 2016, 11(1): e0147039.
(13) Zhou J, Zhu Y, Yu Z, Jiao K, Wu F, Li Z. Microbial community structure in saliva from children of the Baoan nationality with or without dental caries in gansu, China[J]. Biomedical Research, 2017, 28(1): 306-308.
(14) Yao Y, Zhou J*,An L, Kafle G K, et al. Role of soil in improving process performance and methane yield of anaerobic digestion with corn straw as substrate[J]. Energy, 2018, 151
(15) Zhou J, Jiang N, Jiao K, Yu Z, Zheng X, Zhang J, Wu F, Li J, Li Z. Bacterial community of saliva in adults with and without periodontitis[J]. International journal of clinical and experimental medicine,2016, 9(8): 16192-16198.
(16) Huang H,Chen L, Zhang X, Wu S, Yi G, Li Z, Zhou J#. "Untargeted metabolomics analysis for a strain of Bacillus subtilis isolated from the oral cavity." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 11.4 (2018): 3729-+.
(17) Hu X, Li Z, Zhou J, Yu Z, Zhang J, Guo M. Analysis of the association between polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene and dental caries in a Chinese population[J]. Genet Mol Res, 2015, 14(3): 11631-11638.
(18) Li Z, Hu X, Zhou J, Li Z, Hu X, Zhou J, Xie X, Zhang J. Genetic polymorphisms in the carbonic anhydrase VI gene and dental caries susceptibility[J]. Genet Mol Res, 2015, 14(4): 5986-5993.
(19) Tingli Zhang,Yonghong Li, Zhou J. et al. "Comparison of the community-acquired
pneumonia and COVID-19 at the early stage: Findings from two cohort studies”Annals of Palliative Medicine, (2021)21-2006,
(20) Xiao-Pan Hu1, Tian-Zhu Song1, Yan-YanZhu1,Zhou J. et al.Associationof ENAM, TUFT1,MMP13, IL1B, IL10 and IL1RNgene polymorphism anddental cariessusceptibilityin Chinese children Journal of InternationalMedical Research 2019, Vol. 47(4) 1696–1704
(21)Lingli Wu, Zhiqiang Li, Zhou J. et An association analysis for genetic factors for dental caries susceptibility in a cohort of Chinese children[J]. Oral Diseases, 2020.
(22) Khan I, Khan I, . Zhou J. et Circulating microbiota and metabolites: Insights into cardiovascular diseases J Clin Lab Anal. 2022;00:e24779.
(23) Tingli Zhang,Yonghong Li, Zhou J. et al. "Comparison of the community-acquired
pneumonia and COVID-19 at the early stage: Findings from two cohort studies”Annals of Palliative Medicine, (2021)21-2006
(23)Fangchen, Liu;Rui, Ma; Zhou J. et al. The Influence of Different Pore Sizes of Bovine Bone Scaffold Material on the Oral Microbiota. Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering. 2023.05
(24)Cheng, XRui, Ma; Zhou J. et al.Preparation and osteogenic properties of β-TCP+HA+GO Composites. Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering. 2023.06
(25)Ikram Khan, Gao Jianli, Mian Gul Hilal, Lei Shengnan, Imran Khan, Naqash Alam, Zhou Jianye, Li Zhiqiang, and An Lizhe. (2022). Glucose: an ongoing risk factor for myocardial infarction. Cardiology research and cardiovascular medicine. www.doi.org.10.29011/2575-7083-100183.
(26) Ikram Khan, Anum A, Khan I, Khan M, Ali F, Khan S, Khan F, Zhou Jianye, Lizhe A, Zhiqiang L. (2022). Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in Pakistani Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. International Journal of Biomedicine. doi.org/10.21103/Article12(3)_OA17.
(27) Xiao-Pan Hu1, Tian-Zhu Song1, Yan-YanZhu1,Zhou J. et al.Associationof ENAM, TUFT1,MMP13, IL1B, IL10 and IL1RNgene polymorphism anddental cariessusceptibilityin Chinese children Journal of InternationalMedical Research 2019, Vol. 47(4) 1696–1704
(28)Lingli Wu, Zhiqiang Li, Zhou J. et An association analysis for genetic factors for dental caries susceptibility in a cohort of Chinese children[J]. Oral Diseases, 2020.


1、周建業 林永盛 實用口腔健康管理,中國科學技術出版社,2023.9
2、周建業 頜骨修復中複合材料的套用,中國科學技術出版社,2023.9


1. 周建業,(2/13),甘肅省特有少數民族齲病的分子流行病學研究,甘肅省教育廳,甘肅省高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎自然科學獎,一等獎(批准號:2015KJ-207),2015.
2. 地級科技進步獎1項:周建業,(1/2),青海省海西州科技創新獎;三等獎;獲獎名稱:一種新型頜骨骨支架材料的研究與製備,2021.
3. 馬忠仁、柏家林、馮若飛、周建業等,國家科技創新團隊獎,2021.
4. 周建業等,甘肅省科技廳創新創業獎,二等獎,青少年心理健康預警機器人研發. 2022


11、 甘肅特有少數民族齲病相關微生物的生態遺傳特徵研,2014年1月-2017年12月,2014國家自然科學基金地區基金項目(31360124),3/10,51萬。
16、甘肅特有少數民族兒童口腔微生物群體感應與齲病的相互關係研究項目,批准號:31760159/ C0309國家自然科學基金委,45萬,2/10, 年限:2018.01-2021.12
17、2019年“扶貧助弱 健康口腔——甘肅臨夏州少數民族全生命周期口腔健康扶貧示範項目”,經費49.9萬元,中國牙病防治基金會
18、口腔微生物與口腔常見疾病的關係研究 項目批准號:17JR5RA274,甘肅省科技廳基礎研究創新群體,50萬,年限:2017.01-2021.09,2/12


1. 具有減振防旋功能的牙科種植體, 2015.10.28,中國,201220375036.4,周建業,陳宏偉,王記增,周又和,李志傑,范勤,劉斌。
2. 一種酸激活CSP靶向抗菌肽及其製備和套用,2015.07.29, 中國,01210314814.3,周建業,張偉,王記增,林志偉,陳熙明,李志傑。
3. 偏心軸式半固定阻鼾器,2015.10.28,中國,ZL201310169423.1,周建業, 李志強,胡曉潘,張軒,焦康禮,王記增。
4. 一種骨支架複合材料的製備方法;發明專利;專利號:ZL201710512368.X
5. 實用新型專利:專利名稱:一種採樣拭子取樣頭及新型人體採樣矽膠拭子;專利號:202020413456.X
6. 2022/02/18 白仲添,張保新,席莉莉,周建業, 國家發明專利, 人PCID2蛋白在製備或篩選抗腫瘤藥物中的套用及具有抗腫瘤活性的化合物(ZL2021 1 0364129.0). 申請日期: 2021/4/3
7. Zhou, Jianye; Jiao, Kangli; Zhang, Xuan; Song, Tianzhu; Zhang, Jumei; Zheng, Xin; Hu, Xiaopan; Li, Zhiqiang and Xie, Xiaodong A Preparation Method of Bone Scaffold Composite Material Patent number: 2021103980




