



  • 中文名:周小順
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1981年
  • 畢業院校廈門大學浙江大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:物理化學
  • 主要成就:國家“萬人計畫”青年拔尖人才
  • 任職院校:浙江師範大學




已以通訊作者身份在Nat. Commun.、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Adv. Mater.、Nano Lett.、J. Phys. Chem. Lett.、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces、Nanoscale等SCI期刊上發表論文。同時擔任J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、J. Phys. Chem. Lett.、Small、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces、Cell Rep. Phys. Sci.、Sci. Bull.和Nano Res.等期刊審稿人。主持國家自然科學基金項目6項、浙江省傑出青年科學基金項目1項。。



1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,“基於裂結技術的表面酸鹼化學及其電化學調控的單分子水平研究”,2022.01-2025.12,主持
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,“基於量子干涉效應單分子結電子輸運的電化學調控研究”,2019.01-2022.12,主持
3. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,“基於全量程範圍的STM裂結技術套用於芳香性對單分子結電子輸運影響研究”,2016.01-2019.12,主持
4. 浙江省傑出青年科學基金項目,“單分子場效應電晶體的電化學構築和性能研究”,2015.01-2018.12,主持
5. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,“金屬原子線和非氧化-還原型分子結電導的電化學門控研究”,2013.01-2016.12,主持
6. 國家自然科學基金國際(地區)合作交流項目,“電活性分子的超快伏安和構象調控電導研究”,2012.02-2012.12,主持
7. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,“氧化-還原分子電子輸運的STM裂結技術和電化學超快循環伏安法研究”,2011.01-2013.12,主持


[50] Tong, L.; Yu, Z.; Gao, Y.-J.; Li, X.-C.; Zheng, J.-F.; Shao, Y.; Wang, Y.-H.*; Zhou, X.-S.* Local cation-tuned reversible single-molecule switch in electric double layer. Nat. Commun.2023, 14, 3397.
[49] Zhou, Y.-H.; Jiang, C.-C.; Yu, Z.; Wang, Y.-H.*; Zheng, J.-F.*; Zhou, X.-S.* In situ Raman monitoring of electroreductive dehalogenation of aryl halides at an Ag/aqueous solution interface. Anal. Methods 2023, 15, 771-777.
[48] Wang, Y.-H.; Li, X.-C.; Yu, Z.; Zheng, J.-F.; Zhou, X.-S.* Break-junction measurements at electrochemical interface: From electron transport to molecular adsorption and reaction process. Curr. Opin. Electroche. 2023, 39, 101279.
[47] Zhou, Y.-F.; Chang, W.-Y.; Chen, J.-Z.; Huang, J.-R.; Fu, J.-Y.; Zhang, J.-N.; Pei, L.-Q.; Wang, Y.-H.; Jin, S.; Zhou, X.-S.* Substituent-mediated quantum interference toward a giant single-molecule conductance variation. Nanotechnology 2022, 33, 095201.
[46] Yu, Z.; Li, J. Q.; Wang, Y. H.*; Su, J. Q.; Fu, J. Y.; Zou, J. W.; Zheng, J. F.; Shao, Y.; Zhou, X. S.* Visualizing an electrochemically induced radical cation of bipyridine at Au(111)/ionic liquid interfaces toward a single-molecule switch. Anal. Chem. 2022, 94, 1823-1830.
[45] Tong, L.; Bao, S. Y.; Jiang, C. C.; Li, X. C.; Li, J. J.; Huang-Fu, X. N.; Zheng, J. F.; Shao, Y.; Wang, Y. H.*; Gao, Y. J.*; Zhou, X. S.* Tuning the binding configurations of single-molecule junctions by molecular co-assembly. Chem. Commun. 2022, 58, 4962-4965.
[44] Seng, J.-W.; Tong, L.; Peng, X.-Q.; Chang, W.-Y.; Xie, W.; Wang, Y.-H.; Zheng, J.-F.*; Shao, Y.; Chen, J.-Z.*; Jin, S.*; Zhou, X.-S.* Influence of a coordinated metal center on charge transport through a series of porphyrin molecular junctions. J. Phys. Chem. C 2022, 126, 1168-1175.
[43] Lv, S.-L.; Zeng, C.; Yu, Z.; Zheng, J.-F.; Wang, Y.-H.*; Shao, Y.; Zhou, X.-S.* Recent advances in single-molecule sensors based on STM break junction measurements. Biosensors 2022, 12, 565.
[42] Jiang, C.-C.; Li, X.-C.; Fan, J.-A.; Fu, J.-Y.; Huang-Fu, X.-N.; Li, J.-J.; Zheng, J.; Zhou, X.-S.*; Wang, Y.-H.*, Electrochemically activated carbon−halogen bond cleavage and C-C coupling monitored by in situ shell-isolated nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Analyst 2022, 147, 1341-1347.
[41] Fu, J.-Y.; Li, X.-C.; Yu, Z.; Huang-Fu, X.-N.; Fan, J.-A.; Zhang, Z.-Q.; Huang, S.; Zheng, J.-F.; Wang, Y.-H.*; Zhou, X.-S., In Situ Raman Monitoring of Potential-Dependent Adlayer Structures on the Au(111)/Ionic Liquid Interface. Langmuir 2022, 38, 6209-6216.
[40] Yu, Z.; Xu, Y.-X.; Su, J.-Q.; Radjenovic, P. M.; Wang, Y.-H.*; Zheng, J.-F.; Teng, B.*; Shao, Y.; Zhou, X.-S.*; Li, J.-F.* Probing interfacial electronic effects on single-molecule adsorption geometry and electron transport at atomically-flat surfaces. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 15452-15458.
[39] Zhang, Y. J.; Radjenovic, P. M.; Zhou, X. S.*; Zhang, H.*; Yao, J. L.*; Li, J. F.*, Plasmonic core–shell nanomaterials and their applications in spectroscopies. Adv. Mater. 2021, 33, 2005900.
[38] Pei, L.-Q.; Horsley, J. R.; Seng, J.-W.; Liu, X.; Yeoh, Y. Q.; Yu, M.-X.; Wu, X.-H.; Abell, A. D.; Zheng, J.-F.; Zhou, X.-S.*; Yu, J.*; Jin, S.* Mechanically induced switching between two discrete conductance states: A potential single-molecule variable resistor. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 57646-57653.
[37] Wang, Y.-H.; Zhou, Y.-F.; Tong, L.; Huang, H.; Zheng, J.-F.; Xie, W.; Chen, J.-Z.*; Shao, Y.*; Zhou, X.-S.*, Revealing supramolecular interactions and electron transport in single molecular junctions of cucurbit[n]uril. Adv. Electron. Mater. 2021, 7, 2100399.
[36] Li, J. J.; Chen, Z. B.; Wang, Y. H.; Zhou, X. S.*; Xie, L. Q.; Shi, Z.; Liu, J. X.; Yan, J. W.; Mao, B. W.* Single-molecule anisotropic magnetoresistance at room temperature: Influence of molecular structure. Electrochim. Acta 2021, 389, 138760.
[35] Li, X.-M.; Wang, Y.-H.; Seng, J.-W.; Zheng, J.-F.*; Cao, R.; Shao, Y.; Chen, J.-Z.*; Li, J.-F.; Zhou, X.-S.*; Mao, B.-W. z-Piezo pulse-modulated STM break junction: Toward single-molecule rectifiers with dissimilar metal electrodes. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 8656-8663.
[34] Li, H. B.; Xi, Y.-F.; Hong, Z.-W.; Yu, J.; Li, X.-X.; Liu, W.-X.; Domulevicz, L.; Jin, S.*; Zhou, X.-S.*; Hihath, J.* Temperature-dependent tunneling in furan oligomer single-molecule junctions. ACS Sensors 2021, 6, 565-572.
[33] Wang, Y.-H.; Yan, F.; Li, D.-F.; Xi, Y.-F.; Cao, R.; Zheng, J.-F.; Shao, Y.; Jin, S.*; Chen, J.-Z.*; Zhou, X.-S.* Enhanced gating performance of single-molecule conductance by heterocyclic molecules. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 758-763.
[32] Tao, C.-P.; Jiang, C.-C.; Wang, Y.-H.; Zheng, J.-F.; Shao, Y.; Zhou, X.-S.* Single-molecule sensing of interfacial acid–base chemistry. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2020, 11, 10023-10028.
[31] Dong, J.-C.; Su, M.; Briega-Martos, V.; Li, L.; Le, J.-B.; Radjenovic, P.; Zhou, X.-S.; Feliu, J. M.*; Tian, Z.-Q.; Li, J.-F.* Direct in situ raman spectroscopic evidence of oxygen reduction reaction intermediates at high-index Pt(hkl) surfaces. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 715-719.
[30] Wu, X.-H.; Chen, F.; Yan, F.; Pei, L.-Q.; Hou, R.; Horsley, J. R.; Abell, A. D.; Zhou, X. S.*; Yu, J.*; Li, D.-F.; Jin, S.*; Mao, B.-W.*, Constructing dual-molecule junctions to probe intermolecular crosstalk. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 30584-30590.
[29] Wang, Y. H.; Huang, H.; Yu, Z.; Zheng, J.; Shao, Y.; Zhou, X. S.*; Chen, J.*; Li, J. F.* Modulating electron transport through single-molecule junctions by heteroatom substitution. J. Mater. Chem. C 2020, 8, 6826-6831.
[28] Yan, F.; Chen, F.; Wu, X. H.; Luo, J.; Zhou, X. S.*; Horsley, J. R.; Abell, A. D.; Yu, J.*; Jin, S.*; Mao, B. W. Unique metal cation recognition via crown ether-derivatized oligo(phenyleneethynylene) molecular junction. J. Phys. Chem. C 2020, 124, 8496-8503.
[27] Zhang, F.; Wu, X. H.; Zhou, Y. F.; Wang, Y. H.; Zhou, X. S.*; Shao, Y.; Li, J. F.; Jin, S.*; Zheng, J. F.* Improving gating efficiency of electron transport through redox-active molecular junctions with conjugated chain. ChemElectroChem 2020, 7, 1337-1341.
[26] Shen, P.; Huang, M.; Qian, J.; Li, J.; Ding, S.; Zhou, X. S.; Xu, B.; Zhao, Z.*; Tang, B. Z. Achieving efficient multichannel conductance in through-space conjugated single-molecule parallel circuits. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 4581-4588.
[25] Wang, Y. H.; Le, J. B.; Li, W. Q.; Wei, J.; Radjenovic, P. M.; Zhang, H.; Zhou, X. S.*; Cheng, J.*; Tian, Z. Q.; Li, J. F.*, In situ spectroscopic insight into the origin of the enhanced performance of bimetallic nanocatalysts towards the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 16062-16066.
[24] Huang, B.; Liu, X.; Yuan, Y.; Hong, Z. W.; Zheng, J. F.; Pei, L. Q.; Shao, Y.; Li, J. F.; Zhou, X. S.*; Chen, J.*; Jin, S.*; Mao, B. W.*, Controlling and observing of sharp-valleyed quantum interference effect in single molecular junctions. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 17685-17690.
[23] Zhen, S.; Mao, J. C.; Chen, L.; Ding, S.; Luo, W.; Zhou, X. S.*; Qin, A.; Zhao, Z.*; Tang, B. Z.*, Remarkable multichannel conductance of novel single-molecule wires built on through-space conjugated hexaphenylbenzene. Nano Lett. 2018, 18, 4200-4205.
[22] Wang, Y. H.; Zhang, Y. J.; Liang, M. M.; Chen, S.; Radjenovic, P.; Zhang, H.; Yang, Z. L.; Zhou, X. S.*; Tian, Z. Q.; Li, J. F.*, Probing interfacial electronic and catalytic properties on well-defined surfaces using in situ raman spectroscopy. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 11257-11261.
[21] Peng, L. L.; Chen, F.; Hong, Z. W.; Zheng, J. F.; Fillaud, L.; Yuan, Y.; Huang, M. L.; Shao, Y.; Zhou, X. S.*; Chen, J. Z.*; Maisonhaute, E.*, Precise tuning of single molecule conductance in an electrochemical environment. Nanoscale 2018, 10, 7026-7032.
[20] Mao, J. C.; Peng, L. L.; Li, W. Q.; Chen, F.; Wang, H. G.; Shao, Y.; Zhou, X. S.*; Zhao, X. Q.*; Xie, H.*; Niu, Z. J. Influence of molecular structure on contact interaction between thiophene anchoring group and Au electrode. J. Phys. Chem. C 2017, 121, 1472-1476.
[19] Zhou, X. S.; Mao, B. W.; Amatore, C.; Compton, R. G.; Marignier, J.-L.; Mostafavi, M.; Nierengarten, J.-F.; Maisonhaute, E.* Transient electrochemistry: beyond simply temporal resolution. Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 251-263.
[18] Hong, Z. W.; Aissa, M. A. B.; Peng, L. L.; Xie, H.; Chen, D. L.; Zheng, J. F.; Shao, Y.; Zhou, X. S.*; Raouafi, N.*; Niu, Z. J. Quantum interference effect of single-molecule conductance influenced by insertion of different alkyl length. Electrochem. Commun. 2016, 68, 86-89.
[17] Chen, L.; Wang, Y. H.; He, B.; Nie, H.; Hu, R.; Huang, F.; Qin, A.; Zhou, X. S.*; Zhao, Z.*; Tang, B. Z.* Multichannel conductance of folded single-molecule wires aided by through-space conjugation. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 4231-4235.
[16] Li, D. F.; Mao, J. C.; Chen, D. L.; Chen, F.; Hong, Z. W.; Zhou, X. Y.; Wang, Y. H.; Zhou, X. S.*; Niu, Z. J.; Maisonhaute, E.* Single-molecule conductance with nitrile and amino contacts with Ag or Cu electrodes. Electrochim. Acta 2015, 174, 340-344.
[15] Hong, Z. W.; Chen, F.; Wang, Y. H.; Mao, J. C.; Li, D. F.; Tang, Y.; Shao, Y.; Niu, Z. J.; Zhou, X. S.* The binding sites of carboxylic acid group contacting to Cu electrode. Electrochem. Commun. 2015, 59, 48-51.
[14] Li, J. J.; Bai, M. L.; Chen, Z. B.; Zhou, X. S.; Shi, Z.; Zhang, M.; Ding, S. Y.*; Hou, S. M.*; Schwarzacher, W.*; Nichols, R. J.; Mao, B. W.* Giant single-molecule anisotropic magnetoresistance at room temperature. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 5923-5929.
[13] Wang, Y. H.; Hong, Z. W.; Sun, Y. Y.; Li, D. F.; Han, D.; Zheng, J. F.; Niu, Z. J.; Zhou, X. S.* Tunneling decay constant of alkanedicarboxylic acids: Different dependence on the metal electrodes between air and electrochemistry. J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 18756-18761.
[12] Wang, Y. H.; Li, D. F.; Hong, Z. W.; Liang, J. H.; Han, D.; Zheng, J. F.; Niu, Z. J.; Mao, B. W.; Zhou, X. S.* Conductance of alkyl-based molecules with one, two and three chains measured by electrochemical STM break junction. Electrochem. Commun. 2014, 45, 83-86.
[11] Chen, Z. B.; Peng, Z. L.; Liang, J. H.; Zhou, X. S.*; Wu, D. Y.*; Amatore, C.; Mao, B. W.* Gold atomic contact: Electron conduction in the presence of interfacial charge transfer. Electrochem. Commun. 2014, 47, 41-44.
[10] Wang, Y. H.; Zhou, X. Y.; Sun, Y. Y.; Han, D.; Zheng, J. F.; Niu, Z. J.; Zhou, X. S.* Conductance measurement of carboxylic acids binding to palladium nanoclusters by electrochemical jump-to-contact STM break junction. Electrochim. Acta 2014, 123, 205-210.
[9] Sun, Y. Y.; Peng, Z. L.; Hou, R.; Liang, J. H.; Zheng, J. F.; Zhou, X. Y.; Zhou, X. S.*; Jin, S.*; Niu, Z. J.; Mao, B. W. Enhancing electron transport in molecular wires by insertion of a ferrocene center. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2014, 16, 2260-2267.
[8] Zhou, X. Y.; Peng, Z. L.; Sun, Y. Y.; Wang, L. N.; Niu, Z. J.; Zhou, X. S.* Conductance measurement of pyridyl-based single molecule junctions with Cu and Au contacts. Nanotechnology 2013, 24, 465204.
[7] Peng, Z. L.; Chen, Z. B.; Zhou, X. Y.; Sun, Y. Y.; Liang, J. H.; Niu, Z. J.; Zhou, X. S.*; Mao, B. W.* Single molecule conductance of carboxylic acids contacting Ag and Cu electrodes. J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116, 21699-21705.
[6] Zhou, X. S.; Liu, L.; Fortgang, P.; Lefevre, A. S.; Serra-Muns, A.; Raouafi, N.; Amatore, C.*; Mao, B. W.*; Maisonhaute, E.*; Schöllhorn, B.* Do molecular conductances correlate with electrochemical rate constants? Experimental insights. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 7509-7516.
[5] Liu, Z.; Ding, S. Y.; Chen, Z. B.; Wang, X.; Tian, J. H.; Anema, J. R.; Zhou, X. S.; Wu, D. Y.; Mao, B. W.; Xu, X.; Ren, B.*; Tian, Z. Q. Revealing the molecular structure of single-molecule junctions in different conductance states by fishing-mode tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Nat. Commun. 2011, 2, 305.
[4] Zhou, X. S.*; Liang, J. H.; Chen, Z. B.; Mao, B. W.* An electrochemical jump-to-contact STM-break junction approach to construct single molecular junctions with different metallic electrodes. Electrochem. Commun. 2011, 13, 407-410.
[3] Li, J. F.; Huang, Y. F.; Ding, Y.; Yang, Z. L.; Li, S. B.; Zhou, X. S.; Fan, F. R.; Zhang, W.; Zhou, Z. Y.; Wu, D. Y.; Ren, B.; Wang, Z. L.*; Tian, Z. Q.* Shell-isolated nanoparticle-enhanced raman spectroscopy. Nature 2010, 464, 392-395.
[2] Zhou, X. S.; Wei, Y. M.; Liu, L.; Chen, Z. B.; Tang, J.; Mao, B. W.* Extending the capability of STM break junction for conductance measurement of atomic-size nanowires: An electrochemical strategy. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 13228-13230.
[1] Zhou, X. S.; Chen, Z. B.; Liu, S. H.; Jin, S.; Liu, L.; Zhang, H. M.; Xie, Z. X.; Jiang, Y. B.; Mao, B. W.* Single molecule conductance of dipyridines with conjugated ethene and nonconjugated ethane bridging group. J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112, 3935-3940.
Zhou, X. S.; Maisonhaute, E. In Electrochemistry: Volume 11 - Nanosystems Electrochemistry [M]. Wadhawan, J. D., Compton, R. G., Eds.; The Royal Society of Chemistry: 2013; Vol. 11, p 1-33.


