- 中文名:周家文
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1982年
- 職業:研究員
- 畢業院校:河海大學
主持國家自然科學基金青年項目及面上、四川省傑出青年基金、四川大學優秀青年基金(A類)、中科院重點部署項目(專題)、中國博士後基金特別資助項目(第5批)、地質災害國家重點實驗室開放基金項目等科研項目多項。 近5年以第一作者或通訊作者發表學術論文50餘篇,主要發表在Landslides、Journal of Asian Earth Science、Engineering Geology、Environmental Earth Sciences、Journal of Mountain Science、岩石力學與工程學報、岩土力學、水利學報等國內外重要學術期刊上;2012年獲《岩石力學與工程學報》創刊30周年優秀論文獎。 獲教育部科技進步一等獎、中國電力科學技術二等獎、中國水力發電科學技術二等獎等科研獎勵10餘項。
1. 陸鵬源,候天興,楊興國,郝明輝,周家文*,2016. 滑坡衝擊鏟刮效應物理模型試驗及機制探討. 岩石力學與工程學報,35(6):1225-1232.
2. Jia-wen Zhou*, Peng Cui, Ming-hui Hao, 2016. Comprehensive analyses of the initiation and entrainment processes of the 2000 Yigong catastrophic landslide in Tibet, China. Landslides, 13(1): 39-54.
3. Tian-xing Hou, Qiang Xu, Jia-wen Zhou*, 2015. Size distribution, morphology and fractal characteristics of brittle rock fragmentations by the impact loading effect. Acta Mechanica, 226(11): 3623-3637.
4. 郝明輝,許 強,楊興國,彭 濤,周家文*,2015. 高速滑坡-碎屑流顆粒反序試驗及其成因機制探討. 岩石力學與工程學報,34(3):472-479.
5. Fu-gang Xu, Xing-guo Yang, Jia-wen Zhou*,2014. An empirical approach for evaluation of the potential of debris flow occurrence in mountainous areas. Environmental Earth Sciences, 71(7): 2979-2988.
6. Jia-wen Zhou*, Peng Cui, Xingguo Yang,2013. Dynamic process analysis for the initiation and movement of the Donghekou landslide-debris flow triggered by the Wenchuan earthquake. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 76: 70-84.
7. Jia-wen Zhou*, Peng Cui, Hua Fang,2013. Dynamic process analysis for the formation of Yangjiagou landslide-dammed lake triggered by the Wenchuan earthquake, China. Landslides, 10(3): 331-342.
8. Jia-wen Zhou*, Wei-ya Xu, Xing-guo Yang, 2010. A microcrack damage model for brittle rocks under uniaxial compression. Mechanics Research Communications, 37(4): 399-405.(Top 25 hottest paper).
9. Jia-wen Zhou*,Wei-ya Xu, Xing-guo Yang, Chong Shi, Zhao-hui Yang*,2010. The 28 October 1996 landslide and analysis of the stability of the current Huashiban slope at the Liangjiaren Hydropower Station, Southwest China . Engineering Geology,114(1-2): 45-56.
10. 周家文*,徐衛亞,李明衛,等, 2009. 岩石應變軟化模型在深埋隧洞數值分析中的套用. 岩石力學與工程學報,28(6):1116-1127. (《岩石力學與工程學報》創刊30周年優秀論文)
2. Jia-wen Zhou*, Peng Cui, Ming-hui Hao, 2016. Comprehensive analyses of the initiation and entrainment processes of the 2000 Yigong catastrophic landslide in Tibet, China. Landslides, 13(1): 39-54.
3. Tian-xing Hou, Qiang Xu, Jia-wen Zhou*, 2015. Size distribution, morphology and fractal characteristics of brittle rock fragmentations by the impact loading effect. Acta Mechanica, 226(11): 3623-3637.
4. 郝明輝,許 強,楊興國,彭 濤,周家文*,2015. 高速滑坡-碎屑流顆粒反序試驗及其成因機制探討. 岩石力學與工程學報,34(3):472-479.
5. Fu-gang Xu, Xing-guo Yang, Jia-wen Zhou*,2014. An empirical approach for evaluation of the potential of debris flow occurrence in mountainous areas. Environmental Earth Sciences, 71(7): 2979-2988.
6. Jia-wen Zhou*, Peng Cui, Xingguo Yang,2013. Dynamic process analysis for the initiation and movement of the Donghekou landslide-debris flow triggered by the Wenchuan earthquake. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 76: 70-84.
7. Jia-wen Zhou*, Peng Cui, Hua Fang,2013. Dynamic process analysis for the formation of Yangjiagou landslide-dammed lake triggered by the Wenchuan earthquake, China. Landslides, 10(3): 331-342.
8. Jia-wen Zhou*, Wei-ya Xu, Xing-guo Yang, 2010. A microcrack damage model for brittle rocks under uniaxial compression. Mechanics Research Communications, 37(4): 399-405.(Top 25 hottest paper).
9. Jia-wen Zhou*,Wei-ya Xu, Xing-guo Yang, Chong Shi, Zhao-hui Yang*,2010. The 28 October 1996 landslide and analysis of the stability of the current Huashiban slope at the Liangjiaren Hydropower Station, Southwest China . Engineering Geology,114(1-2): 45-56.
10. 周家文*,徐衛亞,李明衛,等, 2009. 岩石應變軟化模型在深埋隧洞數值分析中的套用. 岩石力學與工程學報,28(6):1116-1127. (《岩石力學與工程學報》創刊30周年優秀論文)
1. Journal of Mountain Science (Scientific Editor);
2. SpringerPLUS (Editoral Board Member);
3. Cogent Geosciences (Editoral Board Member);等
2. SpringerPLUS (Editoral Board Member);
3. Cogent Geosciences (Editoral Board Member);等
1. 江蘇省優秀博士論文,2009;
2. 中國水電建設集團科技進步特等獎(第8),2010;
3. 中國電力科學技術二等獎(第8),2011;
4. 中國水力發電科學技術三等獎(第3),2011;
5. 《岩石力學與工程學報》創刊30周年優秀論文獎,2012;
6. 中國水力發電科學技術三等獎(第5),2013;
7. 教育部科技進步一等獎(第2),2014;
8. 中國水力發電科學技術二等獎(第5),2014;
9. 中國水力發電科學技術一等獎(10),2015;
10. 四川省科技進步三等獎(第4),2015。
2. 中國水電建設集團科技進步特等獎(第8),2010;
3. 中國電力科學技術二等獎(第8),2011;
4. 中國水力發電科學技術三等獎(第3),2011;
5. 《岩石力學與工程學報》創刊30周年優秀論文獎,2012;
6. 中國水力發電科學技術三等獎(第5),2013;
7. 教育部科技進步一等獎(第2),2014;
8. 中國水力發電科學技術二等獎(第5),2014;
9. 中國水力發電科學技術一等獎(10),2015;
10. 四川省科技進步三等獎(第4),2015。