- 中文名:周嘉昕
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:山東濰坊
- 出生日期:1982年4月
- 畢業院校:南京大學
- 性別:男
- 發表論文數目:90餘篇(截至2019年7月)
Hello! I am ZHOU Jiaxin, male, and from the City of Flying-kite (Weifang, Shandong). I became an undergraduate student of Philosophy Department at Nanjing University in September 2000, and obtained my PhD degree with a dissertation on Mode of Production in Karl Marx nine years later. To modify this project, I used to pursuit a visiting research in IAS at Lancaster University between 2008 and 2009. I am now a lecturer and the academic secretary of Marxist Philosophy section and focusing my researches on the history of Marxist Philosophy, text studies of Marxists and contemporary radical thoughts in western world with a sponsorship of National Foundation of Social Science. And I am enjoying the studies on the rise of modern world in history of ideas, the new interpretation of Historical Materialism in critique of political economy, and Marxists classic texts and the related controversies. More than 30 CSSCI papers and 1 book have been published, some of which were cooperated with my colleagues.