


  • 中文名:周劍
  • 畢業院校:日本信州大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:纖維學部
  • 任職院校:中山大學


2018.12至今 中山大學材料科學與工程學院副教授
2017.06-2018.12 美國加州大學戴維斯分校 (UC Davis),纖維與高分子科學,項目科學家
2012.04-2017.04 沙特阿卜杜拉國王科技大學 (KAUST),機械系,博士後研究員
2008.09-2011.09 日本信州大學 (Shinshu University),纖維學部,工學博士


  1. 導電高分子的合成、性能研究及其在柔性電子上的套用
  2. 導電纖維的加工及其在織物電子上的套用
  3. 彈性導體的開發及其在力學感測和電子電路中的套用
  4. 導電氣凝膠的結構設計、製備及其在絕熱、電加熱器件上的套用




擔任Advanced Materials, Small, Nanoscale, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Carbon, Materials Chemistry Frontiers, Polymer, Carbohydrate Polymers, Chemical Engineering Journal, Polymer, Textile Research Journal, Journal of Industrial Textile, Journal of Composite materials, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, Composite Part A等期刊獨立審稿人



  1. Zhou, J.; Hsieh, Y-L*., Coaxial Nanocellulose Aerogels Fibers for Thermal insulation.Nano Energy2019,Accepted
  2. Zhou, J*.; Tian, G.; Jin G.; Xin, Y.; Tao, R.; Lubineau, G*., Buckled Conductive Polymer Ribbons in Elastomerchannels as Stretchable Fiber Conductor.Advanced Functional Materials2019,
  3. Xin, Y.;Zhou, J.; Lubineau, G*., A Highly Stretchable Strain-Insensitive Temperature Sensor Exploits the Seebeck Effect in Nanoparticlebased Printed Circuits.Journal of Materials Chemistry A2019, 7, 24493.
  4. Zhou, J*.; Xu, X.; Xin, Y.; Lubineau, G*., Coaxial Wet-spun Conductive Thermoplastic Elastomer-wrapped Carbon Nanotube Fibers for Wearable Electronics.Advanced Functional Materials2018, 28(16), 1705591 (Selected as Front Cover)
  5. Xu, X#.;Zhou, J#.; (共同一作) Nagaraju, D. H.; Jiang, L*.; Lubineau, G*.; Alshareef, H. N.; Marinov, V. R.; Oh, M.; Catalyst-free, Flexible, Mesoporous and Highly Graphitized Carbon Aerogels Derived from Lignin-modified Bacterial Cellulose: Effective Pore Utilization in Supercapacitors.Advanced Functional Material2015, 25, 3193-3202.
  6. Zhou, J.; Hsieh, Y-L*., Conductive Polymer Protonated Nanocellulose Aerogels for Tunable and Linearly Responsive Strain Sensors.2018,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2018, 10 (33), 27902–27910.
  7. Xin, Y.;Zhou, J*.; Xu, X.; Lubineau, G*., Laser-engraved Carbon Nanotube Paper for Instilling High Sensitivity, High Stretchability, and High Linearity in Strain Sensors.Nanoscale2017, 9,10897-10905.
  8. Zhou, J*.; Xu, X.; Yu, H.; Lubineau, G*., Deformable and Wearable Carbon Nanotube Microwire-Based Sensors for Ultrasensitive Monitoring of Strain, Pressure and Torsion.Nanoscale2017,9, 604-612.
  9. Zhou, J*.; Yu, H.; Xu, X.; Han, F.; Lubineau, G*., Ultrasensitive, Stretchable Strain Sensors Based on Fragmented Carbon Nanotube Papers.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2017,9, 4835-4842.
  10. Zhou, J.; Lubineau, G*., Improving Electrical Conductivity in Polycarbonate Nanocomposites Using Highly Conductive PEDOT/PSS Coated MWCNTs.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2013, 5 (13), 6189–6200.
  11. Zhou, J*.; Anjum, DH.; Lubineau, G*., Li, E. Q.; Thoroddsen, S. T.,Unraveling the Order and Disorder in Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/Poly(styrenesulfonate) Nanofilms.Macromolecules2015, 48, 5688–5696.
  12. Zhou, J.; Mulle, M.; Zhang, Y.; Xu, X.; Li, E. Q.; Han, F.; Thoroddsen, S. T.; Lubineau, G*., High-ampacity conductive polymer microfibers as fast response wearable heaters and electromechanical actuators.Journal of Materials Chemistry C2016,4,1238-1249.
  13. Zhou, J#.; Li, E. Q#.; Li, R.; Xu, X.; Anjum, D. H.; Hedhili, M. N.; Smilgies, D. M.; Lubineau, G*.; Thoroddsen, S. T*., Semi-metallic, Strong and Stretchable Wet-spun Conjugated Polymer Microfibers.Journal of Materials Chemistry C2015, 3, 2528-2538.
  14. Zhou, J*.; Anjum, D. H.; Chen, L.; Xu, X. Z.; Ventura, I. A.; Jiang, L.; Lubineau, G*., The temperature-dependent microstructure of PEDOT/PSS films: insights from morphological, mechanical and electrical analyses.Journal of Materials Chemistry C2014, 2 (46), 9903-9910.
  15. Zhou, J.; Ventura, I.; Lubineau, G*., Probing the Role of PEDOT/PSS in Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Polycarbonate Nanocomposites Containing Conductive Polymer Coated on MWCNTs.2014,Industrial Engineering & Chemistry Research2014, 53 (9), 3539–3549.
  16. Zhou, J.; Gao, Q.; Fukawa, T.; Shirai, H.; Kimura, M*., Macroporous Conductive Polymer films Fabricated by Electrospun Nanofiber Templates and Their Electromechanical Properties.Nanotechnology2011,22(27).


  1. Zhou, J.; Li, E. Q.; Lubineau, G.; Thoroddsen, S. T.; Mulle, M. Semi-Metallic, Strong, Conductive Polymer Microfiber, Method and Fast Response Rate Actuators and Heating Textiles.2017Application Number 15/525,005, PCT No: PCT/IB2015/002467,International Publication Number: WO 2016/087945 A3,EP 3227478 A2,US2017/0370024-A1
  2. Zhou, J.; Xu, X.; Lubineau, G. Devices, and Methods Relating to Fragmented Carbon Nanotube Sensors.2017Application Number: PCT/IB2017/057227, International Publication Number: WO 2018/092091 A1
  3. Zhou, J.; Xu, X.; Lubineau, G.; Copolymer-wrapped Carbon Nanotube Fibers.2018Application Number: US 62/581,926,PCT/IB2018/057857,International Publication Number: WO 2019/086982 A1
  4. Zhou, J.; Lubineau, G.; A Resistance-stable Fiber Conductor at Large Strains.2019Application Number: US 62/926,608
  5. Xu, X.;Zhou, J.; Lubineau, G. Methods of Treating Graphitic Materials and of Preparing Colloidal Solutions Including Graphitic Materials.2017Application Number: PCT/IB2017/058521,Publication Number: WO2018/122796 A1
  6. Hsieh, YL.;Zhou, J.; Conductive Polymer Nanocellulose Aerogels and Use as Strain Sensor.2018Application Number: US 62/671,246


