



2014.9—2017.6 北京科技大學,博士研究生
2017.9至今 北京科技大學,師資博士後


1. 鋰/鈉離子電池關鍵材料與器件
2. 力-電界面協同能量轉換與仿生智慧型感測


1.Dan Zhou, Li-Zhen Fan. Co2P nanoparticles encapsulated in 3D porous N-doped carbon nanosheet networks as an anode for high-performance sodium-ion batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 2139–2147.
2.Dan Zhou, Li-Zhen Fan. Facile synthesis of three-dimensional porous carbon networks for highly stable sodium storage, Ionics, 2018, 24, 3065–3073.
3.Dan Zhou, Yongchang Liu, Wei-Li Song, Xiaogang Li, Li-Zhen Fan. Three-dimensional porous carbon-coated graphene composite as high-stable and long-life anode for sodium-ion batteries, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 316, 645–654.
4.Dan Zhou, Xiaogang Li, Li-Zhen Fan. Three-dimensional porous graphene-encapsulated SnO2@CNT composite for high-performance lithium and sodium storage, Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 230, 212–221.
5.Dan Zhou, Wei-Li Song, Xiaogang Li, Li-Zhen Fan, Yonghong Deng. Tin nanoparticles embedded in porous N-doped graphene-like carbon networks as high-performance anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 699, 730−737.
6.Dan Zhou, Wei-Li Song, Xiaogang Li, Li-Zhen Fan. Confined porous graphene/SnOx frameworks within polyaniline-derived carbon as highly stable lithium-ion battery anodes, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8, 13410−13417.
7.Dan Zhou, Wei-Li Song, Xiaogang Li, Li-Zhen Fan. Hierarchical porous reduced graphene oxide/SnO2 networks as highly stable anodes for lithium-ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 207, 9−15.
8.Meng Li, Dan Zhou(共同一作), Wei-Li Song, Xiaogang Li, Li-Zhen Fan. Highly stable GeOx@C core-shell fibrous anodes for improved capacity in lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 19907−19912.
9.Dan Zhou, Wei-Li Song, Li-Zhen Fan. Hollow core-shell SnO2/C fibers as highly stable anodes for lithium-ion batteries. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7, 21472− 21478.


北京科技大學研究生“十佳學術之星” 北京科技大學優秀博士學位論文。


