呂頌輝,暨南大學教授、博士生導師,2000年獲得香港大學生態學博士學位,並於2000-2001年在香港大學從事博士後研究;曾任美國伍茲霍海洋研究所(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)高級訪問學者;先後赴日本東京大學(The University of Tokyo)、丹麥哥本哈根大學(University of Copenhagen)和義大利國家海洋生物研究所(Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn)訪學。
- 中文名:呂頌輝
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1963年7月
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:香港大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:海洋赤潮與近海富營養化等
- 職務:暨南大學博士生導師
- 海洋赤潮與近海富營養化
- Zhen Wu, Hua Zhang, Qun Li, Lei Cui, Heng Chen andSonghui Lu*. 2019. Effects of temperature on the growth and carbohydrate production of three species of benthic dinoflagellatesfrom Hainan Island, the South China Sea.Ecotoxicology. (Accepted).
- Jian Zou, Qun Li, Lifen Huang, Haiyan Wu, Hua Zhang* andSonghui Lu*.2019.Taxonomy andtoxin profile of harmfulepibenthicProrocentrum(Dinophyceae) species from the Paracel Islands, the South China Sea.Ecotoxicology. (Accepted).
- Linjian Ou, Yangyang Cai, Wenyu Jin, Zhou Wang,Songhui Lu*. 2018. Understanding the nitrogen uptake and assimilation of the Chinese strain ofAureococcus anophage fferens(Pelagophyceae).Algal Research. 34:182-190.
- Lei Cui, Yuelei Dong, Rongbo Cao, Jingyi Cen, Zhijia Cen andSonghui Lu*.2018. Mitochondrial genome of the garfishHyporhamphus quoyi(Beloniformes: Hemiramphidae) and phylogenetic relationships within Beloniformes based on whole mitogenomes.Plos One, 13(4):e0205025.
- Jian-Wei Zheng, Su-Li Liu,Songhui Lu*, Hong-Ye Li, Jie-Sheng Liu,Wei-Dong Yang*. 2018. Proteomic profile in the musselPerna viridisafter short-term exposure to the brown tide algaAureococcus anophagefferens.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 162: 365-375.
- Lei Cui, Xinxin Lu, Yuelei Dong, Jingyi Cen, Rongbo Cao, Lin Pan,Songhui Lu*andLinjian Ou*. 2018. Relationship between phytoplankton community succession and environmental parameters in Qinhuangdao coastal areas, China: A region withrecurrent brown tide outbreaks.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 159: 85-93.
- Linjian Ou, Xiaohong Liu, Jingjing Li, Xianling Qin, Lei Cui,Songhui Lu*. 2018. Significant activities of extracellular enzymes from a brown tide in the coastal waters of Qinhuangdao, China.Harmful Algae. 74:1-9.
- HE Xuejia, HAN Didi, HAN Liuyu,Songhui Lu*. 2018. Grazing and performance of the copepodPseudodiaptomus poplesiaon a Chinese strain ofAureococcus anophagefferens.Acta Oceanol. Sin. 37: 69–76.
- Hua Zhang,Songhui Lu*, Yang Li, Jingyi Cen, Hualong Wang, Qun Li and Xiangping Nie. 2018. Morphology and molecular phylogeny ofOstreopsiscf.ovataandO. lenticularis(Dinophyceae) from Hainan Island, South China Sea.Phycological Research. 66: 3-14.
- WANG Jianyan, CEN Jingyi, LI Si,Songhui Lu*, MOESTRUPØjvind, CHAN Kin-Ka, JIANG Tao, LEI Xiangdong. 2018. On the potentially bloom-forming dinoflagellateKarenia longicanalis/Karenia umbella(Gymnodiniales, Dinophyceae) from the Chinese coastal waters.Journal of Oceanology and Limnology.(DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s00343-019-7191-4).
- LI Li,Songhui Lu*, CEN Jingyi . 2018. Spatio-temporal variations of Harmful algal blooms along the coast of Guangdong, Southern China during 1980–2016.Journal of Oceanology and Limnology.(DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s00343-019-8088-y).
- Zhaohe Luo, Hua Zhang, Haifeng Gu*,Songhui Lu*. 2017. Morphology, molecular phylogeny and okadaic acid production of epibenthicProrocentrum(Dinophyceae) species from the northern South China Sea.Algal Research. 22: 14–30.
- Tao Jiang, Lei Liu, Yang Li, Jing Zhang, Zhijun Tan, HaiyanWu, Tianjiu Jiang andSonghui Lu*, 2017. Occurrence of marine algal toxins in oyster and phytoplankton samples in Daya Bay, South China Sea.Chemosphere.183: 80-88.
- Lei Cui, Yuelei Dong, Fenghua Liu, Xingchen Gao, Hua Zhang, Li Li, Jingyi Cen andSonghui Lu*. 2017. The first two complete mitochondrial genomes for the family Triglidae and implications for the higher phylogeny of Scorpaeniformes.Scientific Reports.7:1553. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-01654-y.
- Hong-Po Dong, Yue-Lei Dong, Lei Cui, Srinivasan Balamurugan, Jian Gao,Song-Hui Lu*and Tao Jiang. 2016. High light stress triggers distinct proteomic responses in the marine diatomThalassiosira pseudonana.BMC Genomics. 17: 994.(doi: 10.1186/s12864-016-3335-5).
- Hua Zhang, Zhen Wu, Jingyi Cen, Yang Li, Hualong Wang andSonghui Lu*. 2016. First report of three benthic dinoflagellates,Gambierdiscus pacificus, G. australesandG. caribaeus(Dinophyceae), from Hainan Island, South China Sea.Phycological Research.64: 259-273.
- Chao Chai, Tao Jiang, Jingyi Cen, Wei Ge,Songhui Lu*.2016. Phytoplankton pigments and functional community structure in relation to environmental factors in the Pearl River Estuary.Oceanologia.58:201-211.
- JIANG Tao, CHAI Chao*, WANG Jifang, ZHANG Ling, CEN Jingyi andLU Songhui*, 2016. Temporal and Spatial Variations of Abundance of Phycocyanin and Phycoerythrin- RichSynechococcusin Pearl River Estuary and Adjacent Coastal Area.J. Ocean Univ. China. 15 (5): 897-904.
- Dong Yuelei, Jiang Tao, Xia wei, Dong Hongpo,Lu Songhui*, Cui Lei. 2015. Light harvesting proteins regulate non-photochemicalfluorescence quenching in the marine diatomThalassiosira pseudonana.Algal Research.12: 300–307.
- Zhang Hua, Li Yang, Cen Jingyi, Wang Hualong, Cui Lei, Dong Yuelei,Lu Songhui*. 2015. Morphotypes ofProrocentrum lima(Dinophyceae) from Hainan Island, South China Sea: morphological and molecular characterization.Phycologia, 54(5): 503-516.
- Dong Hongpo, Hong Yiguo,Lu Songhui*, Xie Luyuan. 2014. Metaproteomics reveals the major microbial players and their biogeochemical functions in a productive coastal system in the northern South China Sea.Environmental Microbiology Reports. doi:10.1111 /1758-2229.12188.
- Dong Hongpo, Huang Kaixuan, Wang Hualong,Lu Songhui*, Cen Jingyi, Dong Yuelei. 2014. Understanding strategy of nitrate and urea assimilation in a Chinese strain ofAureococcus anophagefferensthrough RNA-Seq analysis.Plos One. 9(10):1-15.
- Ou Linjian, Lundgren Veronica,Lu Songhui*, Granéli Edna.2014.The effect of riverine dissolved organic matter and other nitrogen forms on the growth and physiology of the dinoflagellateProrocentrum minimum(Pavillard) Schiller.Journal of Sea Research. 85: 499-507.
- Yang Li, Qiulan Zhao andSonghui Lü*. 2013. The genusThalassiosiraoff the Guangdong coast, South China Sea.Botanica Marina. 56(1): 83-110.
- LI Li,LU Songhui*, JIANG Tao & LI Xia. 2013. Seasonal variation of size-fractionated phytoplankton in the Pearl River estuary.Chin Sci Bull.58(19): 2303-2314.
- Songhui Lü, Yang Li, Nina Lundholm, Yanyan Ma and K.C. Ho. 2012. Diversity, taxonomy and biogeographical distribution of the genusPseudo-nitzschia(Bacillariophyceae) in Guangdong coastal waters, South China Sea.Nova Hedwigia.95(1-2): 123-152.
- Lei Qiangyong,Lu Songhui*.2011. Molecular ecological responses of the dinoflagellateKarenia mikimotoito phosphate stress.Harmful Algae.12: 39–45.
- Li Yang,Lu Songhui*, Jiang Tianjiu, Xiao Yunpu. 2011. Environmental factors and seasonal dynamics ofProrocentrumpopulations in Nanji Islands National Nature Reserve, East China Sea.Harmful Algae.10:426-432.
- W. C. Guan, P. Li, J. B. Jian, J. Y. Wang andS. H. Lu*. 2011. Effects of solar ultraviolet radiation on photochemical efficiency ofChaetoceros curvisetus(Bacillariophyceae).Acta Physiol Plant.33:979–986.
- Qiang-Yong Lei,Song-Hui Lü*. 2011. Molecular ecological responses of dinoflagellate,Karenia mikimotoito environmental nitrate stress.Marine Pollution Bulletin.62: 2692–2699.
- WANG Zhaohui, YUAN Meiling, LIANG Yu,LU Songhui*. 2011. Effects of temperature and organic and inorganic nutrients on the growth ofChattonella marina(Raphidophyceae) from the Daya Bay, South China Sea.Acta Oceanol. Sin. 30(3): 124-131.
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- 國家高技術研究發展計畫(863計畫)項目:有害赤潮生物診斷系統技術研究(2006AA09Z178)
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- 國家自然科學基金面上項目:中國南部沿海定鞭藻綱分類學研究(2004-2006)(30370115)
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