- 中文名:呂為群
- 畢業院校:英國利物浦JM大學
- 從事:蝦蟹生長繁殖、魚類環境適應性
- 性別:男
在英國作為主要成員參與並負責實施過4項英國國家自然科學基金資助項目,承擔並完成 “黃道蟹生長繁殖調控機制的研究”、“牙鮃魚尾垂體功能及調控機制的研究”、“利用生物晶片技術對牙鮃滲透壓調解的複雜性的研究”、“動物生物鐘重新定時機理的研究”等相關科研項目。在國際學術期刊上發表了20篇SCI學術論文,其中包括頂級內分泌學雜誌- Endocrinology (影響因子5.054) 和頂級生物學雜誌- Current Biology (影響因子11.142)。曾經五次應邀在國際學術會議上作主題報告,研究成果得到各國專家的廣泛認可,技術水平在同行業處於世界領先地位。自2006年起被聘為“Journal of Endocrinology”等國際學術期刊審稿人。分別於2006和2008年成功主持了兩次高水平的國際學術會議。2009年6回國到水產與生命學院水產養殖國家重點學科任職,於2009年12月受聘為上海市“東方學者”特聘教授。目前主持兩項上海市科委和教委的重點研究項目。現階段主要以繁殖回遊性海洋魚類為模型,探討其特異環境適應力和調控機制,以及人工養殖和生態養殖標準化體系的研發。
2010.01-2013.12,歐盟FP7項目“亞歐水產平台-可持續發展水產養殖(ASEM aquaculture platform-sustainable aquaculture)”。
2010.08- 2013.08,上海市科委重點基礎項目“大黃魚遠緣雜交及快速生長相關基因的研究”。
(1) Lu W, Mayolle A, Cui G, Luo L and Balment R J (2011.9) Molecular characterization and expression of α-globin and β-globin genes in the Euryhaline Flounder, Platichthys flesus. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine vol. 2011 (Impact Factor 2.964)
(2) McMaster A, Jangani M , P Sommer, Han N, Brass A , Lu W, A Berry, Beesley S, L Zeef, A Loudon, R Donn and D Ray (2011.1) Ultradian cortisol pulsatility encodes a distinct, biologically important signal. PloS one 6 (1):1-9 (Impact factor 4.351)
(3) Meng Q, Maywood E, Bechtold D, Lu W, Li J, Sládek M1, Ohren J, Walton K, Walters T, Hastings M, Loudon A (2010.8) Entrainment of disrupted circadian behavior through inhibition of casein kinase 1 (CK1) enzymes. PNAS 107(34):15240-5. (Impact factor 9.432)
(4) Huang X, Yin Y, Shi Z, Li W, Zhou H, Lu W (2010.10)Lipid content and fatty acid composition in wild-caught silver pomfret (Pampus argenteus) broodstocks: Effects on gonad development. Aquaculture 310:192-199 (Impact factor 1.925)
(5) Lu W, Q Meng, N Tyler, K Stokkan & A Loudon (2010.3) A circadian clock is not required in an arctic mammal. Current Biology 20:533-537. (Impact factor 11.571)
(6) Meng Q, McMaster A, Beesley S, Lu W, Parks D, Collins J, Farrow S, Ray D, Loudon A. (2008.11) A novel Rev-erbα ligand resets the peripheral clock in a phasic manner - insight into retinoid regulation of the circadian clock. J. Cell Science, 121: 3629-35. (Impact factor 6.14)
(7) Marley R, Lu W, Balment R J and McCrohan C R. (2008.9) Cortisol and Prolactin Modulation of Caudal Neurosecretory System Activity in the Euryhaline Flounder Platichthys flesus. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part A 151: 71–77. (Impact factor 1.709)
(8) Lu W., A.E.S. Abdel-Razik, N. Ashton, R.J. Balment (2008.5) Urotensin II: Lessons from comparative studies for general endocrinology. Gen Comp Endocrinol, 157(1):14-20. (Impact factor 2.654)
(9) Lu W, Balment RJ, Riccardi D and McCrohan CR (2007.9) Seasonal changes in peptide, receptor and ion channel expression in the caudal neurosecretory system of the European flounder, Platichthys flesus. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 153(1-3):262-72. (Impact factor 2.654)
(10) Marley R, Lu W, Balment RJ and McCrohan CR (2007.8) Evidence for a role for nitric oxide in the caudal neurosecretory system of the European flounder, Platichthys flesus. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 153(1-3): 251-61. (Impact factor 2.654)
(11) McCrohan CR, Lu W, Brierley MJ, Dow L and Balment RJ (2007.8) Fish caudal neurosecretory system: a model for the study of neuroendocrine secretion. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 153(1-3): 243-50. (Impact factor 2.654)
(12) Abbink W, Bevelander GS, Hang X, Lu W, Guerreiro PM, Spanings T, Canario AV, Flik G. (2006.9) PTHrP regulation and calcium balance in sea bream (Sparus auratus L.) under calcium constraint. J Exp Biol. 15; 209(18): 3550-7. (Impact factor 2.981)
(13) Lu W, Greenwood M, Dow L, Yuill J, Worthington J, McCrohan CR, Riccardi D and Balment RJ (2006.8) Molecular characterisation and expression of Urotensin II and its receptor in the flounder (Platichthys flesus): a hormone system supporting body fluid homeostasis in euryhaline fish. Endocrinology 147(8): 3692-3708. (Impact factor 5.054)
(14) Balment RJ, Lu W, Bond H, Weybourne E and Warne JM (2006.5) Arginine Vasotocin a key hormone in fish salt and water balance and many other aspects of physiology and behaviour. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 144: 240-247. (Impact factor 2.654)
(15) Song W, Abdel-Razik AES, Lu W, Ao Z, Johns DG, Douglas SA, Balment RJ and Ashton N (2006.4) Urotensin II and renal function in the rat. Kidney International, 69(8):1360-8. (Impact factor 6.193)
(1) 李兵,鐘英斌,呂為群2012.01大黃魚(Pseudosciaena crocea)早期發育階段對鹽度的適應性。上海海洋大學學報
(2) 王貴寧,李兵,羅蕾,鐘英斌,黃旭雄,呂為群2011.11溫度及鹽度對卵形鯧鰺(Trachinotus ovatus)仔魚存活和發育的影響。上海海洋大學學報
(3) 嚴佳琦,黃旭雄,黃征征,胡盼,林鋒,呂為群2011.04 營養方式對小球藻生長性能及營養價值的影響。漁業科學進展