呂廣慶:性別:男,學歷: 研究生(雙博士)暨南大學電氣信息學院副教授。
- 中文名:呂廣慶
- 職業:教授
呂廣慶:性別:男,學歷: 研究生(雙博士)暨南大學電氣信息學院副教授
2. “複雜機械產品動態質量分析與動態故障診斷逆子結構技術系統開發”(珠海市科技計畫-國際合作項目,編號:PC20061001,2006.9-2009.3);
3. “複雜耦合結構系統逆子結構動態分析理論及其在包裝工程中的套用”(教育部留學回國人員基金項目,2007年1月-2010.1);
5. “基於FRF的車輛系統動態子結構技術(FRF-based Substructuring Technique for Vehicle System Dynamic Analysis)”(福特公司項目,1998.8-2001.5) ;
6. “旋翼飛機艙內聲質量分析(Rotorcraft Cabin Noise Quality Analysis)” (Sickorsky Aircrafts公司項目,1999.8-2001.5) ;
7. “高動力齒輪箱振動與噪聲主動控制(Active Noise and Vibration Control in High Power Density Gearbox)”(U.S. Army項目,2000.9-2001.5);
8. “全自動洗衣機的動態設計技術、新型阻尼器設計和聲學性能評價(Dynamic design techniques of an automatic washing machine, new damper design, acoustic performance appraisal, 韓國LG電子集團公司生活系統研究所研發課題,1997.1-1998.8)”。
9. “裝甲運兵車車內噪聲控制”(總政裝甲兵部-北方車輛製造廠研發項目,1993.5-1995.9);
10. “大型豪華客車外部噪聲控制”(北方車輛製造廠研發項目,1994.5-1995.5);
11. “旋轉壓縮機降噪-冰櫃噪聲主動控制”(東方廠研發項目,1993.5-1994.5);
12. “提花絲織機車間降噪”(深圳華都絲綢公司研發項目,1989.5-1992.7);
13. “柴油發電機房降噪”(深圳開元公司環境治理項目,1990.5-1991.8)
14. “研磨機煤量控制信號採集”(渭南發電廠研發項目,1988.3-1990.3)。
1. “離散化包裝耦合體動剛度的逆子結構計算方法”,《振動與噪聲控制》,第27卷,第2期, 第16-18,105頁,2009.4, 第一作者;
2. “離散化包裝耦合體動剛度的間接逆子結構分析計算方法”, 《包裝工程》,第29卷,第10期,第61-69,79頁,2008, 第一作者;
3. “基於混合粒子群算法的物流配送路徑最佳化問題研究”,《包裝工程》,第28卷,第5期,第10-12頁,2007, 第二作者;
4. “離散化包裝耦合體動態逆子結構分析方法”, 第11屆全國包裝工程學術會議論文,2007年8月,鄭州;
5. “產品-包裝-運載體系統動態特性研究”, 包裝工程,第27卷第1期, p115-118,2006;
6. “套用逆子結構方法確定包裝耦合體動態特性”, 包裝工程,第27卷第3期, p49-51,2006;
7. “運輸包裝系統動特性分析計算”, 包裝工程 第27卷第4期, p12-14,2006;
8. “Determination of System Vibratory Response Characteristics Applying a Spectral-based Inverse Sub-structuring Approach. Part I: Analytical Formulation”, with Jiantie Zhen, Teik C. Lim, International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration,Vol.1(1/2),2004,p1-30;
9. “Determination of System Vibratory Response Characteristics Applying a Spectral-based Inverse Sub-structuring Approach. Part II: Motor Vehicle Structures”, with Jiantie Zhen, Teik C. Lim, International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration, Vol.1(1/2),2004,p31-67;
10. “Jet Engine and Rocket Noise Estimation”, Dissertation of The University of Alabama, 2003, USA;
11. “NCPA Tutorial on Rocket and Jet Engine Noise Prediction”, with S. A. McInerny, August, 2002;
12. “Experimental Determination of Automotive System Response Characteristics”, with Jiantie Zhen, Teik C. Lim, Automotive Engineering International, Journal of Passenger Cars: Mechanical System, Vol.110, SAE Transaction (Section 6), p1755-1762, 2001;
13. “Experimental determination of automotive system response characteristics”, with J.T. Zhen, T. C. Lim, James V. Loon, J. Juan, 2001 SAE Noise and Vibration Conference, May, 2001, Detroit, USA;
14. “Rotorcraft cabin noise quality analysis”, with T. C. Lim, X.L. Peng, Summary Report for an Sickorsky Aircrafts Corporation, (Intermed) September, 2000, and (Final) May, 2001;
15. “Active Noise & Vibration Control in High Power Density Gearboxes”, with T. C. Lim, W. S. Shepard, C. Moon, Y. Guan, M. Li, OMB NO. 0704-0188, Interim Progress Report for A National Fund Agency, March, 2001;
16. “Implementation Manual – Vehicle system and NVH analysis applying the FRF-based substructuring approach”, with T. C. Lim, J.T. Zhen, L. Liu, Technical Report for Ford Company, September, 2000;
17. “Noise reduction of an automatic washer”, with J.W. Chang, S.M. Jeon, J. S. Hwang, Journal of Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering, 2(supplement), p107-112,1999;
18. “Improvement on stability of adaptive noise control system by GBFLMS algorithm”, with H.L. Chen, X.Q Huang, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Version), 12(4), p132-138, 1997;
19. “冰櫃壓縮機噪聲主動控制研究”, 西安交通大學學報, 第30卷第7期, p2-8, 1996;
20 .“大型客車外部噪聲測試與降低技術研究”, 汽車工程,第17卷第4期,p212-218, ,1995;
21. “履帶車輛振動強度研究”, 套用力學學報, 第10卷第2期, p46-52, 1993;
22. “汽車發動機排氣噪聲主動控制研究”, 汽車工程, 第15卷第4期, p220-225, 1993;
23. “Development on a new damper for noise reduction”, with S. M. Jeon, J. W. Chang, K. R. Park, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Machine Dynamics and Engineering Applications (ICMDEA), Xi’an, China, p63-66,1992;
24. “Measurement of structural vibration intensity”, with C.J. Yi, H.L. Chen, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Machine Dynamics and Engineering Applications (ICMDEA), Singapore, p269-272, 1992
;25. “Multipole source-configuration of active sound absorption in space sound field,” Chinese Journal of Acoustics (English Version), 9 (3), p212-220, 1990;
26. “Active Suppression of Sound Radiation in Open Space”, Inter-Noise'87, p533-536, Beijing, China, 1987.
美國機械工程師協會會員(The American Society of Mechanical Engineers -ASME);
美國聲學學會會員(Acoustical Society of America -ASA)。