




具體為人際疊多滲互動,群體中人際互動中人的決策的影響。具體研究方向為採用經濟學範式公共品問題(public goods game)來研究人的合作行為,如何促進人的合作行為是研究的核心問題。採用多種技術(行為實驗,認知神經以及元分析)對此問題進行探灶台腿笑討。



Osman,M., Lv, J. Y., & Proulx, M. J. (2018). Can Empathy PromoteCooperation When Status and Money Matter? Basic and Applied SocialPsychology, 1-18. (impact factor: 3.426)
Lv,J. Y., Proulx, M. J., & Osman, M.(2015). The Role of Personal Values and Empathy in a Cooperative Game. Journalof Social Science Research, 9, 1834-1844. Retrieved from (影響因子為1.13)
Tian,F., Tu, S., Qiu, J., Lv, J. Y., Wei, D. T., Su, Y. H., &Zhang, Q. L. (2011). Neural correlates of mental preparation for successfulinsight problem solving. Behavioural Brain Research, 216(2), 626-630. (影響因子為3.298)
Lv,J. Y.,Wang, T., Tu, S., Zheng, F., & Qiu, J. (2011). The effect of differentnegative emotional context on involuntary attention: an ERP study. BrainResearch Bulletin, 86(1-2), 106-109. (影響因子為2.771)
Su,Y., Chen, A., Yin, H., Qiu, J., Lv, J. Y., Wei, D., . . . Wang,T. (2010). Spatiotemporal cortical activation underlying self-referencialprocessing evoked by self-hand. Biological Psychology, 85(2), 219-225. .(影響付白地因探拔棵子為3.945)
Lv,J. Y.,Wang, T., Qiu, J., Feng, S.-H., Tu, S., & Wei, D.-T. (2010). Theelectrophysiological effect of working memory load on involuntary attention inan auditory–visual distraction paradigm: an ERP study. Experimental BrainResearch, 205(1), 81-86 (影響因子為 2.036)


18-22 July 2018,SABE/IREAP conference,London, UK;Empathy, a sense of fairness and cooperation (Oral)
17 July 2018, SABEECR workshop, London, UK; (Oral)
25-26 June 2018,2018 CUFE-VU conference,Beijing, CHINA; Empathy, a sense of fairness and cooperation (Oral)
16-18 March2018, The Inaugural Wuhan Cherry BlossomWorkshop in Experimental Economics, Wuhan, CHINA;Empathy, a sense of fairness and cooperation; (Oral)
25April 2017, Kou Yu’s Lab Meeting, School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing,CHINA; The Effect of Empathy on Cooperation; (Oral)
16-17 June 2016, Cooperation and Self-Control Workshop, hosted by The Self-Control and the Person group, King’sCollege London, London; (Attendee)
7th-8th Mar. 2016, EmpathyNeuroscience: Translational Relevance for Conflict Resolution, The BritishAcademy, London; Attendee
8th-9th Oct. 2015, BirminghamPhD. Decision Making Workshop, Birmingham Business School, Birmingham, UK;Oral Presentation
16th - 20th Aug. 2015, the 25th Subjective Probability, Utility, and DecisionMaking Conference (SPUDM25), Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary; OralPresentations: 1)
9 Jan. 2015,Perspectives on Human Cooperation, UCL Anthropology, London, UK;Attendee
21-24Nov. 2014, the 35th Annual Conference for theSociety for Judgment and Decision Making, Long Beach, California, USA; PosterPresentation
9-12 Sept. 2014,Decision MakingBristol 2014, Bristol, UK. Poster Presentation
18-24 Aug. 2013,the 24th SubjectiveProbability, Utility, and Decision Making Conference (SPUDM24), IESEBusiness School, University of Navarra, Barcelona, Spain; Attendee
6thMar.2013,GW5-Brain Stimulation Workshop, Universityof Bath, Bath, UK; Attendee
Aug.2010: the 7 InternationalConference on Cognitive Science (ICCS2010), Beijing,China; Oral presentation, “Neural correlates of Aha experience during insightproblem solving”)


2017-2019年:中央財經大學青年教師發展基金“共情、公平感和合作”(QJJ1728); 主持,2.5萬元
2017-2020年:中央財經大學社會與心理學院學科發展基金種子項目“公平感對合作行為的影響”; 主持,2.5萬元
2012-2016年: 博士論文研究”共情對人的合作行為的影響”受國家留學基金委與倫敦大學共同支助
2011-2013年: 西南大學基本科研專項基金“獨生子女比非獨生子女共情能力差,來自認知神經科學證據 (SWU1109085); 主持, 0.5萬元
2010-2011年: 進行實驗主觀喜愛的認知神經基礎(ERP和fMRI)
2009-2010年: 參與研究項目:青少年社會比較的神經機制,負責多人比較的實驗數據收集和分析


Lv,J. Y.,Wang, T., Qiu, J., Feng, S.-H., Tu, S., & Wei, D.-T. (2010). Theelectrophysiological effect of working memory load on involuntary attention inan auditory–visual distraction paradigm: an ERP study. Experimental BrainResearch, 205(1), 81-86 (影響因子為 2.036)


18-22 July 2018,SABE/IREAP conference,London, UK;Empathy, a sense of fairness and cooperation (Oral)
17 July 2018, SABEECR workshop, London, UK; (Oral)
25-26 June 2018,2018 CUFE-VU conference,Beijing, CHINA; Empathy, a sense of fairness and cooperation (Oral)
16-18 March2018, The Inaugural Wuhan Cherry BlossomWorkshop in Experimental Economics, Wuhan, CHINA;Empathy, a sense of fairness and cooperation; (Oral)
25April 2017, Kou Yu’s Lab Meeting, School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing,CHINA; The Effect of Empathy on Cooperation; (Oral)
16-17 June 2016, Cooperation and Self-Control Workshop, hosted by The Self-Control and the Person group, King’sCollege London, London; (Attendee)
7th-8th Mar. 2016, EmpathyNeuroscience: Translational Relevance for Conflict Resolution, The BritishAcademy, London; Attendee
8th-9th Oct. 2015, BirminghamPhD. Decision Making Workshop, Birmingham Business School, Birmingham, UK;Oral Presentation
16th - 20th Aug. 2015, the 25th Subjective Probability, Utility, and DecisionMaking Conference (SPUDM25), Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary; OralPresentations: 1)
9 Jan. 2015,Perspectives on Human Cooperation, UCL Anthropology, London, UK;Attendee
21-24Nov. 2014, the 35th Annual Conference for theSociety for Judgment and Decision Making, Long Beach, California, USA; PosterPresentation
9-12 Sept. 2014,Decision MakingBristol 2014, Bristol, UK. Poster Presentation
18-24 Aug. 2013,the 24th SubjectiveProbability, Utility, and Decision Making Conference (SPUDM24), IESEBusiness School, University of Navarra, Barcelona, Spain; Attendee
6thMar.2013,GW5-Brain Stimulation Workshop, Universityof Bath, Bath, UK; Attendee
Aug.2010: the 7 InternationalConference on Cognitive Science (ICCS2010), Beijing,China; Oral presentation, “Neural correlates of Aha experience during insightproblem solving”)


2017-2019年:中央財經大學青年教師發展基金“共情、公平感和合作”(QJJ1728); 主持,2.5萬元
2017-2020年:中央財經大學社會與心理學院學科發展基金種子項目“公平感對合作行為的影響”; 主持,2.5萬元
2012-2016年: 博士論文研究”共情對人的合作行為的影響”受國家留學基金委與倫敦大學共同支助
2011-2013年: 西南大學基本科研專項基金“獨生子女比非獨生子女共情能力差,來自認知神經科學證據 (SWU1109085); 主持, 0.5萬元
2010-2011年: 進行實驗主觀喜愛的認知神經基礎(ERP和fMRI)
2009-2010年: 參與研究項目:青少年社會比較的神經機制,負責多人比較的實驗數據收集和分析




