A plague is sweeping the land, and the only hope for an infected girl with nothing to lose is to join forces with her father and destro y the source of the mysterious disease as filmmaker Vince D'Amato turns genre conventions on their head in this startling and original horror entry. Jenna's quest won't be an easy one, and deception lies around every corner as her and her father agree to provide safe passage for a mysterious woman who is actually Carmilla, the legendary blood-drenched baroness, and the very source of the plague. As Jenna, her father, and Carmilla make their way through a world ravaged by flesh-eating zombies, they soon join forces with a powerful warrior known as The General. A man with both a longtime grudge against Carmilla and the weaponry to ensure that she pays for her crimes against the human race, The General may just be the key to salvation for not only Jenna and her father, but all of humanity as well. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
基於Sheridan Le Fanu的小說《CARMILLA》改編,一日,年輕的詹尼弗受到神秘吸血病菌的感染後,便開始產生離奇的幻覺,並遇到了一些聲稱可以幫助她復原的神秘女人。他的父親立即帶著她踏上尋找傳染源的征途。然而在途中不斷有活死人襲擊他們,但都被一群女吸血鬼化險為夷。在前往懷疑對象,吸血伯爵卡米拉的路上,兩人遭遇了友好的上將、女生殭屍、食人族,當然還有威力強大的瘋子,以及邪惡的卡米拉。在這危險重重的旅途中,他們能否平安的拯救自己,甚至日薄西山的吸血鬼家族。