

吳黎兵,男,1972年出生,現任民革武漢大學委員會主委,湖北省十二屆青聯委員,博士(畢業於武漢大學計算機套用專業),武漢大學計算機學院教授/博導,IEEE會員,中國計算機學會高級會員。2011.03--2011.09美國University of Kentucky計算機科學系訪問學者。2017.08--2017.09美國紐約州立大學布法羅分校訪問。近年來主持國家自然科學基金、國家科技部支撐計畫子課題、中國博士後科學基金、科技型中小企業創新基金、湖北省自然科學基金、湖北省科技支撐計畫、武漢市軟體發展基金等項目的研究工作,曾參加國家863計畫引導項目、可信軟體重大研究計畫等研究工作。已發表110餘篇學術論文,其中80多篇被SCI/EI收錄。曾獲第五屆網際網路學術會議最佳論文獎、第十二屆中國計算機網路與通信學術會議優秀論文獎。擔任雜誌IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing,IEEE Transactions on SMC,IEEE System Journal等國際期刊審稿人。近年來在清華大學出版社、機械工業出版社、武漢大學出版社主編或參編教材8部。項目主要是研究車聯網通信及安全、軟體定義網路、網路行為分析等。


  • 中文名:吳黎兵
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1972年
  • 畢業院校:武漢大學
  • 職業:教師
  • 職務:民革武漢大學委員會主委
  • 學位:博士


吳黎兵,出生於1972年11月,博士(畢業於武漢大學計算機套用專業),教授,博駝淋汗汽士生導師 。民革黨員,中國計算機學會高級會員,IEEE會員。




參加的部分科研課題:國家自然科學基金可信軟體重大研究計畫“可信編譯理論與實現方法研究” 排名第2;國家自然科學基金面上項目:基於反饋式排序框架F-Rank的查詢導向的更新式多文檔自動摘要研究 排名第2 ;國家863項目“電子學習系統與教育資源庫研究與開整店欠發” 總體組成員;湖北省衛生廳項目“湖北省農村衛生資源查詢系統”排名第2


[1]Wu, Libing and Chen, Biwen and Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond and He, Debiao. Efficient and secure searchable encryption protocol for cloud-based Internet of Things. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 2018, 111: 152-161.(SCI,CCF B類)
[2]Wu, Libing and Zhang, Yubo and Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond and He, Debiao. Efficient Identity-based Encryption Scheme with Equality Test for Smart City. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing. 2017. DOI: 10.1109/TSUSC.2017.2734110. (SCI)
[3] Bingyi Liu, Dongyao Jia, Kejie Lu, Haibo Chen, Rongwei Yang, Jianping Wang, Yvonne Barnard, Libing Wu*. Infrastructure-assisted message dissemination for supporting heterogeneous driving patterns. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2017, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2017.2661962 (SCI, CCF B類)
[4] Bingyi Liu, Dongyao Jia, Kejie Lu, Dong Ngoduy, Jianping Wang, Libing Wu. A joint control-communication design for reliable vehicle platooning in hybrid traffic. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2017. (SCI)
[5]Xu, Zhiyan and Wu, Libing and Khan, Muhammad Khurram and Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond and He, Debiao. A secure and efficient public auditing scheme using RSA algorithm for cloud storage. The Journal of Supercomputing. 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s11227-017-2085-8.(SCI)
[6] Bingyi Liu, Dongyao Jia, Jianping Wang, Kejie Lu, Libing Wu*. Cloud-assisted safety message dissemination in VANET–Cellular heterogeneous wireless network. IEEE Systems Journal. 2017, 11(1):128-139. (SCI)
[7]Xu, Zhiyan; Wu, Libing; He, Debiao; Khan, Muhammad Khurram. Security analysis of a publicly verifiable data possession scheme for remote storage, Source: Journal of Supercomputing, p 1-8, April 29, 2017(SCI)
[8]He, Debiao and Zeadally, Sherali and Wu, Libing and Wang, Huaqun. Analysis of handover authentication protocols for mobile wireless networks using identity-based public key cryptography[J]. Computer Networks, 2016. (SCI)
[9] Libing Wu, Lei Nie, Jing Fan, Yanxiang He, Qin Liu, Dan Wu. An efficient multi-hop broadcast protocol for emergency messages dissemination in VANETs. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2017, 26(3):614-623. (SCI)
[10] Yong Xie, Libing Wu, Neeraj Kumar, Jian Shen. Analysis and improvement of a privacy-aware handover authentication scheme for wireless network. Wireless Personal Communications. 2017, 93(2):523-541. (SCI)
[11] Yong Xie, Libing Wu, Jian Shen, Abdulhameed Alelaiwi. EIAS-CP: new efficient identity-based authentication scheme with conditional privacy-preserving for VANETs. Telecommunication Systems. 2017, 65(2):229-240. (SCI)
[12] Libing Wu, Jing Fan, Yong Xie, Jing Wang, Qin Liu. Efficient location-based conditional privacy-preserving authentication scheme for vehicle ad hoc networks. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2017, 13(3):1-13. DOI: 10.1177/1550147717700899 (SCI)
[13] Libing Wu, Yubo Zhang, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Debiao He. Efficient and secure identity-based encryption scheme with equality test in cloud computing. Future Generation Computer Systems. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2017.03.007 (SCI)
[14] Libing Wu, Jing Wang, Debiao He, Muhammad Khurram Khan. Cryptanalysis of an identity-based public auditing protocol for cloud storage. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering. 2017. DOI: 10.1631/FITEE.1601530 (SCI)
[15] Libing Wu, Jing Wang, Neeraj Kumar, Debiao He. Secure public data auditing scheme for cloud storage in smart city[J]. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 2017, 21(5): 949-962. (SCI)
[16] Libing Wu, Yubo Zhang, Li Li, Jian Shen. Efficient and anonymous authentication scheme for wireless body area networks. Journal of Medical Systems, 2016, 40(6):1-12. (SCI)
[17] Libing Wu, Yubo Zhang, Yong Xie, Abdulhameed Alelaiw, Jian Shen.. An efficient and secure identity-based authentication and key agreement protocol with user anonymity for mobile devices[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2017, 94(4): 3371-3387. DOI: 10.1007/s11277-016-3781-z (SCI)
[18] Libing Wu, Lei Nie, Bingyi Liu, Jianqun Cui, Naixue Xiong. An energy-balanced cluster head selection method for clustering routing in WSN. Journal of Internet Technology. 2016. (SCI. Accepted)
[19] Libing Wu, Yubo Zhang, Yongjun Ren, Debiao He. Efficient certificate-based signature scheme for electronic commerce security using bilinear pairing. Journal of Internet Technology. 2017, 18(5): 1159-1166.(SCI)
[20]Libing WU, Lei NIE, Samee U. KHAN, Osman KHALID, Dan WU. A V2I Communication Based Pipe Model for Adaptive Urban Traffic Light Scheduling,Frontiers of Computer Science. DOI: 10.1007/s11704-017-7043-3 (SCI)
[21]Wu, Libing; Fan, Jing; Xie, Yong. An Improved Authentication and Key Agreement scheme for Session Initial Protocol,KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS,2017,11:4025-4042(SCI)
[22] Yong Xie, Libing Wu*, Yubo Zhang, Jian Shen. Efficient and secure authentication scheme with conditional privacy-preserving for VANETs. Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2016, 25(5): 950-956 (SCI)
[23] 許芷岩、吳黎兵*、李莉、何德彪. 一個新的無證書廣義指定驗證者聚合簽名方案. 通信學報. 2017. (已接收)
[24] 吳黎兵、劉冰藝、聶雷、范靜、謝永. VANET-Cellular環境下安全訊息廣播中繼選擇方法研究. 計算機學報. 2017, 40(4):1004-1016.
[25]吳黎兵,范靜,聶雷,崔建群,鄒逸飛. 一種車聯網環境下的城市車輛協同選路方法[J]. 計算機學報,2017,40(07):1600-1613. 第五屆中國網際網路學術會議(CCF ICoC 2016)最佳論文獎.
[26] 吳黎兵、謝永、張宇波. 面向車聯網高效安全的訊息認證方案. 通信學報. 2016, 37(11):1-10
[27] 謝永、吳黎兵*、張宇波、葉璐瑤. 面向車聯網的多伺服器架構的匿名雙向認證與密鑰協商協定. 計算機研究與發展. 2016, 53(10):2323-2333.
[28] 吳黎兵、聶雷、劉冰藝、吳妮、鄒逸飛、葉璐瑤. 一種VANET環境下的智慧型交通信號控制方法. 計算機學報, 2016, 39(6):1105-1119.
[29] 劉冰藝、吳黎兵*、賈東耀、聶雷、葉璐瑤、汪建平. 基於移動雲服務的車聯網數據上傳策略研究. 計算機研究與發展, 2016, 53(4):811-823.
[30] 謝永, 吳黎兵*, 何炎祥, 范靜, 劉冰藝. 無間隙的車聯網協助下載方法. 通信學報. 2016, 37(1):180-190.
[31] Yong Xie, Libing Wu*, Jing Fan, Lei Nie. Heterogeneous node deployment model based on area topology control in WSNs. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. 2015, Article ID 164307, 11 pages, 2015. (SCI)
[32] 吳黎兵、黨平、聶雷、何炎祥、李飛. 一種可分片預留接納控制算法. 計算機研究與發展, 2014, 51(6):1199-1205
[33] Libing Wu, Jing Fan, Lei Nie, Bingyi Liu. Tacked link list - An improved linked list for advance resource reservation. In proceedings of the 11th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2014). Taiwan, 2014:538-541. (CCF C類)
[34] Libing Wu, Ping Dang, Lei Nie, Jianqun Cui, Bingyi Liu. Research on the RRB+ tree for resource reservation. In proceedings of the 10th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2013). Guiyang, 2013:83-93. (CCF C類)
[35]吳黎兵,張宇波,何德彪. 雲計算中基於身份的雙伺服器密文等值判定協定[J]. 計算機研究與發展, 2017, 54(10): 2232-2243.(EI)


[2]Wu, Libing and Zhang, Yubo and Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond and He, Debiao. Efficient Identity-based Encryption Scheme with Equality Test for Smart City. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing. 2017. DOI: 10.1109/TSUSC.2017.2734110. (SCI)
[3] Bingyi Liu, Dongyao Jia, Kejie Lu, Haibo Chen, Rongwei Yang, Jianping Wang, Yvonne Barnard, Libing Wu*. Infrastructure-assisted message dissemination for supporting heterogeneous driving patterns. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2017, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2017.2661962 (SCI, CCF B類)
[4] Bingyi Liu, Dongyao Jia, Kejie Lu, Dong Ngoduy, Jianping Wang, Libing Wu. A joint control-communication design for reliable vehicle platooning in hybrid traffic. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2017. (SCI)
[5]Xu, Zhiyan and Wu, Libing and Khan, Muhammad Khurram and Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond and He, Debiao. A secure and efficient public auditing scheme using RSA algorithm for cloud storage. The Journal of Supercomputing. 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s11227-017-2085-8.(SCI)
[6] Bingyi Liu, Dongyao Jia, Jianping Wang, Kejie Lu, Libing Wu*. Cloud-assisted safety message dissemination in VANET–Cellular heterogeneous wireless network. IEEE Systems Journal. 2017, 11(1):128-139. (SCI)
[7]Xu, Zhiyan; Wu, Libing; He, Debiao; Khan, Muhammad Khurram. Security analysis of a publicly verifiable data possession scheme for remote storage, Source: Journal of Supercomputing, p 1-8, April 29, 2017(SCI)
[8]He, Debiao and Zeadally, Sherali and Wu, Libing and Wang, Huaqun. Analysis of handover authentication protocols for mobile wireless networks using identity-based public key cryptography[J]. Computer Networks, 2016. (SCI)
[9] Libing Wu, Lei Nie, Jing Fan, Yanxiang He, Qin Liu, Dan Wu. An efficient multi-hop broadcast protocol for emergency messages dissemination in VANETs. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2017, 26(3):614-623. (SCI)
[10] Yong Xie, Libing Wu, Neeraj Kumar, Jian Shen. Analysis and improvement of a privacy-aware handover authentication scheme for wireless network. Wireless Personal Communications. 2017, 93(2):523-541. (SCI)
[11] Yong Xie, Libing Wu, Jian Shen, Abdulhameed Alelaiwi. EIAS-CP: new efficient identity-based authentication scheme with conditional privacy-preserving for VANETs. Telecommunication Systems. 2017, 65(2):229-240. (SCI)
[12] Libing Wu, Jing Fan, Yong Xie, Jing Wang, Qin Liu. Efficient location-based conditional privacy-preserving authentication scheme for vehicle ad hoc networks. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2017, 13(3):1-13. DOI: 10.1177/1550147717700899 (SCI)
[13] Libing Wu, Yubo Zhang, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Debiao He. Efficient and secure identity-based encryption scheme with equality test in cloud computing. Future Generation Computer Systems. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2017.03.007 (SCI)
[14] Libing Wu, Jing Wang, Debiao He, Muhammad Khurram Khan. Cryptanalysis of an identity-based public auditing protocol for cloud storage. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering. 2017. DOI: 10.1631/FITEE.1601530 (SCI)
[15] Libing Wu, Jing Wang, Neeraj Kumar, Debiao He. Secure public data auditing scheme for cloud storage in smart city[J]. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 2017, 21(5): 949-962. (SCI)
[16] Libing Wu, Yubo Zhang, Li Li, Jian Shen. Efficient and anonymous authentication scheme for wireless body area networks. Journal of Medical Systems, 2016, 40(6):1-12. (SCI)
[17] Libing Wu, Yubo Zhang, Yong Xie, Abdulhameed Alelaiw, Jian Shen.. An efficient and secure identity-based authentication and key agreement protocol with user anonymity for mobile devices[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2017, 94(4): 3371-3387. DOI: 10.1007/s11277-016-3781-z (SCI)
[18] Libing Wu, Lei Nie, Bingyi Liu, Jianqun Cui, Naixue Xiong. An energy-balanced cluster head selection method for clustering routing in WSN. Journal of Internet Technology. 2016. (SCI. Accepted)
[19] Libing Wu, Yubo Zhang, Yongjun Ren, Debiao He. Efficient certificate-based signature scheme for electronic commerce security using bilinear pairing. Journal of Internet Technology. 2017, 18(5): 1159-1166.(SCI)
[20]Libing WU, Lei NIE, Samee U. KHAN, Osman KHALID, Dan WU. A V2I Communication Based Pipe Model for Adaptive Urban Traffic Light Scheduling,Frontiers of Computer Science. DOI: 10.1007/s11704-017-7043-3 (SCI)
[21]Wu, Libing; Fan, Jing; Xie, Yong. An Improved Authentication and Key Agreement scheme for Session Initial Protocol,KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS,2017,11:4025-4042(SCI)
[22] Yong Xie, Libing Wu*, Yubo Zhang, Jian Shen. Efficient and secure authentication scheme with conditional privacy-preserving for VANETs. Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2016, 25(5): 950-956 (SCI)
[23] 許芷岩、吳黎兵*、李莉、何德彪. 一個新的無證書廣義指定驗證者聚合簽名方案. 通信學報. 2017. (已接收)
[24] 吳黎兵、劉冰藝、聶雷、范靜、謝永. VANET-Cellular環境下安全訊息廣播中繼選擇方法研究. 計算機學報. 2017, 40(4):1004-1016.
[25]吳黎兵,范靜,聶雷,崔建群,鄒逸飛. 一種車聯網環境下的城市車輛協同選路方法[J]. 計算機學報,2017,40(07):1600-1613. 第五屆中國網際網路學術會議(CCF ICoC 2016)最佳論文獎.
[26] 吳黎兵、謝永、張宇波. 面向車聯網高效安全的訊息認證方案. 通信學報. 2016, 37(11):1-10
[27] 謝永、吳黎兵*、張宇波、葉璐瑤. 面向車聯網的多伺服器架構的匿名雙向認證與密鑰協商協定. 計算機研究與發展. 2016, 53(10):2323-2333.
[28] 吳黎兵、聶雷、劉冰藝、吳妮、鄒逸飛、葉璐瑤. 一種VANET環境下的智慧型交通信號控制方法. 計算機學報, 2016, 39(6):1105-1119.
[29] 劉冰藝、吳黎兵*、賈東耀、聶雷、葉璐瑤、汪建平. 基於移動雲服務的車聯網數據上傳策略研究. 計算機研究與發展, 2016, 53(4):811-823.
[30] 謝永, 吳黎兵*, 何炎祥, 范靜, 劉冰藝. 無間隙的車聯網協助下載方法. 通信學報. 2016, 37(1):180-190.
[31] Yong Xie, Libing Wu*, Jing Fan, Lei Nie. Heterogeneous node deployment model based on area topology control in WSNs. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. 2015, Article ID 164307, 11 pages, 2015. (SCI)
[32] 吳黎兵、黨平、聶雷、何炎祥、李飛. 一種可分片預留接納控制算法. 計算機研究與發展, 2014, 51(6):1199-1205
[33] Libing Wu, Jing Fan, Lei Nie, Bingyi Liu. Tacked link list - An improved linked list for advance resource reservation. In proceedings of the 11th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2014). Taiwan, 2014:538-541. (CCF C類)
[34] Libing Wu, Ping Dang, Lei Nie, Jianqun Cui, Bingyi Liu. Research on the RRB+ tree for resource reservation. In proceedings of the 10th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2013). Guiyang, 2013:83-93. (CCF C類)
[35]吳黎兵,張宇波,何德彪. 雲計算中基於身份的雙伺服器密文等值判定協定[J]. 計算機研究與發展, 2017, 54(10): 2232-2243.(EI)




