
吳雙應,男,工學博士,重慶大學能源與動力工程學院教授,博(碩)士生導師。2008年6月至2009年6月被國家留學基金委選拔公派至美國Florida International University機械與材料工程系從事訪問研究工作一年。多年來一直從事熱工理論及其工程套用、太陽能發電和熱利用中的熱物理問題及相關技術、先進熱電轉換裝置中的熱質傳輸特性等方面的科研和教學工作;主講傳熱學和工程傳質學等課程;主編《傳熱學》教材(科學出版社,2012.5)和《傳熱分析與計算》教材(中國電力出版社,2013.10)兩部;主持和主研國家自然科學基金、科技部“973”計畫項目、教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金、重慶市自然科學基金和其它橫向等科研項目十餘項;獲重慶市科技進步三等獎1項;以第一發明人獲授權發明專利4項,獲授權實用新型專利12項;在國際國內雜誌和學術會議上公開發表學術論文100餘篇,其中以第一或第二作者(通訊作者)發表SCI和EI收錄論文80餘篇。


  • 中文名:吳雙應
  • 國籍:中國
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職務:重慶大學能源與動力工程學院博(碩)士生導師


中國能源研究會熱力學及其工程套用專業委員會委員;國際中文期刊《可持續能源》雜誌編委。《AppliedEnergy》、《AppliedThermal Engineering》、《SolarEnergy》、《Energy Conversion and Management》、《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》、《中國電機工程學報》、《化工學報》、《太陽能學報》等國內外10餘種專業權威雜誌審稿人。





[1] Shuang-Ying Wu, Hang Zhang, Lan Xiao, Yi Qiu. Experimental investigation on convection heat transfer characteristics of flat plate under environmental wind condition. International Journal of Green Energy, 2017, 14(3): 317-329.
[2] Lan Xiao, Shuang-Ying Wu, Chun Li. The critical external heat source conditions for subcritical ORC system based on thermo-economics. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2016, 30(8): 3853-3860.
[3] Zu-Guo Shen, Shuang-Ying Wu, Lan Xiao, Ke Wang. Effect of tilt angle on the stability of free convection heat transfer in an upward-facing cylindrical cavity: Numerical analysis. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2016, 107: 13-24.
[4] Shuang-Ying Wu, Shu-Meng Zhou, Lan Xiao. The determination and matching analysis of pinch point temperature difference in evaporator and condenser of organic rankine cycle for mixed working fluid. International Journal of Green Energy, 2016, 13(5): 470-480.
[5] Zu-Guo Shen, Shuang-Ying Wu, Lan Xiao. Numerical study of wind effects on combined convective heat loss from an upward-facing cylindrical cavity. Solar Energy, 2016, 132: 294-309.
[6] Zu-Guo Shen, Shuang-Ying Wu, Lan Xiao, Gang Yin. Theoretical modeling of thermoelectric generator with particular emphasis on the effect of side surface heat transfer. Energy, 2016, 95: 367-379.
[7] Shuang-Ying Wu, Ke Wang, Lan Xiao, Si-Min Chen. Wind effect on combined convection and surface radiation heat losses of a fully open cylindrical cavity with insulation. Heat Transfer Engineering, 2016, 37(5): 456-467.
[8] Shuang-Ying Wu, De-Lei Li, Lan Xiao, Zu-Guo Shen. Experimental study on the effect of wind on heat losses from a fully open cylindrical cavity with only bottom wall heated. International Journal of Green Energy, 2015, 12(12): 1244-1254.
[9] Lan Xiao, Shuang-Ying Wu, Tian-Tian Yi, Chao Liu, You-Rong Li. Multi-objective optimization of evaporation and condensation temperatures for subcritical organic Rankine cycle. Energy, 2015, 83: 723-733.
[10] Ying-Ying Wu, Shuang-Ying Wu, Lan Xiao, Performance analysis of photovoltaic–thermoelectric hybrid system with and without glass cover, Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 93: 151-159.
[11] Shuang-Ying Wu, Zu-Guo Shen, Lan Xiao, De-Lei Li. Experimental study on combined convective heat loss of a fully open cylindrical cavity under wind conditions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 83: 509-521.
[12] Zu-Guo Shen, Shuang-Ying Wu, Lan Xiao, De-Lei Li, Ke Wang. Experimental and numerical investigations of combined free convection and radiation heat transfer in an upward-facing cylindrical cavity. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2015, 89: 314-326.
[13] Shuang-Ying Wu, Chun Li, Lan Xiao, You-Rong Li, Chao Liu. The role of outlet temperature of flue gas in organic Rankine cycle considering low temperature corrosion. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2014, 28(12): 5213-5219.
[14] Shuang-Ying Wu, Feng-Hua Guo, Lan Xiao. A review on the methodology for calculating heat and exergy losses of a conventional solar PV/T system. International Journal of Green Energy, 2015, 12(4): 379-397.
[15] Shuang-Ying Wu, Chun Li, Lan Xiao, Chao Liu, You-Rong Li. A comparative study on thermo-economic performance between subcritical and transcritical Organic Rankine Cycles under different heat source temperatures. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(33): 4379-4387.
[16] Shuang-Ying Wu, Ying-Ying Wu, Lan Xiao. Effect of thermal radiation on convection heat transfer in cooling channel of photovoltaic thermal system. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2014, 28(8):3353-3360.
[17] Shuang-Ying Wu, Shu-Meng Zhou, Lan Xiao, You-Rong Li, Chao Liu, Jin-Liang Xu. Determining the optimal pinch point temperature difference of evaporator for waste heat recovery. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2014, 87(2): 140-151.
[18] Shuang-Ying Wu, Feng-Hua Guo, Lan Xiao. Numerical investigation on combined natural convection and radiation heat losses in one side open cylindrical cavity with constant heat flux. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014, 71: 573-584.
[19] Shuang-Ying Wu, Jing-Rui Jiu, Lan Xiao, You-Rong Li, Chao Liu, Jin-Liang Xu. Exergo-economic analysis of finned tube for waste heat recovery including phase change heat transfer. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2013, 27 (11): 3513~3523.
[20] Shuang-Ying Wu, Jing-Yu Guan, Lan Xiao, Zu-Guo Shen, Lian-Hui Xu. Experimental investigation on heat loss of a fully open cylindrical cavity with different boundary conditions. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2013, 45: 92-101.
[21] Shuang-Ying Wu, Liang Jiang, Lan Xiao, You-Rong Li, Jin-Liang Xu. An Investigation on the exergo-economic performance of an evaporator in ORC recovering low-grade waste heat. International Journal of Green Energy, 2012, 9(8): 780-799.
[22] Shuang-Ying Wu, Si-Min Chen, Lan Xiao, You-Rong Li. Extended exergo-economic performance evaluation criteria for enhanced heat transfer duct with constant wall heat flux. International Journal of Exergy, 2012, 11(1): 89-111.
[23] Lan Xiao, Shuang-Ying Wu, You-Rong Li. Numerical study on combined free-forced convection heat loss of solar cavity receiver under wind environments. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2012, 60: 182-194.
[24] Lan Xiao, Shuang-Ying Wu, Qiao-Ling Zhang, You-Rong Li. Theoretical investigation on thermal performance of heat pipe flat plate solar collector with cross flow heat exchanger. Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 48(7): 1167-1176.
[25] Shuang-Ying Wu, Bao-Xi Cao, Lan Xiao, You-Rong Li. Parametric study on flow and heat transfer characteristics of porous wick evaporator based on AMTEC. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2012, 26(3): 973-981.
[26] Lan Xiao, Shuang-Ying Wu, You-Rong Li. Natural convection heat loss estimation of solar cavity receiver by incorporating a modified aperture ratio. IET Renewable Power Generation, 2012, 6(2): 122-128.
[27] Shuang-Ying Wu, Lan Xiao, Si-Min Chen, You-Rong Li, Jin-Liang Xu, Chao Liu. Exergo-economic criteria for performance evaluation of enhanced heat transfer duct with constant wall temperature. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2012, 36: 393-402.
[28] Lan Xiao, Shuang-Ying Wu, You-Rong Li. Advances in solar hydrogen production via two-step water-splitting thermochemical cycles based on metal redox reactions. Renewable Energy, 2012, 41: 1-12.
[29] Shuang-Ying Wu, Qiao-Ling Zhang, Lan Xiao, Feng-Hua Guo. A heat pipe photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) hybrid system and its performance evaluation. Energy and Buildings, 2011, 43(12): 3558–3567.
[30] Shuang-Ying Wu, Su-Jun Chen, Lan Xiao and You-Rong Li. Numerical investigation on developing laminar forced convective heat transfer and entropy generation in an annular helicoidal tube. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2011, 25(6): 1439-1447.
[31] Shuang-Ying Wu, Lan Xiao. Comparative study of the effect of fouling on heat exchangers performance based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics. International Journal of Exergy, 2011, 9(1): 1-20.
[32] Shuang-Ying Wu, Lan Xiao, Yiding Cao, You-Rong Li. A parabolic dish/AMTEC solar thermal power system and its performance evaluation. Applied Energy, 2010, 87(2): 452-462.
[33] Shuang-Ying Wu, Lan Xiao, Yiding Cao, You-Rong Li. Convection heat loss from cavity receiver in parabolic dish solar thermal power system: A review. Solar Energy, 2010, 84(8): 1342-1355.
[34] Shuang-Ying Wu, Xiao-Feng Yuan, You-Rong Li. Two non-dimensional exergy transfer performance parameters of heat exchanger. International Journal of Exergy, 2010, 7(1): 130-145.
[35] Shuang-Ying Wu, Xiao-Feng Yuan, You-Rong Li. The effect of fouling on low temperature heat exchangers performance based on exergy analysis. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2010, 23(6): 1119-1122.
[36] Shuang-Ying Wu, Lan Xiao, Yi-Ding Cao. A review on advances in alkali metal thermal to electric converters (AMTECs). International Journal of Energy Research, 2009, 33(10): 868-892.
[37] Shuang-Ying Wu, Su-Jun Chen, You-Rong Li, Long-Jian Li. Numerical investigation of turbulent flow, heat transfer and entropy generation in a helical coiled tube with larger curvature ratio. Heat and Mass Transfer, 2009, 45(5): 569-578.
[38] Shuang-Ying Wu, You-Li Zhang, You-Rong Li. Exergy transfer analysis of forced convection in external flow over a flat plate. Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 2009, 34(4): 335-354.
[39] Shuang-Ying Wu, You-Li Zhang, You-Rong Li. Exergy transfer analysis of a pin fin in external flow. International Journal of Exergy, 2009, 6(6): 761-777.
[40] Shuang-Ying Wu, You-Rong Li, Yan Chen, Lan Xiao. Exergy transfer characteristics of forced convective heat transfer through a duct with constant wall temperature. Energy, 2007, 32(12): 2385-95.
[41] Shuang-Ying Wu, Xiao-Feng Yuan, You-Rong Li, Lan Xiao. Exergy transfer effectiveness on heat exchanger for finite pressure drop. Energy, 2007, 32(11): 2110-2120.
[42] Shuang-Ying Wu, Yan Chen, You-Rong Li, Dan-Ling Zeng. The effect of fouling on thermodynamic performance of forced convective heat transfer through a duct. Energy Conversion and Management, 2007, 48(8): 2399-2406.
[43] Shuang-Ying Wu, Yan Chen, You-Rong Li, Dan-Ling Zeng. Exergy transfer characteristics of forced convective heat transfer through a duct with constant wall heat flux. Energy, 2007, 32(5): 686-696.
[44] Shuang-ying Wu, Xiao-Feng Yuan, You-Rong Li, Lan Peng. Exergy Transfer characteristics on low temperature heat exchangers. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2007, 21(18/19): 3503-3505.


[1] 肖蘭,楚權威,吳雙應. 一種以工業廢氣為熱源的鹼金屬熱電直接轉換裝置. 發明專利,專利號:ZL 201410740335.7.
[2] 吳雙應,肖蘭. 兩側加肋片的空氣式太陽能光伏電熱一體化裝置. 實用新型專利,專利號:ZL 201220478635.9.
[3] 肖蘭,吳雙應,李友榮,劉朝. 基於熱管技術的有機朗肯循環低溫餘熱發電系統. 發明專利,專利號:ZL 201210336010.3.
[4] 吳雙應,肖蘭. 一種碟式太陽能熱電直接轉換系統. 發明專利,專利號:ZL 201110050837.3.
[5] 吳雙應,肖蘭,李友榮. 一種光熱混合發電及熱利用一體化的太陽能綜合利用系統. 發明專利,專利號:ZL 201010214752.X.
[6] 吳雙應,肖蘭,李友榮. 基於鹼金屬熱電轉換的發電與制氫聯合循環系統. 發明專利,專利號:ZL 201010042047.6.
[7] 吳雙應,肖蘭,李友榮.一種圓柱形太陽能高溫腔式吸熱器. 實用新型專利,專利號:ZL 201020160953.1.
[8] 吳雙應,肖蘭,李友榮. 基於平板型熱管冷卻的太陽能光伏電-熱轉換裝置. 實用新型專利,專利號:ZL 200920126772.4.
[9] 吳雙應,苟小龍,李友榮. 一種採用熱管冷卻的平板型太陽能光伏電-熱(PV-T)轉換裝置. 實用新型專利,專利號:ZL 200920126098.X.
[10] 吳雙應,苟小龍,李友榮. 一種基於熱管原理的氣液換熱器. 實用新型專利,專利號:ZL 200920207098.2.
[11] 吳雙應,李友榮. 一種熱管式同時蓄冷蓄熱裝置. 實用新型專利,專利號:ZL 200820100000.9.


