1994.9-1998.7 山東大學數學與系統科學學院,計算數學專業,本科
1998.9--2001.7 大連理工大學套用數學系;計算數學專業,碩士
2001.9--2004.7 復旦大學數學研究所,計算數學專業,博士
2004.8--2007.7 徐州師範大學數學學院,副教授
2007.8--2011.7 江蘇師範大學數學與統計學院,教授
2013.8 至今 中國礦業大學數學院,教授、博士生導師
1 項目名稱:高維數據降維的“不精確”矩陣函式判別分析方法研究(BK20171185),來源:江蘇省自然科學基金,主要承擔工作:主持
2 項目名稱:複雜網路關鍵節點評估快速算法研究及在蛋白質功能預測中的套用(11371176),來源:國家自然科學基金,主要承擔工作:主持
3 項目名稱:基於投影類技術的數據降維算法及其在圖像處理中的套用(BK20131126),來源:江蘇省自然科學基金,主要承擔工作:主持
4 項目名稱:PageRank問題的研究及其在基因晶片數據挖掘中的套用(10901132),來源:國家自然科學基金,主要承擔工作:主持
5 項目名稱:Google搜尋引擎中網頁等級問題的理論與快速算法研究(10626044),來源:國家自然科學基金,主要承擔工作:主持
6 項目名稱:現代網路信息計算中超大規模稀疏矩陣計算問題的研究(08KJB110012),來源:江蘇省高校自然科學基金,主要承擔工作:主持
1. Gang Wu.The convergence of harmonic Ritz vectors and harmonic Ritz values, Revisited,SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2017, 38: 118--133.
2. Gang Wu, Lu Zhang. New algorithms for approximating phi-functions and their condition numbers for large sparse matrices,IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 2017, to appear.
3. Gang Wu, Tingting Feng, Lijia Zhang, Meng Yang. Inexact implementation using Krylov subspace methods for large scale exponential discriminant analysis with applications to high dimensionality reduction problems,Pattern Recognition,2017, 66: 328--341.
4. Gang Wu, Hongkui Pang. On the correction equation of the Jacobi-Davidson method,Linear Algebra and its Applications,2017, 522: 51--70.
5. Gang Wu, Lu Zhang, Ting-ting Xu. A framework of the harmonic Arnoldi method for evaluating phi-functions with applications to exponential integrators,Advances in Computational Mathematics,2016, 42: 505--541.
6. Gang Wu, Wei Xu and Huan Leng. Inexact and incremental bilinear Lanczos components algorithms for high dimensionality reduction and image reconstruction.Pattern Recognition,2015,48: 244--263.
7. Gang Wu, Ting-ting Feng, Yimin Wei. An inexact shift-and-invert Arnoldi algorithm for Toeplitz matrix exponential,Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 2015, 22: 777--792.
8. Gang Wu, Ting-ting Feng.A theoretical contribution to the fast implementation of null linear discriminant analysis with random matrix multiplication,Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications,2015, 22: 1180--1181.
9. Gang Wu, Lu Zhang, On expansion of search subspaces for large non-Hermitian eigenproblems.Linear Algebra and its Applications,2014,454: 107--129.
10. Gang Wu, Wei Xu, Ying Zhang and Yimin Wei, A preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm for GeneRank with application to microarray data mining.Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2013,26: 27--56.
11. Gang Wu, Ying Zhang and Yimin Wei, Accelerating the Arnoldi-type algorithm for the PageRank problem and the ProteinRank problem.Journal of Scientific Computing,2013,57: 74--104.
12. Gang Wu, Yanchun Wang and Xiaoqing Jin, A preconditioned and shifted GMRES algorithm for the PageRank problem with multiple damping factors,SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,2012,34,A2558--A2575.
13. Gang Wu, Yimin Wei. On analysis of projection methods for rational function approximation to the matrix exponential.SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,2010,48: 191--197.
14. Gang Wu, Yimin Wei, Arnoldi versus GMRES for computing PageRank: A theoretical contribution to Google’s PageRank Problem.ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 2010: 28, Article 11: 1--28.
15. Gang Wu, Ying Zhang, Yimin Wei, Krylov subspace algorithms for computing GeneRank for the analysis of microarray data mining.Journal of Computational Biology,2010,17: 631--646.
16. Gang Wu, Yimin Wei, Comments on Jordan canonical form of the Google matrix.SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications,2008,30: 364--374.
17. Gang Wu, Yimin Wei, A Power-Arnoldi algorithm for computing PageRank.Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 2007,14: 521--546.
18. Gang Wu, A dynamic thick restarted semi-refined ABLE algorithm for computing a few selected eigentriplets of large nonsymmetric matrices.Linear Algebra and its Applications,2006,416: 313--335.