
吳賀俊,男,博士,中山大學數據科學與計算機學院副教授,研究成果發表在IEEE IoT、 TPDS、TWC、TKDE、TCSVT、 TIP、TC、ACM TWEB、IEEE INFOCOM、PERCOM、WCNC、ICDCS、BigCom、BigData等頂級期刊和重要國際會議上發表論文30餘篇,主持和參與國家自然科學基金、國家重點研發項目、廣東省重大科技專項、廣東省重點實驗室的大數據和教育部重點實驗室的機器人項目等。


  • 中文名:吳賀俊
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:香港科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職稱:副教授






2011年IEEE WCNC Best Paper


  1. 國家自然基金面上項目“大規模異構感測網路複雜事件監測分析關鍵技術研究”(61672552),吳賀俊(主持),2017.1-2020.12,本人主持。
  2. 國家重點研發計畫高性能計算重點專項 “基於國家高性能計算環境的教育實踐平台”(2016YEB0201900) 吳賀俊(項目骨幹,第三申請人)2016.1 -2020.12。
  3. 國家重點研發計畫項目“面向E級計算機的大型流體機械並行計算軟體系統及示範” (2016YFB0200900) 吳賀俊(參與), 2016.1 -2020.12。





[1]《一種智慧型終端上的人工智慧自然語言運行系統》 發明(設計)人:吳賀俊;歐展飛;劉偉偉;趙勇健;葉浩榮。專利類型:發明,專利號:201210289969.6
[2]《一種智慧型酒櫃系統的實現方法》 發明(設計)人:吳賀俊;賴子舜;洪福強。專利類型:發明,專利號:201410041934.X
[3]《基於物聯網的快遞追蹤派送方法》 -發明(設計)人:吳賀俊;賴子舜;洪福強 。專利類型:發明,專利號:201410182746.9
[4]《基於感測信息及目標追蹤的多模信息系統及其融合方法》發明(設計)人:吳賀俊; 洪福強, 2015.9.2-2019.5.9, 專利類型:發明,專利號:CN201510234035.6


[j17]Feng Zhou, Yushi Li, Hejun Wu, Zhimin Ding , and Xiying Li, ProLo: Localization via Projection for Three-Dimensional Mobile Underwater Sensor Networks Sensors2019,19(6), 1414;
[j16] Hejun Wu ; Zhimin Ding; Jiannong Cao, GROLO: Realistic Range-based Localization for Mobile IoTs through Global Rigidity, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2019.2895127
[j15] Guanbin Li,Yukang Gan,Hejun Wu,Nong Xiao,Liang Lin: Cross-Modal Attentional Context Learning for RGB-D Object Detection.IEEE Trans. Image Processing28(4):1591-1601(2019)
[j14] Hejun Wu, Zhenye Huang, Biao Hu, Zhi Yu, Xiying Li, Min Gao, Zhong Shen: Real-Time Continuous Action Recognition Using Pose Contexts With Depth Sensors. IEEE Access 6: 51708-51720 (2018)
[j13] Guanbin Li, Yukang Gan, Hejun Wu, Nong Xiao, Liang Lin: Cross-Modal Attentional Context Learning for RGB-D Object Detection. CoRR abs/1810.12829(2018) 2017
[j12] Hejun Wu, Ding Ao, Weiwei Liu, Lvzhou Li, Zheng Yang, "Triangle Extension: Efficient Localizability Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 11, 2017, pp. 7419-7431.
[j11]Chenglong Li, Xiao Wang, Lei Zhang, Jin Tang, Hejun Wu, Liang Lin: Weighted Low-Rank Decomposition for Robust Grayscale-Thermal Foreground Detection. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 27(4): 725-738 (2017).
[c19] Jiahao Li , Hejun Wu, Xinrui Zhou, “PeMapNet: Action Recognition from Depth Videos Using Pyramid Energy Maps on Neural Networks”, ICTAI 2017.
[j10] Na Yu, Yongjian Zhao, Qi Han, Weiping Zhu, Hejun Wu: Identification of Partitions in a Homogeneous Activity Group Using Mobile Devices. Mobile Information Systems 2016: 3545327:1-3545327:14 (2016)
[j9] Hejun Wu, Jiannong Cao, Xiaopeng Fan: Dynamic collaborative in-network event detection in wireless sensor networks. Telecommunication Systems 62(1): 43-58 (2016)
[j8] Huanhuan Wu, James Cheng, Yiping Ke, Silu Huang, Yuzhen Huang, Hejun Wu: Efficient Algorithms for Temporal Path Computation. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 28(11): 2927-2942 (2016)
[c18] Cheng Chen, Hejun Wu, Dyce Jing Zhao, Da Yan, James Cheng: SGraph: A Distributed Streaming System for Processing Big Graphs. BigCom 2016: 285-294
[c17] Huanhuan Wu, James Cheng, Yi Lu, Yiping Ke, Yuzhen Huang, Da Yan, Hejun Wu: Core decomposition in large temporal graphs. Big Data 2015: 649-658
[j7] Wenzheng Xu, Weigang Wu, Hejun Wu, Jiannong Cao, Xiaola Lin: CACC: A Cooperative Approachto Cache Consistency in WMNs. IEEE Trans. Computers 63(4): 860-873 (2014)
[j6] Weigang Wu, Jiannong Cao, Hejun Wu, Jingjing Li: Robust and dynamic data aggregation in wireless sensor networks: A cross-layer approach. Computer Networks 57(18): 3929-3940 (2013)
[j5] Weifeng Su, Hejun Wu, Yafei Li, Jing Zhao, Frederick H. Lochovsky, Hongmin Cai, Tianqiang Huang: Understanding query interfaces by statistical parsing. TWEB 7(2): 8 (2013)
[j4] Wenwei Xue,Qiong Luo,Hejun Wu:Pattern-based event detection in sensor networks.Distributed and Parallel Databases 30(1): 27-62 (2012)
[c14] Weigang Wu,Haiqing Liu,Hejun Wu:RES: A Robust and Efficient Snapshot Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks.ICDCS Workshops 2012: 231-236
[c13] Weigang Wu,Jiannong Cao,Hejun Wu,Jingjing Li:Robust and Dynamic Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Cross-Layer Approach.UIC/ATC 2012: 306-313
[c12] Wenzheng Xu,Weigang Wu,Hejun Wu,Jiannong Cao:A Cooperative Approach to Cache Consistency Maintenance in Wireless Mesh Networks.ICPADS 2011: 512-519
[c11] Xuefeng Liu,Jiannong Cao,Steven Lai,Chao Yang,Hejun Wu,Youlin Xu:Energy efficient clustering for WSN-based structural health monitoring.INFOCOM 2011: 2768-2776
[c10] Binbin Zhou,Jiannong Cao,Hejun Wu:Adaptive Traffic Light Control of Multiple Intersections in WSN-Based ITS.VTC Spring 2011: 1-5
[c9] Hejun Wu,Jiannong Cao,Xuefeng Liu,Yang Liu:Dual-Mote: A Sensor Network testbed for high rate sensing-transmission and runtime evaluation.WCNC 2011: 2048-2053
[j3] Jiannong Cao,Hejun Wu,Xuefeng Liu,Yi Lai:iSensNet: an infrastructure for research and development in wireless sensor networks.Frontiers of Computer Science in China 4(3): 339-353 (2010)
[j2] Hejun Wu,Qiong Luo:Adaptive holistic scheduling for query processing in sensor networks.J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 70(6): 657-670 (2010)
[c8] Binbin Zhou,Jiannong Cao,Xiaoqin Zeng,Hejun Wu:Adaptive Traffic Light Control in Wireless Sensor Network-Based Intelligent Transportation System.VTC Fall 2010: 1-5
[–]2000 – 2009
[c7] Hejun Wu,Qiong Luo,Jianjun Li,Alexandros Labrinidis:Quality aware query scheduling in wireless sensor networks.DMSN 2009
[j1] Hejun Wu,Qiong Luo,Pei Zheng,Lionel M. Ni:VMNet: Realistic Emulation of Wireless Sensor Networks.IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 18(2): 277-288 (2007)
[c6] Qiong Luo,Hejun Wu:System design issues in sensor databases.SIGMOD Conference 2007: 1182-1185
[c5] Hejun Wu,Qiong Luo:Supporting Adaptive Sampling in Wireless Sensor Networks.WCNC 2007: 3442-3447
[c4] Hejun Wu,Qiong Luo,Wenwei Xue:Distributed Cross-Layer Scheduling for In-Network Sensor Query Processing.PerCom 2006: 180-189
[c3] Qiong Luo,Lionel M. Ni,Bingsheng He,Hejun Wu,Wenwei Xue:MEADOWS: modeling, emulation, and analysis of data of wireless sensor networks.DMSN 2004: 58-67
[c2] Wenwei Xue,Bingsheng He,Hejun Wu,Qiong Luo:The HKUST Frog Pond - A Case Study of Sensory Data Analysis.NPC 2004: 551-558
[c1] Hejun Wu,Qiong Luo,Pei Zheng,Bingsheng He,Lionel M. Ni:Accurate Emulation of Wireless Sensor Networks.NPC 2004: 576-583


