1. Shun Wu, Haihao Cheng, JianwenMa, Xuemei Yang, Shun Wang, Peixiang Lu "Temperature-independentultra-sensitive refractive index sensor based on Hollow-core Silica Tube andtapers", Optics Express,Recently Accepted (2021).
2. XuemeiYang, Yongqi Li, Songyang Zhang, Shun Wang, Shun Wu*, "Comparison of Fiber-Based Gas Pressure SensorsUsing Hollow-Core Photonic Crystal Fibers", IEEE Photonics Journal, Volume 13, Number 2, 6800209 (2021).
3. XuemeiYang, Shun Wu*, Haihao Cheng,Jianwen Ma, Shun Wang, Shuhui Liu, Peixiang Lu, "Simplifiedhighly-sensitive gas pressure sensor based on harmonic Vernier effect", Optics and Laser Technology, Volume 140,107007 (2021).
4. JianwenMa, Shun Wu*, Haihao Cheng, XuemeiYang, Shun Wang, Peixiang Lu,"Sensitivity-enhanced temperature sensorbased on encapsulated S-taper fiber Modal interferometer", Optics and Laser Technology, Volume139,106933 (2021).
5. FangFang, Shun Wu,*, Aaron Smull, JoshuaA. Isaacs, Yimeng Wang, Chris H. Greene, and Dan M. Stamper-Kurn"Cross-dimensional relaxation of 7Li-87Rb atomic gas mixtures in aspherical-quadrupole magnetic trap", PhysicalReview A, 101, 012703 (2020) Editors' Suggestion
6. HaihaoCheng, Shun Wu*, Qiang Wang,ShunWang, and Peixiang Lu, "In-Line Hybrid Fiber Sensor for CurvatureandTemperature Measurement", IEEEPhotonics Journal, Vol. 11, 6803311 (2019)
7. S.Wang, S. Liu, W. Ni, S. Wu*, and P.Lu, “Dual-wavelength highly-sensitive refractive index sensor”, Optics Express, 25, 14389-14396 (2017).
8. F.Fang, R. Olf, S. Wu, H. Kadau,and D.M. Stamper-Kurn,“Condensing magnons in a degenerate ferromagnetic spinor Bosegas”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 116,095301(2016).
9. S. Wu, K. A. Tillman, B.R.Washburn and K. L. Corwin,“Investigation of Carrier-Envelope Offset FrequencyLinewidthNarrowing in a Prism-based Cr:forsterite Frequency Comb”, Applied Optics, 55,9810-9817 (2016).
10. S. Wu, C. Wang, C.Fourcade-Dutin, B. R. Washburn, F. Benabid and K. L. Corwin “Direct Fiber CombStabilization to a Gas-filled Hollow-core Photonic Crystal Fiber”, Optics Express, 22, 23704-23715 (2014).
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[2] 吳舜,程海皓,王順,王強,一種基於混合級聯結構的光纖感測器及製備方法,受理號201910489467.X,中國,2019
[3] 吳舜,王順,金銳博,基於光學參考的高穩定度攜帶型飛秒光梳系統及控制方法,受理號201810878028.3,中國,2018
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