2017-2018,美國加州大學伯克利分校(UC Berkeley) 土木與環境工程系 博士後訪問學者;
2012-2014,西北農林科技大學水利與建築工程學院 講師;
美國加州大學歐文分校(UC Irvine)水文與水環境研究中心 中美聯合培養博士生;
兼任四川省生遙棕體態文明促進會第一屆專家委員會青年專家,中國水土保持學會會員,國家自然科學基金青年、面轎危上、地區、海外通訊評審專家,擔任Science of the Total Environment, Land Degradation & Development, Environmental Science & Technology, Journal of Environmental Informatics, Water Research, Environmental Modelling & Software,Journal of Environmental Quality, Separation & Purification Reviews, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Environmental Earth Sciences, Journal of Mountain Science, Environmental Management, SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, International Soil and Water Conservation Research等30餘個國內外期刊經常審稿人。
[1] 國家自然科學基金面上項目: 黃土丘陵溝壑區水-沙-吸附態與溶解態非點源污染物多時空尺度耦合運移機理研究, 2017/01-2020/12,主持
[2] 國家自然科學基金青年項目,黃土高原小流域吸附態
[3] 陝西省創新人才推進計畫—青年科技新星項目,延河流域非點源污染控制措施空間配置最佳化研究,2017/01-2019/12,主持
[4] 仲英青年學者項目,黃土丘陵區水-沙-非點源氮磷流失多尺度耦合特徵及控制措施最佳化研究,2017/01-2019/12,主持
[5] 教育部博士點基金,黃土高原小流域非點源氮磷流失形態模擬研究, 2014/01-2016/12,主持
[7] 國家重點研發計畫專題子任務,水資源協同配置方案效益可行性分析,2016/07-2019/12,主持
先後在《Journal of Hydrology》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Solid Earth》、《Scientific Reports》、《Catena》、《Environmental Earth Sciences》、《Environmental Monitoring and Assessment》、《Water Policy》、《Water Environmental Research》、《Environmental Engineering Science》、《Water Science and Technology》、《Ecological Modelling》、《
套用力學學報》等本領域國內外重要期刊發表論文66篇,其中SCI論文43篇(第一作者35篇)。據Google Scholar查詢,發表的SCI論文共被引用450餘次;據Research Gate查詢,共被引用350餘次;據Web of Science核心合集查詢,共被引用266次,他引191次,以第一作者發表在Journal of Hydrology論文單篇他引55次。另外,以第一作者公開發明專利4件,授權實用新型5件。
[1] Wu, L., Yao, W.W., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Using the comprehensive governance degree to calibrate a piecewise sediment delivery ratio algorithm for dynamic sediment predictions: A case study in an ecological restoration watershed of northwest China. Journal of Hydrology, 564, 888-899. (SCI)
[2] Wu, L., Su, X.L., Ma, X.Y., Kang, Y., Jiang, Y.N. (2018). Integrated modeling framework for evaluating and predicting the water resources carrying capacity in a continental river basin of Northwest China. Journal of Cleaner Production, completely accepted. (SCI)
[3] Wu, L., Qiao, S.S., Peng, M.L., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Assessing impacts of rainfall intensity and slope on dissolved and adsorbed nitrogen loss under bare loessial soil by simulated rainfalls. Catena, 170, 51-63. (SCI)
[4] Wu, L., Jiang, J., Li G.X., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Characteristics of pulsed runoff-erosion events under typical rainstorms in a small watershed on the Loess Plateau of China. Scientific Reports, 8:3672. (SCI)
[5] Wu, L., Qiao, S.S., Peng, L.L., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Coupling loss characteristics of runoff-sediment-adsorbed and dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus on bare loess slope. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(14), 14018-14031. (SCI)
[6] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Prediction of land use change and its driving forces in an ecological restoration watershed of the loess hilly region. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77:238. (SCI)
[7] Wu, L., Tang, X.D., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Optimal allocation of nonpoint source pollution control measures using two modern comprehensive evaluation methods. Water Policy, 20: 811-825. (SCI)
[8] Wu, L., Peng M.L., Qiao S.S., Ma X.Y. (2018). Effects of rainfall intensity and slope gradient on runoff and sediment yield characteristics of bare loess soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(4): 3480-3487. (SCI)
[9] Wu L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Spatio-temporal temperature variations in the Chinese Yellow River basin from 1981 to 2013. Weather, 73(1): 27-33. (SCI)
[10] Wu, L., Chang, H.Y., Ma, X.Y. (2017). A modified method for pesticide transport and fate in subsurface environment of a winter wheat field of Yangling, China. Science of the Total Environment, 609: 385–395. (SCI)
[11] Wu, L., Qi, T., Zhang, J. (2017). Spatiotemporal variations of adsorbed nonpoint source nitrogen pollution in a highly erodible Loess plateau watershed. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 26(3): 1343-1352. (SCI)
[12] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2016). Application of a modified distributed-dynamic erosion and sediment yield model in a typical watershed of a hilly and gully region, Chinese Loess Plateau. Solid Earth, 7(6): 1577-1590. (SCI)
[13] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2016). Spatio-temporal variation of erosion-type non-point source pollution in a small watershed of hilly and gully region, Chinese Loess Plateau. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23: 10957-10967. (SCI)
[14] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2016). Spatio-temporal evolutions of precipitation in the Yellow River basin of China from 1981 to 2013. Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 16(5): 1441-1450. (SCI)
[15] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2016). Spatiotemporal distribution of rainfall erosivity in the Yanhe River watershed of hilly and gully region, Chinese Loess Plateau. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75: 315. (SCI)
[16] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2016). Pesticide exposure levels in an apple-orchard catchment of Changwu Tableland, Chinese Loess Plateau. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 25(12a): 5904-5917. (SCI)
[17] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2016). Tracking Soil Erosion Changes in an Easily-Eroded Watershed of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 25(1): 332-344. (SCI)
[18] Wu, L., Li, P.C., Ma, X.Y.(2016). Estimating nonpoint source pollution load using four modified export coefficient models in a large easily eroded watershed of the loess hilly-gully region, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75: 1056. (SCI) (SCI)
[19] Wu, L., Gao, J.E., Ma, X.Y., Li, D. (2015) Application of modified export coefficient method on the load estimation of non-point source nitrogen and phosphorus pollution of soil and water loss in semiarid regions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22: 10647-10660. (SCI)
[20] Wu, L., Chang, H.Y., Ma, X.Y. (2015). Insecticide transport and fate in a small apple-orchard watershed of the hilly and gully region, Loess Plateau. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 24(8a): 2603-2614. (SCI)
[21] Wu, L., Qi, T., Li, D., Yang, H.J., Liu, G.Q., Ma, X.Y., Gao, J.E. (2015). Current status, problems and control strategies of water resources pollution in China. Water Policy, 17(3): 423-440. (SCI)
[22] Wu, L., Wang, J., Liu, X. (2015). Enhanced nitrogen removal under low-temperature and high-load conditions by optimization of the operating modes and control parameters in the CAST system for municipal wastewater. Desalination and Water Treatment, 53: 1683-1698. (SCI)
[23] Wu, L., Ma, X.Y., Liu, X. (2014) Assessment of herbicide transport and distribution in subsurface environments of an orange field. Water Environment Research, 86(8): 729-740. (SCI)
[24] Wu, L., Long, T.Y., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2013). Modeling impacts of sediment delivery ratio and land management on adsorbed non-point source nitrogen and phosphorus load in a mountainous basin of the Three Gorges reservoir area, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 70(3):1405-1422. (SCI)
[25] Wu, L., Long, T.Y., Liu, X., Guo, J.S. (2012). Impacts of climate and land-use changes on the migration of non-point source nitrogen and phosphorus during rainfall-runoff in the Jialing River Watershed, China. Journal of Hydrology, 475: 26-41. (SCI)
[26] Wu, L., Long, T.Y., Cooper, W.J. (2012). Simulation of temporal and spatial distribution on dissolved non-point source nitrogen and phosphorus load in Jialing River Watershed, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 65(6), 1795-1806. (SCI)
[27] Wu, L., Long, T.Y., Liu, X., Mmereki, D. (2012). Simulation of soil loss processes based on rainfall runoff, and the time factor of governance in the Jialing River Watershed, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184(6): 3731-3748. (SCI)
[28] Wu, L., Long, T.Y., Cooper, W.J. (2012). Temporal and spatial simulation of adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus non-point source pollution load in Xiao Jiang Watershed of Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. Environmental Engineering Science, 29(4):238-247. (SCI)
[29] Wu, L., Long, T.Y., Lu, X.P. (2012).Improvement of separation efficiency and production capacity of a hydrocyclone. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 12(3): 281-299. (SCI)
[30] Wu, L., Long, T.Y., Li, C.M. (2010). The simulation research of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus non-point source pollution in Xiao-Jiang Watershed of Three Gorges Reservoir Area. Water Science and Technology, 61(6): 1601-1616. (SCI)
[2] Wu, L., Su, X.L., Ma, X.Y., Kang, Y., Jiang, Y.N. (2018). Integrated modeling framework for evaluating and predicting the water resources carrying capacity in a continental river basin of Northwest China. Journal of Cleaner Production, completely accepted. (SCI)
[3] Wu, L., Qiao, S.S., Peng, M.L., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Assessing impacts of rainfall intensity and slope on dissolved and adsorbed nitrogen loss under bare loessial soil by simulated rainfalls. Catena, 170, 51-63. (SCI)
[4] Wu, L., Jiang, J., Li G.X., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Characteristics of pulsed runoff-erosion events under typical rainstorms in a small watershed on the Loess Plateau of China. Scientific Reports, 8:3672. (SCI)
[5] Wu, L., Qiao, S.S., Peng, L.L., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Coupling loss characteristics of runoff-sediment-adsorbed and dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus on bare loess slope. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(14), 14018-14031. (SCI)
[6] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Prediction of land use change and its driving forces in an ecological restoration watershed of the loess hilly region. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77:238. (SCI)
[7] Wu, L., Tang, X.D., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Optimal allocation of nonpoint source pollution control measures using two modern comprehensive evaluation methods. Water Policy, 20: 811-825. (SCI)
[8] Wu, L., Peng M.L., Qiao S.S., Ma X.Y. (2018). Effects of rainfall intensity and slope gradient on runoff and sediment yield characteristics of bare loess soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(4): 3480-3487. (SCI)
[9] Wu L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Spatio-temporal temperature variations in the Chinese Yellow River basin from 1981 to 2013. Weather, 73(1): 27-33. (SCI)
[10] Wu, L., Chang, H.Y., Ma, X.Y. (2017). A modified method for pesticide transport and fate in subsurface environment of a winter wheat field of Yangling, China. Science of the Total Environment, 609: 385–395. (SCI)
[11] Wu, L., Qi, T., Zhang, J. (2017). Spatiotemporal variations of adsorbed nonpoint source nitrogen pollution in a highly erodible Loess plateau watershed. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 26(3): 1343-1352. (SCI)
[12] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2016). Application of a modified distributed-dynamic erosion and sediment yield model in a typical watershed of a hilly and gully region, Chinese Loess Plateau. Solid Earth, 7(6): 1577-1590. (SCI)
[13] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2016). Spatio-temporal variation of erosion-type non-point source pollution in a small watershed of hilly and gully region, Chinese Loess Plateau. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23: 10957-10967. (SCI)
[14] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2016). Spatio-temporal evolutions of precipitation in the Yellow River basin of China from 1981 to 2013. Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 16(5): 1441-1450. (SCI)
[15] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2016). Spatiotemporal distribution of rainfall erosivity in the Yanhe River watershed of hilly and gully region, Chinese Loess Plateau. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75: 315. (SCI)
[16] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2016). Pesticide exposure levels in an apple-orchard catchment of Changwu Tableland, Chinese Loess Plateau. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 25(12a): 5904-5917. (SCI)
[17] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2016). Tracking Soil Erosion Changes in an Easily-Eroded Watershed of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 25(1): 332-344. (SCI)
[18] Wu, L., Li, P.C., Ma, X.Y.(2016). Estimating nonpoint source pollution load using four modified export coefficient models in a large easily eroded watershed of the loess hilly-gully region, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75: 1056. (SCI) (SCI)
[19] Wu, L., Gao, J.E., Ma, X.Y., Li, D. (2015) Application of modified export coefficient method on the load estimation of non-point source nitrogen and phosphorus pollution of soil and water loss in semiarid regions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22: 10647-10660. (SCI)
[20] Wu, L., Chang, H.Y., Ma, X.Y. (2015). Insecticide transport and fate in a small apple-orchard watershed of the hilly and gully region, Loess Plateau. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 24(8a): 2603-2614. (SCI)
[21] Wu, L., Qi, T., Li, D., Yang, H.J., Liu, G.Q., Ma, X.Y., Gao, J.E. (2015). Current status, problems and control strategies of water resources pollution in China. Water Policy, 17(3): 423-440. (SCI)
[22] Wu, L., Wang, J., Liu, X. (2015). Enhanced nitrogen removal under low-temperature and high-load conditions by optimization of the operating modes and control parameters in the CAST system for municipal wastewater. Desalination and Water Treatment, 53: 1683-1698. (SCI)
[23] Wu, L., Ma, X.Y., Liu, X. (2014) Assessment of herbicide transport and distribution in subsurface environments of an orange field. Water Environment Research, 86(8): 729-740. (SCI)
[24] Wu, L., Long, T.Y., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2013). Modeling impacts of sediment delivery ratio and land management on adsorbed non-point source nitrogen and phosphorus load in a mountainous basin of the Three Gorges reservoir area, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 70(3):1405-1422. (SCI)
[25] Wu, L., Long, T.Y., Liu, X., Guo, J.S. (2012). Impacts of climate and land-use changes on the migration of non-point source nitrogen and phosphorus during rainfall-runoff in the Jialing River Watershed, China. Journal of Hydrology, 475: 26-41. (SCI)
[26] Wu, L., Long, T.Y., Cooper, W.J. (2012). Simulation of temporal and spatial distribution on dissolved non-point source nitrogen and phosphorus load in Jialing River Watershed, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 65(6), 1795-1806. (SCI)
[27] Wu, L., Long, T.Y., Liu, X., Mmereki, D. (2012). Simulation of soil loss processes based on rainfall runoff, and the time factor of governance in the Jialing River Watershed, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184(6): 3731-3748. (SCI)
[28] Wu, L., Long, T.Y., Cooper, W.J. (2012). Temporal and spatial simulation of adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus non-point source pollution load in Xiao Jiang Watershed of Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. Environmental Engineering Science, 29(4):238-247. (SCI)