- 中文名:吳爭
- 畢業院校:哈佛醫學院/文理學院
2022 - 北京腦科學與類腦研究中心,研究員
2014 - 2021 哥倫比亞大學腦科學研究所,博士後研究員,Richard Axel & Michael Shadlen實驗室
2013 - 2014 哈佛分子與細胞生物學系,博士後研究員,Catherine Dulac實驗室
2021 交點科學大會會員(ISFS Fellow)
2016 - 2019 西蒙斯協會青年會員(Junior Fellow, Simons Foundation)
2015 神經科學協會行為神經科學獎終審入圍

1. Zheng Wu, Ashok Litwin-Kumar, Philip Shamash, Alexei Taylor, Richard Axel, Michael N Shadlen. Context-dependent decision making in a premotor circuit. Neuron 106, 316-328 (2020).
2. Zheng Wu, Anita E Autry, Joseph F Bergan, Mitsuko Watabe-Uchida, Catherine Dulac. Galanin neurons in the medial preoptic area govern parental behaviour. Nature 509, 325-330 (2014).
3. Anita E Autry, Zheng Wu, Vikrant Kapoor, Johannes Kohl, Dhananjay Bambah-Mukku, Nimrod D Rubinstein, Brenda Marin-Rodriguez, Ilaria Carta, Victoria Sedwick, Ming Tang, Catherine Dulac. Urocortin-3 neurons in the mouse perifornical area promote infant-directed neglect and aggression. Elife 10, e64680 (2021).
4. Peter Y Wang, Cristian Boboila, Matthew Chin, Alexandra Higashi-Howard, Philip Shamash, Zheng Wu, Nicole P Stein, LF Abbott, Richard Axel. Transient and persistent representations of odor value in prefrontal cortex. Neuron 108, 209-224 (2020).
5. Yoh Isogai, Zheng Wu, Michael I Love, Michael Ho-Young Ahn, Dhananjay Bambah-Mukku, Vivian Hua, Karolina Farrell, Catherine Dulac. Multisensory Logic of Infant-Directed Aggression by Males. Cell 175(7), 1827-1841 (2018).
6. Catherine Dulac, Lauren A O’Connell, Zheng Wu. Neural control of maternal and paternal behaviors. Science 345 (6198), 765-770 (2014).