1. Wu Chong-long,Li Shao-hu,Wang Gen-fa,Liu Gang,Kong Chun-fang. Allochthonous Genesis Model About The Extra-Thick and High Quality Coalbed in Xianfeng Basin,YunnanProvince of China. Frontiers of Earth Science in China,2007,1⑴:97-105.
2.Gang Liu,Chonglong Wu,Junqi Liu,Weizhong Li,Xialin Zhang,Yiping Tian,Zhenwen He and Zhengping Weng. Computer-Aided Parametric Design of Dividable Borehole Histogram,Proceedings of IAMG’06: Quantitative Geology from Multiple Sources,2006,S14-17.
3. Gang Liu,Li Yu,Chonglong Wu,Keqiang Cui,Ka Sun,Shengwei Li,Yong Wu and Xinsheng Niu. A New Type of Field Geological Sketch System Based on GIS and Electronic Ink Techniques,Proceedings of IAMG’06: Quantitative Geology from Multiple Sources,2006,S11-26.
5. WU CHONG-LONG,LIU GANG,WENG ZHENGPING,ET AL,Discussion on geological information science. proceeding of iamg2006 conference,proceeding of iamg2006 conference,2006,liege,belgium,2006,s11-33.
6.WU CHONG-LONG,LI WEI-ZHONG,CHENG WEN-MING,ET AL,Research and development of geohazard: a geological hazard exploration information system of the three gorges reservoir area,proceeding of iamg2006 conference,2006,liege,belgium,2006,s09-30.
11. Xu kai,Kong chunfang,Wu chonglong,Liu gang,Liujin. Identification and Extraction of the Faults Base on Object Driven in Image Understanding. Geoinformatics 2006.
13. KONG Chunfang,WU Chonglong,XU Kai. Classification and Extraction of Urban Land-Use Information from High-Resolution Image Based on Object Multi-features. Journal of ChinaUniversity of Geosciences,2006,17⑵:151-157.
14. KONG Chunfang,WU Chonglong,XU Kai. The Study on Automatic Extracting the Urban-use Information from High Resolution Image Based on the Multi-Characteristics of the Image Objects. International Association for Mathematical Geology(IAMG2005) (ISTP).
15. KONG Chunfang,WU Chonglong,XU Kai. Classification and Extraction of the Urban Vegetation Information from High Resolution Image Based on the Characteristics of Image Objects. The Fourth International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition(MIPPR05)(EI).
17. XU Kai,WU Chonglong,KONG Chun-fang. Extraction of the fault information in recognizing and partitioning the spatial structure of basin group in the south of north of China.MIPPR05(EI).
18. XU Kai,WU Chonglong,KONG Chun-fang. The Study on Technology of Extracting Fault Information in Recognizing and Partitioning the Spatial Structure of Basin Group in the South of North of China. Map Asia 2004.
39.Wu Chonglong,1995,Genetic model for slump coalbad and extrathick coalbed from Fushun Basin,Northeast China,CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN,40⑶,236~238.
40.Wu Chonglong,Zhou Jiangyu,Wang Genfa,Liu Pide and Li Shaohu.,1995,Tectono-Sdimentary History of Southeastern Coast Region,China: a Synthesis. Journal of China University of Geosciences,6 ⑵:154~169.
44.Wu Chonglong,Li Sitian and Cheng Shoutian,1992,Humid-type alluvial-fan deposits and associated coal seams in the lower cretaceous Haizhou Formation,Fuxin Basin of Northeastern China,Geological Society of America Special Paper 267:269~286.
45.Wu Chonglong,Li Sitian and Cheng Shoutian,1991,The statistical prediction of the vitrinite reflectance and study of the ancient geothermal field in Songliao Basin,China,Journal of China University of Geosciences,2⑴ : 91~101.