


  • 中文名:吳正華
  • 民族:漢族
  • 職業:教師
  • 性別:男
1992.7---1993.3 在四川省廣元市608廠工作,從事電線電纜的質量檢測工作。
1993.4---1997.8 在四川海特集團工作,任雷達室主任,主要從事航空機載電子設備的研發、維修,以及地面測試設備的研發。
1997.9---2000.3 在電子科技大學自動化系攻讀碩士研究生,所學專業為電磁測量及儀器,研究方向為高速存貯示波器的時基電路的設計,獲得工學碩士學位。
Name: Wu ZhengHua
Nationality: the Han nationality
Birthday: 1971.11
1988.9---1992.6 Studying in the major of electric instrument and measurement of the automatic department of UESTC, and receiving a bachelor degree.
1992.7---1993.3 Working at the 608 factory in Guangyuan city of Sichuan province, responsible for checking the electrical wires and cables.
1993.4---1997.8 Working at the Sichuan Haite Corporation as the director of radar department, designing or maintaining the electrical equipments in the airplane or ground station.
1997.9---2000.3 Studying in the major of electric instrument and measurement of the automatic department of UESTC, designing the trigger electrical circuit in the high speed digital oscillograph, and receiving a master degree.
2000.4---2004.8 Working at the second institute of the civil aviation bureau in China as the director of communication and navigation department, responsible for the designing and installing of the communication and navigation system in the airport.
2004.9---2008.6 Studying in the major of biological and medical engineering in the life science and technology school of UESTC, investigating the application of Steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) in the Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), and receiving a doctor degree.
2008.7---- Working in the school of computer science and engineering of UESTC as a teacher


