- 中文名:吳梅林
- 性別:男
- 籍貫:福建
- 出生日期:1978年8月
吳梅林,男,籍貫福建,1978年8月生,研究員,就職於熱帶海洋環境國家重點實驗室(中國科學院南海海洋研究所)。分別於2001年7月、2005年7月畢業於中南大學,並獲工學學士、碩士學位。2008年7月畢業於中國科學院南海海洋研究所,獲博士學位。主持國家自然科學基金2項、海南省自然科學基金1項、中國科學院南海海洋研究所青年人才領域前沿項目1項和國家海洋局近岸海域生態環境重點實驗室開放基金1項和國家海洋局海洋-大氣化學與全球變化重點實驗室開放基金1項;參加國家自然基金項目、中科院院創新項目以及國家908“ST08區塊水體環境調查與研究”等。還多次參加南海北部科學考察航次以及組織實施大亞灣、珠江口海域考察航次等,積累了豐富的海洋科學考察和科學研究經驗。目前主要關注人類活動和自然變化對南海北部及其近海大亞灣、珠江口以及三亞灣的生態與環境的影響,取得重要的創新性成果。發表論文60多篇,在Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science、Marine pollution bulletin、Journal of Environmental Management等期刊發表SCI論文40餘篇,其中第一作者20餘篇,引用300餘次,研究成果被"NatureChina"("自然中國")選擇為亮點論文以及2011年國際埃尼獎(Eni Award 2011)提名,並應邀擔任多個國際期刊編委。
2016年12月- 至今,中國科學院,南海海洋研究所,研究員
2010年12月- 2016年12月,中國科學院,南海海洋研究所,副研究員
(1)Mei-Lin Wu,You-Shao Wang,Yu-Tu Wang,Jian-Ping Yin,Jun-De Dong,Zhao-Yu Jiang,Fu-Lin Sun,Scenarios of nutrient alterations and responses of phytoplankton in a changing Daya Bay, South China Sea,Journal of Marine Systems,2017,165:1-12
(2)Meilin Wu,Youshao Wang,Junde Dong,Yutu Wang,Yiguo Hong,Spatial assessment of water quality using chemometrics in the Pearl River Estuary, China,Frontiers of Earth Science,2017,11(1),114-126
(3) Mei-Lin Wu,Yi-Guo Hong,Jian-Ping Yin,Jun-De Dong,You-Shao Wang,Evolution of the sink and source of dissolved inorganic nitrogen with salinity as a tracer during summer in the Pearl River Estuary,Scientific Reports,2016,6,36638
(4) Mei-Lin Wu,You-Shao Wang,Yu-Tu Wang,Fu-Lin Sun,Cui-Ci Sun,Hao Cheng,Jun-De Dong,Seasonal and spatial variations of water quality and trophic status in Daya Bay, South China Sea,Marine Pollution Bulletin,2016,112(1-2):341-348
(5) Mei-Lin Wu,You-Shao Wang,Ji-Dong Gu, Assessment for water quality by artificial neural network in Daya Bay, South China Sea,Ecotoxicology,2015,24(7-8):1632-1642
(6) Mei-Lin Wu,Qin-Yan Liu,Jun-De Dong,You-Shao Wang,Dong-Xiao Wang,Primary nitrite maximum in the euphotic layer near the Xisha Islands, South China Sea,Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management,2015,18(4):414-423
(7) Juan Ling,Mei-Lin Wu,Yong-FuChen, Yan-Ying Zhang, Jun-De Dong,Identification of Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Coastal Waters in Sanya Bay, South China Sea by Chemometrics,Journal of Environmental Informatics,2014,23(1):37-43, <共同第一作者>
(8)Mei-Lin Wu,Yu-Tu Wang,You-Shao Wang,Fu-Lin Sun,Influence of environment changes on picophytoplankton and bacteria in Daya Bay; South China Sea,Ciencias Marinas,2014,40(3):197-210
(9)Mei-Lin Wu,Jun-De Dong,You-Shao Wang,Dong-Xiao Wang,Effects of Coastal Upwelling on Picophytoplankton distribution off Zhanjiang in South China Sea,Oceanological and Hydrobiological studies,2014,43(3):283-291
(10) Mei-Lin Wu,You-Shao Wang,Yu-Tu Wang,Fu-Lin Sun,Hao Cheng,Cui-Ci Sun,Influence of environmental changes on phytoplankton pattern in Daya Bay; South China Sea,Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía,2014,49(2):323-337
(11) Mei-Lin Wu,Yan-Ying Zhang,Li-Juan Long,Si Zhang,You-Shao Wang,Juan Ling,Jun-De Dong,Identification of coastal water quality including heavy metal in Sanya Bay, South China Sea,Polish Journal of Environment Studies,2012,21(5):1445-1452
(12) Mei-Lin Wu,You-Shao Wang,Cui-Ci Sun,Fu-Lin Sun,Hao Cheng, Yu-Tu Wang, Jun-De Dong, Jingfeng Wu,Monsoon-driven Dynamics of waterquality by multivariate statistical methods in Daya Bay, South China Se,Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies,2012,41(4):66~76
(13) Mei-Lin Wu,Yan-Ying Zhang,Jun-De Dong,Chuang-Hua Cai,You-Shao Wang,Li-Juan Long,Si Zhang,Monsoon-driven dynamics of environmental factors and phytoplankton in tropical Sanya Bay, South China sea,Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies,2012,41(1):57~66
(14) Mei-Lin Wu,Juan Ling,Li-Juan Long,Si Zhang,Yan-Ying Zhang,You-Shao Wang,Jun-De Dong,Influence of human activity and monsoon dynamics on spatial and temporal hydrochemistry in tropical coastal waters (Sanya Bay, South China Sea),Chemistry and Ecology,2012,28(4):375~390
(15) Mei-Lin Wu,You-Shao Wang,Jun-De Dong,Cui-Ci Sun,Yu-Tu Wang, Fu-Lin Sun,Hao Cheng,Investigation of Spatial and Temporal Trends in Water Quality in Daya Bay, South China Sea,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2011,8(6):2352~2365
(16) Mei-Lin Wu,Yan-Ying Zhang,Jun-De Dong,You-Shao Wang, Chuang-Hua Cai,Identification of coastal water quality by self-organizing map in Sanya Bay, South China Sea,Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management,2011,14(3):291~297
(17)Mei-Lin Wu, You-Shao Wang, Cui-Ci Sun, Haili Wang, Jun-De Dong, Jian-Ping Yin, Shu-Hua Han,Identification of coastal water quality by statistical analysis methods in Daya Bay, South China Sea,Marine Pollution Bulletin,2010,60(6):852~860
(18) Mei-Lin Wu, You-Shao Wang, Cui-Ci Sun, Haili Wang, Jun-De Dong, Shu-Hua Han,Identification of anthropogenic effects and seasonality on water quality in Daya Bay, South China Sea,Journal of Environmental Management,2009.7.01,90(10):3082~3090
(19) Mei-Lin Wu, You-Shao Wang, Cui-Ci Sun, Haili Wang, Zhi-Ping Lou, Jun-De Dong,Using chemometrics to identify water quality in Daya Bay, China,Oceanologia,2009,51(2):217~232
(20) Mei-Lin Wu,You-Shao Wang,Using chemometrics to evaluate anthropogenic effects in Daya Bay, China,Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science,2007,72(4):832~742
(21)Jun-De Dong,Yuan-Chao Li,You-Shao Wang,Dong-Xiao Wang,Mei-Lin Wu,The baseline of coral reef water quality in Xisha Islands waters of South China Sea under southwest monsoon,Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management,2015,18(4):424~432
(22) Zhen-Zhen Wu,Zhi-Wei Che,You-Shao Wang,Jun-De Dong,Mei-Lin Wu,Identification of Surface Water Quality along the Coast of Sanya; South ChinaSea,PLOS ONE,2015,10(4):e0123515
(23) Dongxiao Wang, Meilin Wu Tropical Marine Environmental Change (TMEC) Preface Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management, 2015,18(4):355-356
Mei-Lin Wu, Jun-De Dong and You-Shao Wang (2017). Identification of Seawater Quality by Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Xisha Islands, South China Sea, Water Quality, Prof. Hlanganani Tutu (Ed.), InTech, Chapter 8, Page:159-168, DOI: 10.5772/66227.
(1) 吳梅林(5/10),南海北部典型河口海灣生態系統對環境變化的回響與反饋機制,廣州市人民政府,科技進步一等獎,2016.07.12