


吳揚哲:男, 理學博士,暨南大學副教授。目前已發表中英文研究論文40餘篇,總影響因子超過93,被同行研究人員引用頻次已超過360次


2006-2009: 暨南大學,生物醫學工程專業,獲生物材料與納米技術方向博士學位2002-2005:暨南大學,無機化學專業,獲生物納米技術方向碩士學位.
1998-2002: 湖南師範大學,獲套用化學學士學位.


2014至今 暨南大學生物醫學轉化研究院,副教授
Biomedical Translational Research Institute, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China
2011 – 2014 美國伊利諾大學芝加哥分校,博士後研究員
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
2009 – 2011 美國猶他州立大學,博士後
Biological Engineering Department, Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA
2008 – 2009 美國猶他州立大學,訪問學者
Biological Engineering Department, Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA


1. L. Xiao, Q. Chen, Y. Wu, X. Qi, A. Zhou. Simultaneous topographic and recognition imaging of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) on single human breast cancer cells. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2015, In Press.
2. Y. Wu, R. C. Sims, A. Zhou. AFM resolves effects of ethambutol on nanomechanics and nanostructures of single dividing mycobacteria in real-time. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2014, 16:19156-19164. (COVER ARTICLE)
3. Y. Wu, G. D. McEwen, M. Tang, et al. Sensing Biophysical Alterations of Human Lung Epithelial Cells (A549) in the Context of Toxicity Effects of Diesel Exhaust Particles. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2013, 67: 1147-1156.
4. G. D. McEwen, Y. Wu (co-1st), M. Tang, et al. Subcellular spectroscopic markers, topography and nanomechanics of Human lung cancer and breast cancer cells examined by combined confocal Raman microspectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. Analyst, 2013, 138 (3): 787-797. (COVER ARTICLE)
5. J. lin, H. Xu, Y. Wu, et al. Investigation of free fatty acid associated recombinant membrane receptor protein expression in HEK293 cells using Raman spectroscopy, calcium imaging, and atomic force microscopy. Analytical Chemistry. 2013, 85: 1374-1381.
6. Y. Wu, T. Yu, T.A. Gilbertson, et al. Biophysical assessment of single cell cytotoxicity: diesel exhaust particles treated Human aortic endothelial cells. PLOS ONE, 2012, 7, e36855.
7. Y. Wu, Y. Hu, J. Chen, et al. Activation-induced reorganization in membrane nanostructures and alteration in adhesion of CD4+ T lymphocytes exploited by AFM/LFM. Current Nanoscience, 2011, 7: 420-426.
8. Y. Wu, A. Zhou. Fluctuations in adhesion behavior of dividing/budding mycobacterium sp. strains JLS, KMS, MCS: an AFM evaluation. Micron, 2010, 41: 814-820.
9. Y. Wu (co-1st), G. D. McEwen, S. Harihar, et al. BRMS1 expression alters the ultrastructural, biomechanical and biochemical properties of MDA-MB-435 Human breast carcinoma cells: an AFM and Raman microspectroscopy study. Cancer Letters, 2010, 293: 82-91.
10. Y. Wu, A. Zhou. In situ, real-time tracking of cell wall topography and nanomechanics of antimycobacterial drugs treated Mycobacterium JLS using atomic force microscopy. Chemical Communications, 2009, 45: 7021-7023.


