吳建平博士實驗室將結合結構生物學(single particle cryo-EM以及cryo-ET)、電生理和生物化學等手段研究與重大疾病相關的蛋白質與蛋白複合物的工作機理。其中最為感興趣的一個方向是對受精機理的研究。地球上大多數高等生物都依靠有性生殖繁殖後代,受精過程標誌著有性繁殖新生命的開始。本實驗室研究將從不同角度深入理解這一重要的生命過程,解析生命的構造原理。這些研究將為不孕症等相關疾病的診斷、治療與藥物開發提供新思路。
1.Zhao, Y.*, Huang, G.*,Wu, J.*, Wu, Q., Gao, S., Yan, Z., Lei, J., and Yan, N. (2019). Molecular Basis for Ligand Modulation of a Mammalian Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Channel.Cellin press (*co-first author co-corresponding author)
2.Wu, J.*, Yan, Z.*, Li, Z.*, Qian, X., Lu, S., Dong, M., Zhou, Q., and Yan, N. (2016). Structure of the voltage-gated calcium channel Cav1.1 at 3.6 A resolution.Nature537, 191-196. (Ranked in the top ten Science and Technology Progress of China's universities in 2016)
3.Wu, J., Yan, N., and Yan, Z. (2017). Structure-Function Relationship of the Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel Cav1.1 Complex.Advances in experimental medicine and biology981, 23-39.
4.Wu, J.*, Yan, Z.*, Li, Z., Yan, C., Lu, S., Dong, M., and Yan, N. (2015). Structure of the voltage-gated calcium channel Cav1.1 complex.Science350, aad2395.
5. Peng, W.*, Shen, H.*,Wu, J.*, Guo, W., Pan, X., Wang, R., Chen, S.R., and Yan, N. (2016). Structural basis for the gating mechanism of the type 2 ryanodine receptor RyR2.Science354.
6. Yan, Z.*, Zhou, Q.*, Wang, L.*,Wu, J.*, Zhao, Y., Huang, G., Peng, W., Shen, H., Lei, J., and Yan, N. (2017). Structure of the Nav1.4-beta1 Complex from Electric Eel.Cell170,470-482 e411.
7. Shen, H.*, Zhou, Q.*, Pan, X.*, Li, Z.*,Wu, J.*, and Yan, N. (2017). Structure of a eukaryotic voltage-gated sodium channel at near-atomic resolution.Science355.
8. Bai, X.C.*, Yan, Z.*,Wu, J.*, Li, Z., and Yan, N. (2016). The Central domain of RyR1 is the transducer for long-range allosteric gating of channel opening.Cell research26, 995-1006.
9. Gong, X.*, Qian, H.*, Zhou, X.*,Wu, J.*, Wan, T.*, Cao, P., Huang, W., Zhao, X., Wang, X., Wang, P., et al. (2016). Structural Insights into the Niemann-Pick C1 (NPC1)-Mediated Cholesterol Transfer and Ebola Infection.Cell165, 1467-1478.
10. Huang, X.*, Luan, B.*,Wu, J.*, and Shi, Y. (2016). An atomic structure of the human 26S proteasome.Nat Struct Mol Biol23, 778-785.
11. Deng, D.*, Xu, C.*, Sun, P.*,Wu, J.*, Yan, C., Hu, M., and Yan, N. (2014). Crystal structure of the human glucose transporter GLUT1.Nature510, 121-125. (Ranked in the top ten China Technology Progress in 2014)
12. Yan, Z., Bai, X.C., Yan, C.,Wu, J., Li, Z., Xie, T., Peng, W., Yin, C.C., Li, X., Scheres, S.H., et al. (2015). Structure of the rabbit ryanodine receptor RyR1 at near-atomic resolution.Nature517, 50-55.