- 中文名:吳廣磊
- 畢業院校:奧爾堡大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:機械設計及理論
- 任職院校:大連理工大學
2010.3 - 2013.10 奧爾堡大學 機械工程 博士
2007.9 - 2009.7 東北大學 機械設計製造及其自動化 碩士
2003.9 - 2007.6 煙臺大學 機械設計製造及其自動化 學士
2000.9 - 2003.6 廣饒縣第一中學
2010.7 - 2011.6 奧爾堡大學 教學助理
2016.7 - 至今 大連理工大學 副教授
2014.8 - 2016.7 丹麥奧爾堡大學 博士後研究員
2018.6 - 至今 編委(SAGE Publishing出版社)
2016.10 - 2021.9 副秘書長(遼寧省機械設計教學研究會理事會)
[1]Wu, Guanglei,Bai, Shaoping.Design and kinematic analysis of a 3-RRR spherical parallel manipulator reconfigured with four bar linkages[J],ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER-INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING,2019,56:55-65
[2]Wu, Guanglei,Niu, Bin.Dynamic stability of a tripod parallel robotic wrist featuring continuous end-effector rotation used for drill point grinder[J],MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY,2018,129:36-50
[3]Wu, Guanglei,Bai, Shaoping,Caro, Stephane.A Transmission Quality Index for a Class of Four-Limb Parallel Schonflies Motion Generators[J],JOURNAL OF MECHANISMS AND ROBOTICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,2018,10(5)
[4]Wu, Guanglei.Parameter Excited Instabilities of a 2UPU-RUR-RPS Spherical Parallel Manipulator With a Driven Universal Joint[J],JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN,2018,140(9)
[5]Wu, Guanglei,Dong, Huimin.Kinematics of a 6-RUU Parallel Robots with Reconfigurable Platforms[A],COMPUTATIONAL KINEMATICS,2018,50:331-339
[6]Wu, Guanglei,Bai, Shaoping,Caro, Stephane.Transmission Quality Evaluation for a Class of Four-limb Parallel Schonflies-motion Generators with Articulated Platforms[A],COMPUTATIONAL KINEMATICS,2018,50:282-290
[7]Wu, Guanglei,Dong, Huimin,Wang, Delun,Bai, Shaoping.A 3-RRR Spherical Parallel Manipulator Reconfigured with Four-bar Linkages[A],2018 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECONFIGURABLE MECHANISMS AND ROBOTS (REMAR),2018
[8]Wu, Guanglei.Workspace, Transmissibility and Dynamics of a New 3T3R Parallel Pick-and-place Robot with High Rotational Capability[A],2018 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA),2018,942-947
[9]Wu G.,Wang D.,Dong H..Off-line programmed error compensation of an industrial robot in ship hull welding[A],10th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, ICIRA 2017,2017,10463 LNAI:135-146
[10]Wu, Guanglei.Optimal structural design of a Biglide parallel drill grinder[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2017,90(9-12):2979-2990
[12]吳廣磊,董惠敏.Kinematics of a 6-RUU parallel robots with reconfigurable platforms[A],Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Computational Kinematics,2017,331-339
[13]吳廣磊.Transmission quality evaluation for a class of four-limb parallel sch?nflies-motion generators with articulated platforms[A],Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Computational Kinematics,2017,282-290
[14]Wu, Guanglei,Bai, Shaoping.Sensitivity Analysis and Comparison of Parallel Schonflies-Motion Robots with a Single Platform[A],4th IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM Asian MMS) / International Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science (CCMMS),2016,408:155-167
[15]Wu, Guanglei.Conceptual Design and Analysis of a 6-Axis Double Delta Robot Towards High Acceleration[A],4th IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM Asian MMS) / International Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science (CCMMS),2016,408:389-401
[16]Wu, Guanglei,Bai, Shaoping,Hjornet, Preben.Architecture optimization of a parallel Schonflies-motion robot for pick-and-place applications in a predefined workspace[J],MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY,2016,106(106):148-165
[17]Wu, Guanglei,Zou, Ping.Comparison of 3-DOF asymmetrical spherical parallel manipulators with respect to motion/force transmission and stiffness[J],MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY,2016,105:369-387
[18]吳廣磊.Sensitivity Analysis and Comparison of Parallel Schoenflies-motion Robots with a Single Platform[A],The 4th IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science (ASIAN MMS 2016),2016,408:155-167
[19]吳廣磊.Conceptual Design and Analysis of a 6-axis Double Delta Robot Towards High Acceleration[A],2016 International Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science (CCMMS 2016),2016,108:389-401
[1] 非完全對稱的四自由度高速並在線上器人動態穩定性研究, 遼寧省博士科研啟動基金, 2017/09/04, 進行
[2] 面向3C製造業的密集型高速執行機器人研發, 遼寧省自然科學基金, 2018/08/10, 進行
[3] 五軸輕型擬人機械臂的設計, 2016/09/01-2019/03/25, 在研
[4] 大型船舶曲面分段流水線關鍵工藝裝備子課題, 國家科技重大專項, 2019/03/25-2017/12/31, 在研
[5] 船用管件高精度數控整體成形與裝備技術研究, 國家科技支撐計畫, 2019/03/25-2017/06/30, 結題