- 中文名:吳學震
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 畢業院校:日本長崎大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職務:研究員
2022.03-至今, 福州大學,研究員、博士生導師
1. 中國科協“青年人才托舉工程”,2020年;
2. 福建省科技進步一等獎,第二位,2022年度;
3. 福建省“雛鷹計畫”青年拔尖人才,2023年;
4. 福州大學“旗山學者(海外項目)”獎勵支持計畫,2018年;
5. 山東省技術發明一等獎,第六位,2016年;
6. 中國岩石力學與工程學會技術發明一等獎,第五位,2015年。
1. 國家自然科學基金面上資助項目:加錨裂隙岩體動力回響特徵及新型錨固結構抗震機理研究,項目負責人;
2. 國家自然科學基金青年資助項目:循環剪下荷載作用下加錨節理岩體抗剪特性研究,25萬,項目負責人;
3. 福建省“雛鷹計畫”青年拔尖人才,2024.01-2028.12,200 萬,項目負責人;
4. 福州市科技局市校科技合作項目:基於隧道掌子面變形控制的高應力散碎圍岩承載機理及支護技術研究,30 萬,項目負責人;
5. 福州大學“旗山學者(海外項目)”科研啟動經費:新型錨固結構研發及其作用機理研究,25 萬,項目負責人;
6. 中國博士後科學基金面上項目:加錨裂隙岩體抗震特性試驗與數值模擬研究,8 萬,項目負責人;
7. 福建省自然科學基金青年創新項目:循環剪下荷載作用下加錨岩體抗剪設計理論研究, 4 萬,項目負責人;
8. 福建路橋建設有限公司:基於隧道掌子面變形控制的高應力散碎圍岩承載機理及支護技術研究,88 萬,項目負責人;
9. 礦山災害預防控制省部共建國家重點實驗室開放課題:深部岩體動力災害吸能支護理論與技術研究,5 萬,項目負責人;
10. 山東省土木工程防災減災重點實驗室開放課題:加錨岩體抗剪特性的試驗與數值模擬研究,2 萬,項目負責人;
1. Xuezhen Wu*, Gaoqiang Guo, Hongyu Ye, Dayong Li. Development of a novel suction cylinder exploitation device for marine natural gas hydrate and the feasibility studies. Ocean Engineering, 2024, 292: 116518(中科院一區SCI)
2. Hanfang Zheng, XuezhenWu*, Yujing Jiang, Gang Wang, Bin Zheng, Jihai Zhu, Jing Hu. Model Studies on the Effects of Filling Thickness and Joint Roughness on the Shear Characteristics of Fully Encapsulated Bolts and Energy-Absorbing Bolts. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2024, 57: 765–777 (中科院一區SCI)
3. Xuezhen Wu, Hanfang Zheng, Yujing Jiang*, Tao Deng, Guangshu Xiao, Yu Wang. Effect of cyclic shear load on shear performance of rock bolt under different roughness. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2023, 56 (3): 1969-1980(中科院一區SCI)
4. Xuezhen Wu, Hanfang Zheng, Yujing Jiang*. Influence of joint roughness on the shear properties of energy-absorbing bolt. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2023, 163: 105322(中科院一區SCI)
5. Hongyu Ye, Xuezhen Wu*, Gaoqiang Guo, Qichao Huang, Jingyu Chen, Dayong Li. Application of the enlarged wellbore diameter to gas production enhancement from natural gas hydrates by complex structure well in the Shenhu sea area. Energy, 264 (2023) 126025(中科院一區SCI)
6. Xuezhen Wu, Hanfang Zheng, Yujing Jiang*. Study on the evolution law of rock joint shear stiffness during shearing process through loading-unloading tests. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2022, 127: 104584(中科院一區SCI)
7. Xuezhen Wu*, Hongyu Ye, Yujing Jiang, Dayong Li, Gang Wang. Development of a novel self-entry exploitation device for marine natural gas hydrate and the feasibility studies. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 254: 111365(中科院一區SCI)
8. Hongyu Ye, Xuezhen Wu*, Dayong Li, Yujing Jiang. Numerical analysis of gas recovery enhancement from natural gas hydrate reservoir by using a large-diameter casing. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 262: 112321. (中科院一區SCI)
9. Hongyu Ye, Xuezhen Wu*, Dayong Li, Yujing Jiang. Numerical simulation of productivity improvement of natural gas hydrate with various well types: Influence of branch parameters, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2022, 103: 104630 (中科院二區SCI)
10. Hongyu Ye, Xuezhen Wu*, Dayong Li, Yujing Jiang, Bin Gong. A novel thermal stimulation approach for natural gas hydrate exploitation — the application of the self-entry energy compensation device in the Shenhu sea, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2022, 105: 104723(中科院二區SCI)
11. Xuezhen Wu, Yujing Jiang, Gang Wang, Bin Gong, Zhenchang Guan, Tao Deng. Performance of a new yielding rock bolt under pull and shear loading conditions. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2019, 52(9): 3401-3412. (中科院一區SCI)
12. Xuezhen Wu, Yujing Jiang, Bin Gong, Zhenchang Guan, Tao Deng. Shear performance of rock joint reinforced by fully encapsulated rock bolt under cyclic loading condition. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2019, 52(8): 2681-2690. (中科院一區SCI)
13. Xuezhen Wu, Yujing Jiang, Zhenchang Guan, Bin Gong. Influence of confining pressure-dependent Young’s modulus on the convergence of underground excavation. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019, 83: 135-144. (中科院一區SCI)
14. Zhenchang Guan, Yi Zhou, Xiaodong Gou, Hongwei Huang, Xuezhen Wu*. The seismic responses and seismic properties of large section mountain tunnel based on shaking table tests. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 90 (2019) 383–393. (中科院一區SCI)
15. Xuezhen Wu, Yujing Jiang, Bin Gong, Tao Deng, Zhenchang Guan. Behaviour of rock joint reinforced by energy-absorbing rock bolt under cyclic shear loading condition. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2018, 110: 88-96. (中科院一區SCI)
16. Xuezhen Wu, Yujing Jiang, Bo Li. Influence of joint roughness on the shear behaviour of fully encapsulated rock bolt. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018, 51(3): 953–959. (中科院一區SCI)
17. Xuezhen Wu, Yujing Jiang, Zhenchang Guan, Gang Wang. Estimating the support effect of the energy-absorbing rock bolt based on the mechanical work transfer ability. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2018, 103: 168-178. (中科院一區SCI)
18. Xuezhen Wu, Yujing Jiang, Zhenchang Guan. A modified strain-softening model with diverse post-peak behaviors and its application in circular tunnel, Engineering Geology, 2018, 240: 21-33. (中科院一區SCI)
19. 吳學震,姜傑,李大勇,蔣宇靜. 深水注漿錨設計原理及其承載特性試驗研究. 岩土力學, 2022, 43(10), 2707-2716 (EI)
20. 吳學震,葉鴻宇,蔣宇靜,李大勇,姜傑,王剛,公彬. 海域天然氣水合物自入式開採裝置及其可行性研究. 中南大學學報(自然科學版), 2022, 53(3): 1012−1022 (EI)
21. 吳學震,王剛,蔣宇靜,公彬,李博. 拉壓耦合大變形錨桿作用機理及其實驗研究. 岩土工程學報, 2015, 37(1): 139-147. (EI)
22. 吳學震,葉青,鄧濤,鄭含芳,王剛,蔣宇靜*.新型縮管式恆阻大變形錨索動靜力學特性及工程套用研究.岩石力學與工程學報, 2023, 42(12): 2888-2897. (EI)
1. 吳學震,蔣宇靜,周元錦,王剛. 恆定法向剛度條件下循環剪下試驗裝置及其套用方法,202010919076X,授權通知
2. 吳學震,蔣宇靜,王剛,周元錦. 組合框架式加錨裂隙岩體拉-剪試驗裝置及其套用方法,2020109231153,授權通知
3. 吳學震,周元錦,蔣宇靜,關振長. 拉伸條件下循環剪試驗裝置及其套用方法,2020109183130,授權通知
4. 吳學震,蔣宇靜,周元錦,王剛. 拉壓複合式加錨裂隙岩體雙剪下試驗裝置及其套用方法,2020109198297,授權通知
5. 吳學震,蔣宇靜,周元錦,王剛. 循環雙剪下試驗裝置及其套用方法,2020109183198,授權通知
6. 吳學震,鄧濤,蔣宇靜,鄭超,關振長. 圍岩鬆動圈超音波測試聲耦合系統及其套用方法,2020108915396,授權通知
7. 吳學震,蔣宇靜,鄧濤,關振長,鄭超. 高應力軟岩隧道鬆動圈超音波測試聲耦合方法,2020108921024,授權通知
8. 吳學震,韋建剛,鄧濤,肖光書. 隧道掌子面可循環利用式超前灌漿錨索及其套用方法,2020108501827,授權通知
9. 吳學震,葉青,鄧濤,蔣宇靜,李博. 用於錨索和錨桿的頂管式變形組件及其套用方法,ZL 202210640774.5,2024.02.20
10. 吳學震,姜浩,蔣宇靜,王剛,鄧濤,常旭. 錨索束鋼絞線間應力和變形協調構件及使用方法,202210077194.X,2024.01.30
11. 吳學震,鄧濤,王剛,蔣宇靜,繆圓冰. 恆定剛度邊界水壓致裂試驗裝置,2022100986829,2023.02.03
12. 吳學震,關振長,蔣宇靜,鄧濤,曹洋. 可智慧型化反映原岩應力變化的注漿模擬試驗系統,2022100986814,2023.01.10
13. 吳學震,王剛,蔣宇靜,鄧濤,鄭路. 可模擬現實環境的軟岩遇水膨脹特性試驗裝置,2022100986706,2023.01.10
14. 吳學震,蔣宇靜,鄧濤,王剛等. 能施加預應力的變形錨索施工方法,2021106463308,2022.07.05
15. 吳學震,鄭含芳,蔣宇靜等. 抗剪自修復大變形錨桿及其套用方法,2021102524618,2022.06.14
16. 吳學震,蔣宇靜,鄭含芳等. 地震後可修復的錨索結構及其套用方法,2021102524586,2022.04.08
17. 吳學震,鄧濤等. 一種用於隧道原位擴建工程的預設內部錨索支護方法,202110053141X,2021.09.28
18. 吳學震,鄭超,鄧濤等. 一種連續交替式隧道掌子面超前錨桿布設方法,2020108819651,2021.09.28
19. 吳學震,葉鴻宇,李大勇,蔣宇靜. 海域天然氣水合物原位封閉降壓開採裝置其開採方法,202011500177X,2024.03.29
20. 吳學震,葉鴻宇,李大勇,公彬,王剛,關振長. 海域天然氣水合物筒式開採模擬試驗裝置及其試驗方法,2020115000781,2024.03.29
21. 吳學震,鄭含芳,姜傑,蔣宇靜. 海域天然氣水合物自入式固態流化開採系統及開採方法,ZL202011506316.X,2023.12.22
22. 吳學震,葉鴻宇,蔣宇靜,李博,劉日成,黃娜. 海域天然氣水合物自入式開採模擬試驗裝置及其試驗方法,ZL202011510932.2. 2023.12.22
23. 吳學震,王正,李大勇,蔣宇靜,張雨坤,吳宇旗. 大型海上平台系泊纜間拉力協調組件及使用方法,2022100771916,2023.05.23
24. 吳學震,韋建剛,李大勇,蔣宇靜,姜傑. 重力貫入式深水錨及施工方法,2021112993693,2023.04.25
25. 吳學震,蔣宇靜,李大勇. 海域天然氣水合物自入式開採裝置及開採方法. 2020114998697,2021.11.23
26. 吳學震,李大勇,蔣宇靜. 海域天然氣水合物筒式開採裝置及其方法,2020115067194,2021-11-19
27. 吳學震,蔣宇靜,李大勇等. 一種大型深海油氣平台及其施工方法,201810466658.X,2020-02-07
28. 吳學震,李大勇,蔣宇靜. 深水錨泊體施工過程模擬試驗裝置及模擬方法,201810466561.9,2019-10-15
29. 吳學震,蔣宇靜,王剛等. 深埋隧洞簡易模型試驗裝置,201310425634.7
30. 吳學震,蔣宇靜,王剛等. 錨桿抗衝擊性能模擬檢測系統,201310425817.9
31. 吳學震,蔣宇靜,王剛等. 衝擊地壓單軸模擬試驗系統及其套用方法,201310425914.8
32. 吳學震,王剛,蔣宇靜等. 隧道現澆砼襯砌承載能力測試方法,201310425838.0
33. 吳學震,蔣宇靜,王剛等. 錨桿受力狀態快速評估裝置及其套用方法,201510049482.4
34. 吳學震,蔣宇靜,王剛等. 圓孔周圍瓦斯滲透實驗裝置,201310425839.5
35. Wu Xuezhen, Jiang Yujing, Deng Tao, Wang Gang, Guan Zhenchang, Ye qing. Construction method for deformable anchor cable capable of being prestressed. Patent No.: US 11,867,062 B2,2024.1.9(美國授權發明專利)
36. Wu Xuezhen, Deng Tao,Guan Zhenchang, Jiang Yujing, Liu Sihong. A support method of preset internal cable for in-situ tunnel expansion project,Patent No.(美國授權通知)
37. Wu Xuezhen,Li Dayong, Jiang Yujing. Cylinder-type exploitation device and method for marine natural gas hydrates,專利號:17272934,(美國授權通知)
38. Wu xuezhen, Jiang Yujing,Li Dayong. Self-entry exploitation device and method for marine natural gas hydrates,專利號:17272929,(美國授權通知)
39. 吳學震,李大勇, 蔣宇靜. 海域天然ガスハイドレートの井筒式採掘裝置およびその方法,專利號:特願2021-512862(日本授權發明)
40. 吳學震, 蔣宇靜, 李大勇. 海域天然ガスハイドレートの自己侵入式採掘裝置および採掘方法,專利號:特願 2021-513455(日本授權發明)