Was livinged in Anne yue in 1970 Szechwan, graduated from the province in 1989 Szechwan inside the river the skill body teacher art profession, graduated from the province education college art to fasten Szechwan in 1996, was engaged in the painting creations up to now.Chinese artist association member.
1996 lost youth attend 70 anniversary painting exhibitions of the national Red Army Long March victory .
1999 red landattend 50 anniversary exhibition s of the national great occasion of nation of the
2001The woman of the summer .The mountain and river. Cut through the countryside of the quite half nightannounce inArtscircleIssue 8
2002 Vestige__abstract space the series publishes in 11.12 monthly publicationses of Artlife.
2003 chengdu Attended in 2003 all art exposition.
2004 No2001.3 The vestige and autumnannounce inChinan Aution.
2005 《vestige 2002-2 》 , 《invisible-7 》 , 《the poem beauties of spring 》, 《invisible-9 》 , 《invisible-19 》 accepts the Chinese cultural information association edit of carrying the cultural department publication of 《peaceful China 》.
2005"the art and dress.Invisible----Abstract space" become all.The star an article store of the Europe
2006 《invisible 2004-7 》 is stored by United Nations.