- 中文名:吳勝濤
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:中國科學院
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:社會心理學,健康心理學
Ma-Kellams, C., &Wu, M. S.*(2020).Gender, behavioral inhibition/activation, and emotional reactions to negative natural and social events.Personality and Individual Differences.DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2019.109809[Corresponding Author, SSCI]
Wu, M. S.(2019). Costs and benefits of cultural value mismatch in the globalizing era: A commentary on the special issue “cross-cultural value mismatch: a byproduct of migration and population diversity around the world”.International Journal of Psychology,DOI: 10.1002/ijop.12628.[SSCI]
Wu, M. S.,Li, B., Zhu, L., & Zhou, C. (2019). Culture change and affectionate communication in China and the United States: Evidence from Google digitized books 1960-2008.Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1110.[SSCI]
Wu, M. S.,Zhou, C., Chen, H., Cai, H., & Sundararajan, L. (2018). Cultural value mismatch in urbanizing China: A large-scale analysis of collectivism and happiness based on social media and nationwide survey.International Journal of Psychology, 53, 54-63. [SSCI]
Wu, M. S.,Li, B., Zhu, L., Jiao, D., & Zhu, T. (2018). Connecting with Others in Economic Downturn: A Big Data Analysis of Collectivism from 2010 through 2016.Proceedings of The Academic Forum on Research into Social Mentality and Social Psychological Services under the New Era (p.p. 81-86).Marietta, Georgia: American Scholars Press, Inc. [CPCI-SSH]
Wang, S., Zou, W.,Wu, M. S.*,Jiao, D., & Zhu, T. (2018). Online Emotions Vary with Media Policy, Work, and Sleep among Individual Versus Governmental Users.Proceedings of The Academic Forum on Research into Social Mentality and Social Psychological Services under the New Era (p.p. 87-92).Marietta, Georgia: American Scholars Press, Inc. [Corresponding Author, CPCI-SSH]
Zhou, Z., Yiu, W. Y. V.,Wu, M. S.*,Greenfield, P. M. (2018). Perception of cross-generational differences in child behavior and parent socialization: A mixed-method interview study with grandmothers in China.Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49, 62-81. [Corresponding Author, SSCI]
Wu, M. S., Cohen, A. (2017). Justice concerns after school attacks: Belief in a just world and support for perpetrator punishment among Chinese adults and adolescents.Social Justice Research, 30,221-237. [SSCI]
Cohen, A. B.,Wu, M. S.*,& Miller, J. (2016). Religion and culture: Individualism and collectivism in the East and West.Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47, 1236-1249. [Corresponding Author, SSCI]
Wu, M. S.,Schmitt, M., Zhou, C., Nartova-Bochaver, S., Astanina, N., Khachatryan, N., & Han, B. (2014). Examining self-advantage in the suffering of others: Cross-cultural differences in beneficiary and observer justice sensitivity among Chinese, Germans, and Russians.Social Justice Research,27, 231-242. [SSCI]
Wu, M. S.,Sutton, M. R., Yan, X., Zhou, C., Chen, Y., Han, B. (2013). Time frame and justice motive: Future perspective moderates the adaptive function of general belief in a just world.PloS ONE,8, e80668. [SCI/SSCI]
Wu, M. S., Yan, X., Zhou, C., Chen, Y., Li, J., Zhu, Z., & Han, B. (2011). General belief in a just world and resilience: Evidence from a collectivistic culture.European Journal of Personality,25: 431-442. [SSCI]
吳勝濤,吳舒涵, 朱廷劭. (2019). 基於大數據的文化心理分析. [ChinaXiv:201912.00001]
吳勝濤,楊晨曦, 張彥彥. (2019). 道德基礎詞典中文版介紹及初步分析. [ChinaXiv:201911.00002]
吳勝濤, 王平麗, 陳詠媛. (2019). 親社會正義感的階層差異:個體主義的調節作用.中國社會心理學評論. 已接受.[CSSCI]
吳勝濤, 高承海, 梁肖幸子, 胡沈璠. (2019). 團隊精神與親社會行為:群體認同的作用.中國社會心理學評論,已接受.[CSSCI]
周嬋, 王平麗, 葛澤宇,吳勝濤*,黃四林, 林崇德.(2019).社會變遷背景下幼兒好奇心與父母智力投入的城鄉比較研究.中國社會心理學評論.已接受.[CSSCI, 通訊作者]
吳勝濤, 周陽, 朱廷劭. (2018). “一帶一路”沿線文化與合作交往模式探究:基於Twitter的心理分析.中國科學院院刊,33,298-307. [CSCD]
吳育鋒,吳勝濤, 劉洪飛, 焦冬冬,朱廷劭. (2018). 小說人物性格的文學智慧型分析:以《平凡的世界》為例.中文信息學報, 32,128-136.[學生一作,CSCD]
包寒吳霜,吳勝濤*,鄭昊, 陸海蓉, 鄭偉, 戴煒, 陸梭, 朱廷劭. (2018). 霧霾下的自我:空氣污染與個體主義-團隊精神的大數據分析.社區心理學研究, 6,71-85. [通訊作者]
吳勝濤, 姜穎, 王毓洲, 張雅婷. (2018). 生命的補償控制:腫瘤倖存者的正義觀與主觀幸福感.中國社會心理學評論, 15,76-89. [CSSCI]
吳勝濤等.(2016). 正義動機研究的測量偏差問題:關於中國人世道正義觀(公正世界信念)的元分析.中國社會心理學評論,11,162-178.[CSSCI]
黃裕峯,吳勝濤*. (2013). “對岸” 的想像與接觸: 兩岸媒體交流與人際交流的演化歷程及都市共同體初探.新聞大學, 119, 130-136. [通訊作者,CSSCI]
吳勝濤等. (2010). 地震遇難者家屬的個體韌性及其與社會支持、心理健康的關係.中國心理衛生雜誌, 24, 309-312. [CSCD]
祝卓宏、吳勝濤*等. (2010). 地震災區教師的公正觀與滿意度.中國臨床心理學雜誌, 18, 79-84. [通訊作者, CSCD]
祝卓宏、吳勝濤*等. (2009). 打麻將、吸菸、飲酒行為對震後災區民眾心理健康的影響.心理科學進展,17, 551-555. [通訊作者, CSCD]
吳勝濤等. (2009). 災區民眾的公正觀與幸福感及其與非災區的比較.心理科學進展, 17(3), 579-587. [CSCD]
吳勝濤等. (2009). 5·12地震災區老年人的抑鬱情緒和生活滿意度及其相關因素調查.中國老年學雜誌, 29, 1404-1406. [CSCD]
吳勝濤等. (2009). 農民工的應對方式、傳統人格與貧困歸因風格.中國行為醫學與腦科學雜誌, 18,930-932. [CSCD]
吳勝濤等.(2008). 日常健忘者的情景記憶與人格特徵.中國行為醫學與腦科學雜誌, 17,432-434. [CSCD]
吳勝濤等.(2007). 貧困與反貧困:心理學的研究.心理科學進展, 15,987-992. [CSCD]
Wang, S., Zou, W.,Wu, M. S.*,Jiao, D., & Zhu, T. (2018). Online Emotions Vary with Media Policy, Work, and Sleep among Individual Versus Governmental Users.Proceedings of The Academic Forum on Research into Social Mentality and Social Psychological Services under the New Era (p.p. 87-92).Marietta, Georgia: American Scholars Press, Inc. [Corresponding Author, CPCI-SSH]
Zhou, Z., Yiu, W. Y. V.,Wu, M. S.*,Greenfield, P. M. (2018). Perception of cross-generational differences in child behavior and parent socialization: A mixed-method interview study with grandmothers in China.Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49, 62-81. [Corresponding Author, SSCI]
Wu, M. S., Cohen, A. (2017). Justice concerns after school attacks: Belief in a just world and support for perpetrator punishment among Chinese adults and adolescents.Social Justice Research, 30,221-237. [SSCI]
Cohen, A. B.,Wu, M. S.*,& Miller, J. (2016). Religion and culture: Individualism and collectivism in the East and West.Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47, 1236-1249. [Corresponding Author, SSCI]
Wu, M. S.,Schmitt, M., Zhou, C., Nartova-Bochaver, S., Astanina, N., Khachatryan, N., & Han, B. (2014). Examining self-advantage in the suffering of others: Cross-cultural differences in beneficiary and observer justice sensitivity among Chinese, Germans, and Russians.Social Justice Research,27, 231-242. [SSCI]
Wu, M. S.,Sutton, M. R., Yan, X., Zhou, C., Chen, Y., Han, B. (2013). Time frame and justice motive: Future perspective moderates the adaptive function of general belief in a just world.PloS ONE,8, e80668. [SCI/SSCI]
Wu, M. S., Yan, X., Zhou, C., Chen, Y., Li, J., Zhu, Z., & Han, B. (2011). General belief in a just world and resilience: Evidence from a collectivistic culture.European Journal of Personality,25: 431-442. [SSCI]
吳勝濤,吳舒涵, 朱廷劭. (2019). 基於大數據的文化心理分析. [ChinaXiv:201912.00001]
吳勝濤,楊晨曦, 張彥彥. (2019). 道德基礎詞典中文版介紹及初步分析. [ChinaXiv:201911.00002]
吳勝濤, 王平麗, 陳詠媛. (2019). 親社會正義感的階層差異:個體主義的調節作用.中國社會心理學評論. 已接受.[CSSCI]
吳勝濤, 高承海, 梁肖幸子, 胡沈璠. (2019). 團隊精神與親社會行為:群體認同的作用.中國社會心理學評論,已接受.[CSSCI]
周嬋, 王平麗, 葛澤宇,吳勝濤*,黃四林, 林崇德.(2019).社會變遷背景下幼兒好奇心與父母智力投入的城鄉比較研究.中國社會心理學評論.已接受.[CSSCI, 通訊作者]
吳勝濤, 周陽, 朱廷劭. (2018). “一帶一路”沿線文化與合作交往模式探究:基於Twitter的心理分析.中國科學院院刊,33,298-307. [CSCD]
吳育鋒,吳勝濤, 劉洪飛, 焦冬冬,朱廷劭. (2018). 小說人物性格的文學智慧型分析:以《平凡的世界》為例.中文信息學報, 32,128-136.[學生一作,CSCD]
包寒吳霜,吳勝濤*,鄭昊, 陸海蓉, 鄭偉, 戴煒, 陸梭, 朱廷劭. (2018). 霧霾下的自我:空氣污染與個體主義-團隊精神的大數據分析.社區心理學研究, 6,71-85. [通訊作者]
吳勝濤, 姜穎, 王毓洲, 張雅婷. (2018). 生命的補償控制:腫瘤倖存者的正義觀與主觀幸福感.中國社會心理學評論, 15,76-89. [CSSCI]
吳勝濤等.(2016). 正義動機研究的測量偏差問題:關於中國人世道正義觀(公正世界信念)的元分析.中國社會心理學評論,11,162-178.[CSSCI]
黃裕峯,吳勝濤*. (2013). “對岸” 的想像與接觸: 兩岸媒體交流與人際交流的演化歷程及都市共同體初探.新聞大學, 119, 130-136. [通訊作者,CSSCI]
吳勝濤等. (2010). 地震遇難者家屬的個體韌性及其與社會支持、心理健康的關係.中國心理衛生雜誌, 24, 309-312. [CSCD]
祝卓宏、吳勝濤*等. (2010). 地震災區教師的公正觀與滿意度.中國臨床心理學雜誌, 18, 79-84. [通訊作者, CSCD]
祝卓宏、吳勝濤*等. (2009). 打麻將、吸菸、飲酒行為對震後災區民眾心理健康的影響.心理科學進展,17, 551-555. [通訊作者, CSCD]
吳勝濤等. (2009). 災區民眾的公正觀與幸福感及其與非災區的比較.心理科學進展, 17(3), 579-587. [CSCD]
吳勝濤等. (2009). 5·12地震災區老年人的抑鬱情緒和生活滿意度及其相關因素調查.中國老年學雜誌, 29, 1404-1406. [CSCD]
吳勝濤等. (2009). 農民工的應對方式、傳統人格與貧困歸因風格.中國行為醫學與腦科學雜誌, 18,930-932. [CSCD]
吳勝濤等.(2008). 日常健忘者的情景記憶與人格特徵.中國行為醫學與腦科學雜誌, 17,432-434. [CSCD]
吳勝濤等.(2007). 貧困與反貧困:心理學的研究.心理科學進展, 15,987-992. [CSCD]