- 書名:含能材料的理論與實踐
- 作者: 黃平
- 定價:600.00 元
- 出版社: 科學出版社
- 出版時間: 2005年06月
作者: 黃平 定價: ¥ 600.00 元
出版社: 科學出版社 出版日期: 2005年06月
ISBN: 7-03-016323-0/X.149 開本: 16 開
類別: 物理化學,高分子科學工程,材料科學 頁數: 1263 頁
This monograph is the Proceedings Of the 2005 Intemational Autumn Semlnar on Propellants,Explosives and Pyrotechnics(2005 IASPEP). CoUected in this VOlume are 224 papers from 20 countries.These papers cover me foUowlng aspects: Svnthesis and Manufacture, Characterization and Analysis, Combustion and Detonation,Modeling and CalculatiOn,and Miscellaneous.Many novel research results on propeUants,explosiyes and pyrotechnics achieved during me last士.ew years are mentioned in me proceedings.