向萍,男,湖南麻陽人,博士,特聘研究員,碩士生導師。2018年6月獲南京大學-美國佛羅里達大學聯合培養環境科學與工程專業博士學位,入選國家林草局科技創新青年拔尖人才,雲南省高層次引進人才計畫青年人才、中國“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽優秀創新創業導師、西南林業大學高層次引進人才。迄今在Biomaterials, Molecular Therapy, Environment International, Environmental Science&Technology, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, Science of The Total Environment, Environmental Pollution等高水平雜誌上發表論文57餘篇(SCI論文46篇,影響因子累積超過278), Google Scholar總引用1200餘次,H指數19,獲國家授權發明專利2項,實用新型專利5項,申請發明專利5項。主持國家自然科學基金2項,國家重點研發項目課題任務1項,國家林草局科技創新青年拔尖人才項目1項,雲南省基礎研究計畫面上項目和雲南省農業聯合專項面上項目各1項等。受邀擔任了第一屆環境修復與健康青年學者論壇大會主席,擔任Chemosphere (Top期刊,IF=5.778), Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology等16個國際英文雜誌編委和20餘個國內外雜誌的審稿專家,並擔任國家自然科學基金委和雲南省科技廳基礎研究計畫項目評審專家。
- 中文名:向萍
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:南京大學(佛羅里達大學)
- 學位/學歷:博士/博士研究生
- 職業:高校教師
- 專業方向:環境污染與人體健康
- 室內環境污染時空變化特徵及誘發人體健康效應機制
- 高背景區林下農產品食用安全評估模型構建與風險防控
- 重金屬/有機污櫻墊染物的人體生物有櫃說跨效性及腸道吸收機制
- 持久性有毒有機污染物環境暴露與人體健康效應機制
- 國家自然基金青年項目(21906134): 典型高原城市室內灰塵有機磷阻燃劑污染特徵及其對人角膜上皮毒性效應機制, 主持, 26萬
- 國家自然科學基金地區項目(41967026): 雲南典型野生牛肝菌中砷的人體生物有效性與腸道細胞吸收機制研究, 主持, 41萬
- 國家重點研發項目課題任務(2018YFC1800504): 場地土壤重金屬的生物有效性及其評價方刪潤承法, 主持, 45萬
- 國家林業與草原局林草科技創新青年拔尖人才項目(2020132613): 基於污染物生物有效性的林下農產品食用安全風險評估研究, 主持, 30萬
- 雲南基礎研究計畫面上項目(2019FB014): 高原城市家庭灰塵中愉判漿道有機磷阻燃劑污染特徵及其對人角膜健康效應的研究, 主持, 10萬
- 雲南省農業聯合面上項目(2018FG001-048): 高原湖濱濕地富砷底質微生物群落特徵及其對底泥砷和磷轉化機制研究, 主持,10萬
- 廣東頸陵協省環境催化與健康風險控制重點實驗室開放基金(GKECHRC-10): 室內灰塵中誘導角膜上皮細胞毒性效應的典型有機磷阻燃劑識別, 主持, 3萬
- 西南林業大學高層次引進人才啟動項目(111819): 典型高原城市室內灰塵中致角膜上皮細胞損傷的特徵污染物識別, 主持, 6萬
- 西南林業大生態與環境學院優勢學科人才引進項目: 典型高原城市室內灰塵污染特徵及其對人角乎臭宙膜上皮細胞損傷的風朵獄趨承險, 主持, 5萬
- G. Qin, Z.D. Niu, J.D. Yu*, Z. Li, P. Xiang*. 2021. Soil heavy metal pollution and food safety in China: effects, sources and removing technology. Chemosphere. 267:129205.
- K. Wang, J.Y. Ma, M.Y. Li, Y.S. Qin, X.C. Bao, C.C. Wang, D.L. Cui, P. Xiang*, L. Q. Ma*. 2021. Mechanisms of Cd and Cu induced toxicity in human gastric epithelial cells: oxidative stress, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Science of the Total Environment. Doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.14395.
- Xiang P., K. Wang, Jue Bi, M.Y. Li, R.W. He, DL Cui* L. Q. Ma*. 2020. Organic Extract of Indoor Dust Induces Estrogen-like Effects on Human Breast Cancer Cells. Science of the Total Environment.726: 138505
- Cui D, J Bi, Z.N Zhang, M.Y Li, Y.S. Qin, P. Xiang* and L. Q. Ma*. 2020. Organophosphorus flame retardant TDCPP-induced cytotoxicity and associated mechanisms in normal human skin keratinocytes. Science of the Total Environment. 726: 138526.
- Deng F., X. Liu, Y. Chen, B. Rathinasabapathi, C. Rensing, J. Chen, Jue Bi, P. Xiang*, and Lena Q. Ma*. 2020. Aquaporins-mediated arsenite transport in plants: molecular mechanisms and applications in crop improvement. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 5(16): 1613-1639
- Chen, J., LD. Garbinski, B Rosen, J. Zhang, P. Xiang*, and L. Q. Ma*. 2020. Organoarsenical compounds: occurrence, toxicology and biotransformation. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology.50(3): 217-243
- X. Zhang, Y. Li, J. Sun, H. Kan, Z. Wang*, P. Xiang*.2020. A preliminary study on the quality of street vended foods around a university in Kunming, China. Food Science & Nutrition, 8:6670–6679
- Gao P.,M. Xu, Y.L. Liu, E. da Silva, P. Xiang* and, L. Q. Ma*. 2019. Emerging and legacy PAHs in urban soils of small cities: Concentrations, distribution, and sources. Science of the Total Environment. 685: 463-470
- Manzoor M., R Abid, B. Rathinasabapathie, L. M. De Oliveira, E. da Silva, F.L Deng, C. Rensing, M. Arshad, I. Gul, P. Xiang*, and L. Q Ma*. 2019. Metal Tolerance of Arsenic-Resistant Bacteria and Their Potential to Promote Plant Growth in Pb-Contaminated Soil. Science of the Total Environment. 660: 18-24.
- Liu Y., P. Gao, J. Su, E. da Silva, L. de Oliveira, T. Townsend, X. Liu, P. Xiang*, L. Q. Ma*. 2019. PAHs in urban soils of two Florida cities: Background concentrations, distribution, and sources. Chemosphere. 214: 220-227.
- Gao, P., H.B. Li, C. P. Wilson, T. G. Townsend, P. Xiang*, Y. Liu, and L. Q. Ma*. 2018. Source identification of PAHs in soils based on stable carbon isotopic signatures. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 48:13-15, 923–948.
- Gao P., E. da Silva, L. Hou, N. D. Denslow, P. Xiang*, L. Q. Ma*. 2018. Human exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Metabolomics perspective. Environment International. 119: 466-477.
- Liu X., H.Y. Feng, J.W. Fu, D. Sun, Y. Cao, Y.S. Chen, P. Xiang*, Y. Liu*, L. Q. Ma. 2018. Phytate promoted arsenic uptake and growth in arsenic-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata by upregulating phosphorus transporters. Environmental Pollution. 241: 240-246.
- Xiang P., Y. Jia, K. Wang, M.Y. Li, Y. S. Qin, R.W. He, P. Gao, Y.G. Liu, X. Liu*, L. Q. Ma*. 2018. Water extract of indoor dust induces tight junction disruption in normal human corneal epithelial cells. Environmental Pollution. 243(A): 301-307.
- Xiang P., R. W. He, R.Y. Liu, K. Li, P. Gao, X.Y. Cui, H.B. Li, Y Liu*, L.Q. Ma*. 2018. Cellular responses of normal (HL-7702) and cancerous (HepG2) hepatic cells to dust extract exposure. Chemosphere. 193:1189-1197.
- Xiang P., S.S. Wang, M. He, Y. H. Han, Z.H. Zhou, D. L. Chen, M. Li*, and L.Q. Ma. 2018. The in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility evaluation of electrospun recombinant spider silk protein/PCL/gelatin for small-caliber vascular tissue engineering scaffolds. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 163: 19–28.
- Xiang P, R.Y. Liu, H. J. Sun, C. Li, X.Y. Cui*, L.Q. Ma*. 2017. Effects of Novel Brominated Flame Retardant TBPH and Its Metabolite TBMEHP on human vascular endothelial cells: implication for human health risks. Environmental Research.156: 834–842.
- Xiang P., R. Y. Liu, C. Li, Y. H. Han, X.Y. Cui*, L. Q. Ma*. 2017. Effects of Organophosphorus Flame Retardant TDCPP on Normal Human Corneal Epithelial Cells: Implication for Human Health. Environmental Pollution. 230: 22-30.
- Xiang P., R. W. He, Y. H. Han, H. J. Sun, X. Y. Cui, and L. Q. Ma*. 2016. Mechanisms of housedust-induced toxicity in primary human corneal epithelial cells: Oxidative stress, pro-inflammatory response and mitochondrial dysfunction. Environment International. 89–90: 30–37.
- Xiang P., R. Y. Liu, H. J. Sun, Y. H. Han, R. W. He, X. Y. Cui, and L. Q. Ma*. 2016. Molecular mechanisms of dust-induced toxicity in human corneal epithelial cells: Water and organic extract of office and house dust. Environment International 92–93: 348–356.
- Xiang P., K. W. Wu, Y. Zhu, L. Xiang, C. Li, D. L. Chen, F. Chen, G. T. Xu, A. J. Wang, M. Li*, and Z. B Jin*. 2014. A novel bruch membrane-mimetic electrospun substrate scaffold for human retinal pigment epithelium cells. Biomaterials 35: 9777–9788.
- Xiang P., M. Li*, C. Y. Zhang, D. L. Chen, and Z. H. Zhou. 2011. Cytocompatibility of electrospun nanofiber tubular scaffolds for small diameter tissue engineering blood vessels. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 49: 281–288.
- 2020.09 第六屆雲南省“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽銀獎指導教師
- 2020.08 入選第二批國家林業和草原局林草科技技創新青年拔尖人才
- 2019.12 西南林業大學教學成果二等獎
- 2019. 08 第五屆雲南省“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽銀獎指導教師
- 2018.10 第四屆全國“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽優秀創新創業導師
- 2018.09 入選雲南省高層次引進人才計畫青年人才
- 第一屆環境修復與健康青年學者論壇大會共同主席
- Chemosphere (Top期刊,IF=5.778) 編委
- G. Qin, Z.D. Niu, J.D. Yu*, Z. Li, P. Xiang*. 2021. Soil heavy metal pollution and food safety in China: effects, sources and removing technology. Chemosphere. 267:129205.
- K. Wang, J.Y. Ma, M.Y. Li, Y.S. Qin, X.C. Bao, C.C. Wang, D.L. Cui, P. Xiang*, L. Q. Ma*. 2021. Mechanisms of Cd and Cu induced toxicity in human gastric epithelial cells: oxidative stress, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Science of the Total Environment. Doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.14395.
- Xiang P., K. Wang, Jue Bi, M.Y. Li, R.W. He, DL Cui* L. Q. Ma*. 2020. Organic Extract of Indoor Dust Induces Estrogen-like Effects on Human Breast Cancer Cells. Science of the Total Environment.726: 138505
- Cui D, J Bi, Z.N Zhang, M.Y Li, Y.S. Qin, P. Xiang* and L. Q. Ma*. 2020. Organophosphorus flame retardant TDCPP-induced cytotoxicity and associated mechanisms in normal human skin keratinocytes. Science of the Total Environment. 726: 138526.
- Deng F., X. Liu, Y. Chen, B. Rathinasabapathi, C. Rensing, J. Chen, Jue Bi, P. Xiang*, and Lena Q. Ma*. 2020. Aquaporins-mediated arsenite transport in plants: molecular mechanisms and applications in crop improvement. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 5(16): 1613-1639
- Chen, J., LD. Garbinski, B Rosen, J. Zhang, P. Xiang*, and L. Q. Ma*. 2020. Organoarsenical compounds: occurrence, toxicology and biotransformation. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology.50(3): 217-243
- X. Zhang, Y. Li, J. Sun, H. Kan, Z. Wang*, P. Xiang*.2020. A preliminary study on the quality of street vended foods around a university in Kunming, China. Food Science & Nutrition, 8:6670–6679
- Gao P.,M. Xu, Y.L. Liu, E. da Silva, P. Xiang* and, L. Q. Ma*. 2019. Emerging and legacy PAHs in urban soils of small cities: Concentrations, distribution, and sources. Science of the Total Environment. 685: 463-470
- Manzoor M., R Abid, B. Rathinasabapathie, L. M. De Oliveira, E. da Silva, F.L Deng, C. Rensing, M. Arshad, I. Gul, P. Xiang*, and L. Q Ma*. 2019. Metal Tolerance of Arsenic-Resistant Bacteria and Their Potential to Promote Plant Growth in Pb-Contaminated Soil. Science of the Total Environment. 660: 18-24.
- Liu Y., P. Gao, J. Su, E. da Silva, L. de Oliveira, T. Townsend, X. Liu, P. Xiang*, L. Q. Ma*. 2019. PAHs in urban soils of two Florida cities: Background concentrations, distribution, and sources. Chemosphere. 214: 220-227.
- Gao, P., H.B. Li, C. P. Wilson, T. G. Townsend, P. Xiang*, Y. Liu, and L. Q. Ma*. 2018. Source identification of PAHs in soils based on stable carbon isotopic signatures. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 48:13-15, 923–948.
- Gao P., E. da Silva, L. Hou, N. D. Denslow, P. Xiang*, L. Q. Ma*. 2018. Human exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Metabolomics perspective. Environment International. 119: 466-477.
- Liu X., H.Y. Feng, J.W. Fu, D. Sun, Y. Cao, Y.S. Chen, P. Xiang*, Y. Liu*, L. Q. Ma. 2018. Phytate promoted arsenic uptake and growth in arsenic-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata by upregulating phosphorus transporters. Environmental Pollution. 241: 240-246.
- Xiang P., Y. Jia, K. Wang, M.Y. Li, Y. S. Qin, R.W. He, P. Gao, Y.G. Liu, X. Liu*, L. Q. Ma*. 2018. Water extract of indoor dust induces tight junction disruption in normal human corneal epithelial cells. Environmental Pollution. 243(A): 301-307.
- Xiang P., R. W. He, R.Y. Liu, K. Li, P. Gao, X.Y. Cui, H.B. Li, Y Liu*, L.Q. Ma*. 2018. Cellular responses of normal (HL-7702) and cancerous (HepG2) hepatic cells to dust extract exposure. Chemosphere. 193:1189-1197.
- Xiang P., S.S. Wang, M. He, Y. H. Han, Z.H. Zhou, D. L. Chen, M. Li*, and L.Q. Ma. 2018. The in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility evaluation of electrospun recombinant spider silk protein/PCL/gelatin for small-caliber vascular tissue engineering scaffolds. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 163: 19–28.
- Xiang P, R.Y. Liu, H. J. Sun, C. Li, X.Y. Cui*, L.Q. Ma*. 2017. Effects of Novel Brominated Flame Retardant TBPH and Its Metabolite TBMEHP on human vascular endothelial cells: implication for human health risks. Environmental Research.156: 834–842.
- Xiang P., R. Y. Liu, C. Li, Y. H. Han, X.Y. Cui*, L. Q. Ma*. 2017. Effects of Organophosphorus Flame Retardant TDCPP on Normal Human Corneal Epithelial Cells: Implication for Human Health. Environmental Pollution. 230: 22-30.
- Xiang P., R. W. He, Y. H. Han, H. J. Sun, X. Y. Cui, and L. Q. Ma*. 2016. Mechanisms of housedust-induced toxicity in primary human corneal epithelial cells: Oxidative stress, pro-inflammatory response and mitochondrial dysfunction. Environment International. 89–90: 30–37.
- Xiang P., R. Y. Liu, H. J. Sun, Y. H. Han, R. W. He, X. Y. Cui, and L. Q. Ma*. 2016. Molecular mechanisms of dust-induced toxicity in human corneal epithelial cells: Water and organic extract of office and house dust. Environment International 92–93: 348–356.
- Xiang P., K. W. Wu, Y. Zhu, L. Xiang, C. Li, D. L. Chen, F. Chen, G. T. Xu, A. J. Wang, M. Li*, and Z. B Jin*. 2014. A novel bruch membrane-mimetic electrospun substrate scaffold for human retinal pigment epithelium cells. Biomaterials 35: 9777–9788.
- Xiang P., M. Li*, C. Y. Zhang, D. L. Chen, and Z. H. Zhou. 2011. Cytocompatibility of electrospun nanofiber tubular scaffolds for small diameter tissue engineering blood vessels. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 49: 281–288.
- 2020.09 第六屆雲南省“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽銀獎指導教師
- 2020.08 入選第二批國家林業和草原局林草科技技創新青年拔尖人才
- 2019.12 西南林業大學教學成果二等獎
- 2019. 08 第五屆雲南省“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽銀獎指導教師
- 2018.10 第四屆全國“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽優秀創新創業導師
- 2018.09 入選雲南省高層次引進人才計畫青年人才
- 第一屆環境修復與健康青年學者論壇大會共同主席
- Chemosphere (Top期刊,IF=5.778) 編委