受邀參加香港城市大學科研項目:Numerical Modeling and Optimization Design of Bio-compatible Graded Dental Implants, Foundation of City University of Hong Kong (No. 7200052)。
* H.J. Xiang, Z.F. Shi, J. Bao. Seismic Isolation of Buildings with a New Type of Periodic Foundations. ASCE Earth and Space 12th Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 15-17, 2010.
* S. Zhao, Z.F. Shi, H.J. Xiang. The primary resonance of laminated piezoelectric rectangular plates. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonic, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 2009,56(11): 2522-2529 (SCI. NO.000271478600020)
* H.J. Xiang, Z.F. Shi. Analysis of flexural vibration band gaps in periodic beams using differential quadrature method. Computers and Structures, 2009,87(23-24):1559-1566 (SCI. NO.000271541000009)
* H.J. Xiang, Z.F. Shi. Static Analysis of a Multilayer Piezoelectric Actuator with Bonding Layers and Electrodes.Smart Structures and Systems,2009, 5(5):547-564 (SCI. NO.000270286700004)
* H.J. Xiang, Z.F. Shi. Static analysis for functionally graded piezoelectric actuators or sensors under a combined electro-thermal load. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2009, 28(2): 338–346 (SCI. NO:000263663900016)
* H.J. Xiang, J. Yang. Free and forced vibration of a laminated FGM Timoshenko beam of variable thickness under heat conduction. Composite, Part B, 2008, 39(2): 292-303 (SCI, NO: 000254158400006)
* H.J. Xiang and Z.F. Shi. Static analysis for multi-layered piezoelectric cantilevers. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2008, 45(1): 113–128 (SCI, NO. 000251621400006)
* H.J. Xiang and Z.F. Shi. Electrostatic analysis of functionally graded piezoelectric cantilevers. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,2007, 18(7):719-726 (SCI, NO. 000248333100007)
* J. Yang and H.J. Xiang. A three-dimensional finite element study on the biomechanical behavior of an FGBM dental implant in surrounding bone. Journal of Biomechanics,2007,40(11):2377-2385 (SCI, NO. 000248990600004)
* J. Yang and H.J. Xiang. Thermo-electro-mechanical characteristics of functionally graded piezoelectric actuators. Smart Materials and Structures, 2007, 16: 784–797 (SCI, NO. 000246946700029)
* Z.F. Shi, T.T. Zhang and H.J. Xiang. Exact Solutions of Heterogeneous Elastic Hollow Cylinders. Composite Structures, 2007, 79:140-147 (SCI, NO. 000246060100017)
* Xiang, Y., Yang , J ., Xiang, H.J . The forced harmonic response spectrum of functionally graded dental implants. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE-15). 15-21 July 2007. Haikou, China. pp. 1099-1100.
* Yang , J ., Xiang, H.J ., Xiang, Y. Electromechanical bending of a graded piezoelectric actuator with shear deformation. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE-15). 15-21 July 2007. Haikou, China. pp. 1106-1109.
* Z.F. Shi, H.J. Xiang and B. F. Spencer, Jr. Exact analysis of multi-layer piezoelectric/composite cantilevers. Smart Materials and Structures, 2006 15: 1447-1458 (SCI, NO. 000241520500034)
* H.J. Xiang, Z.F. Shi and T.T. Zhang. Elastic Analyses of Heterogeneous Hollow Cylinders. Mechanics Research Communications,2006,33:681-691 (SCI, NO. 000238020300009)
* H.J. Xiang, J.Yang, S. Kitipornchai and K.M. Liew. Electromechanical bending of a functionally graded piezoelectric actuator with shear deformation. CMESM 2006: Proceedings of the 1st international conference on enhancement and promotion of computational methods in engineering science and mechanics, 2006, pp 583-588 (ISTP, NO. 000245100300104)