《向前走:一個外國專家眼中的中國教育(英文版)》內容介紹:This work aims at introducing the situation of Chinese education to readers. The information es from three major sources: the media; the individuals or munities that I have visited and interviewed; and my own views and experience.
- 書名:向前走:一個外國專家眼中的中國教育
- 作者:李莎·卡爾社齊(Lisa Carducci)
- 出版日期:2012年4月1日
- 語種:簡體中文, 英語
- ISBN:9787508522463
- 外文名:Work in Progress: Chinese Education from A Foreign Experts's Perspective
- 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
- 頁數:190頁
- 開本:16
- 品牌:五洲傳播
作者:(加拿大)李莎·卡爾社齊(Lisa Carducci)
李莎·卡爾社齊(Lisa Carducci)生於加拿大,曾獲語言學碩士學位,後在蒙特婁大學完成博士學位學習。先後在加拿大和中國任教,並在中央電視台海外欄目工作六年。現為《北京周報》社法文專家。作為作家,李莎·卡爾杜齊以四種語言出版過三十多部小說,並撰寫過兩千多篇各種內容的文章,在多個國家發表。2001年,李莎·卡爾社劉榮獲中華人民共和國友誼勳章。
李莎·卡爾社齊(Lisa Carducci)生於加拿大,曾獲語言學碩士學位,後在蒙特婁大學完成博士學位學習。先後在加拿大和中國任教,並在中央電視台海外欄目工作六年。現為《北京周報》社法文專家。作為作家,李莎·卡爾杜齊以四種語言出版過三十多部小說,並撰寫過兩千多篇各種內容的文章,在多個國家發表。2001年,李莎·卡爾社劉榮獲中華人民共和國友誼勳章。
Foreword 1
Chapter 1 The teaching system 3
What does "study" mean? 6
Quality education 7
The teachers' quality 7
The over-restrictive programs 9
The substitute teachers 10
The hukou
The competition 14
Stress and pressure 18
The homework 18
The parents 19
The diploma 23
An exam-oriented system 26
History 26
Chapter 2 From knowledge to methodology 29
Love performs miracles 32
Active teaching / creative learning 36
To play: a child's right 41
Obesity and physical education 43
Chapter 3 Rampant cheating and a solution 45
The cheating problem 46
Cheating techniques and devices 46
Copyrights 48
Fake documents: receipts and diplomas 50
Ghostwriting 53
Plagiarism 56
Creativity as a solution 58
No creativity without interest 60
Chapter 4 Foreign languages, foreign studies 63
Learning English 64
The situation 65
Special methods 67
Traps ahead 69
Studying abroad 71
Dangers and disadvantages 73
Individual consequences 75
National consequences 77
Drain or exodus? 78
The Hong Kong case 80
From overseas to China 80
Brain gain 80
Luring talents 82
To remain or to return 84
The foreigners 85
Staying at home 88
Chinese language in the world 89
Chapter 5 Education for all 93
Literacy 94
The situation 94
Rural population 95
Migrants 100
Children with disabilities 104
Orphans 106
Girls 110
Ethnic groups 111
Cost of education and impact 138
Textbooks 140
New technology 142
Teachers training and pressure 144
Self-subsidizing 147
Chapter 6 Varia 149
Sex education 150
Let the statistics speak 151
How do they get information? 152
How to provide education? 155
Boys and girls 157
Conclusion 16o
Reform is essential 160
Hukou 160
Selection 162
Teachin 164
Something is being done 166
Last word 170
Appendix 1 172
Appendix 2 176
Appendix 3 179
Sources 182
Chapter 1 The teaching system 3
What does "study" mean? 6
Quality education 7
The teachers' quality 7
The over-restrictive programs 9
The substitute teachers 10
The hukou
The competition 14
Stress and pressure 18
The homework 18
The parents 19
The diploma 23
An exam-oriented system 26
History 26
Chapter 2 From knowledge to methodology 29
Love performs miracles 32
Active teaching / creative learning 36
To play: a child's right 41
Obesity and physical education 43
Chapter 3 Rampant cheating and a solution 45
The cheating problem 46
Cheating techniques and devices 46
Copyrights 48
Fake documents: receipts and diplomas 50
Ghostwriting 53
Plagiarism 56
Creativity as a solution 58
No creativity without interest 60
Chapter 4 Foreign languages, foreign studies 63
Learning English 64
The situation 65
Special methods 67
Traps ahead 69
Studying abroad 71
Dangers and disadvantages 73
Individual consequences 75
National consequences 77
Drain or exodus? 78
The Hong Kong case 80
From overseas to China 80
Brain gain 80
Luring talents 82
To remain or to return 84
The foreigners 85
Staying at home 88
Chinese language in the world 89
Chapter 5 Education for all 93
Literacy 94
The situation 94
Rural population 95
Migrants 100
Children with disabilities 104
Orphans 106
Girls 110
Ethnic groups 111
Cost of education and impact 138
Textbooks 140
New technology 142
Teachers training and pressure 144
Self-subsidizing 147
Chapter 6 Varia 149
Sex education 150
Let the statistics speak 151
How do they get information? 152
How to provide education? 155
Boys and girls 157
Conclusion 16o
Reform is essential 160
Hukou 160
Selection 162
Teachin 164
Something is being done 166
Last word 170
Appendix 1 172
Appendix 2 176
Appendix 3 179
Sources 182