



  • 中文名:史進進
  • 畢業院校:鄭州大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:藥物分析
  • 就職院校:鄭州大學








近年來主持國家自然科學基金青年項目1項,國家博士後面上資助項目1項,河南省高等學校重點科研項目1項,鄭州大學優秀青年教師發展基金1項,近年來在Biomaterials,J Controlled Release,ACS Appl Mater Interfaces,Acta Biomater等國際權威期刊上發表SCI論文20餘篇,其中第1作者和通訊作者13篇(中科院一區9篇,二區4篇);授權國家發明專利18項(第一發明人6項):研究工作被Chem. Soc. Rev. Chemical Reviews,Adv. Mater.,Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews,ACS Nano等權威期刊正面引用
  1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,81673021,一種智慧型型“自供氧”“可視化”腫瘤靶向治療體系研究,2017/01-2020/12,在研,參加。
  2. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,81601597,“導航式”生物納米囊共載藥系統用於腦梗死精準三位一體治療研究,2017/01-2019/12,在研,主持。
  3. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,81503038,H鏈鐵蛋白介導的光磁雙模式靶向探針的構建及腫瘤可視化成像研究,2016/01-2018/12,在研,參加。
  4. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,81273451,多機制治療腫瘤光熱控釋長循環轉運系統研究,2013/01-2016/12,結題,參加。
  5. 國家博士後面上資助項目,2015M582210,核磁成像制導的超聲引爆型藥物儲庫的研究,2016/01-2017/12,在研,主持。
  6. 河南省高等學校重點科研資助計畫,17A350003,“歸巢式”內源性生物納米囊共載藥系統用於腦梗死精準、快速三位一體治療研究,2016/01-2017/12,在研,主持。
  7. 鄭州大學優秀青年教師發展基金,51099253,超聲引爆型腫瘤“納米手雷”的研究,2016/01-2018/12,在研,主持。
  1. 史進進,張紅嶺,張振中,高君,葉凡,劉艷,余曉媛,張靜,馬柔柔,劉瑞瑗,王蕾,侯琳,一種水溶性碳納米管及其套用,授權,ZL 2012 1 0406733.6
  2. 史進進, 余曉媛, 王蕾, 張靜,張振中, 馬柔柔, 劉艷, 劉瑞瑗, 高君,潘晶晶,一種磁性水溶性富勒烯及其製備方法和套用,授權,ZL 2013 1 0138295.4
  3. 史進進,張振中,張靜,余曉媛,高君,劉艷,馬柔柔,劉瑞瑗,王蕾,王真真,李璐璐,王紅紅,張富麗,多機制治療腫瘤光熱控釋長循環藥物轉運系統的製備方法及套用,授權,ZL 2012 1 0573805.6
  4. 史進進,張振中,劉艷,張靜,馬柔柔,余曉媛,高君,劉瑞瑗,以銀/氧化石墨烯複合納米粒為載體的近紅外藥物控釋系統的製備及套用,授權,ZL 2013 1 0259899.4
  5. 史進進,張紅嶺,張振中,高君,葉凡,劉艷,余曉媛,張靜,馬柔柔,劉瑞瑗,王蕾,侯琳,一種水溶性碳納米管及其套用,ZL 2012 1 0406733.6
  6. 史進進,張振中,高君,余曉媛,劉艷,劉瑞瑗,馬柔柔,張靜,銀/富勒烯納米複合材料的製備及其作為抗菌劑的套用,授權,ZL 2013 1 0256770.8
  1. Shi, Jinjin; Wang, Binghua; Wang, Lei; Lu, Tingting; Fu, Yu; Zhang, Hongling; Zhang, Zhenzhong*. Fullerene (C60)-based tumor-targeting nanoparticles with "off-on" state for enhanced treatment of cancer. J Control Release, 2016, 142: 266-271(一區)
  2. Shi, J., H. Zhang, Z. Chen, L. Xu and Z. Zhang*. "A multi-functional nanoplatform for efficacy tumor theranostic applications." Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2017,12(3): 235-249
  3. Shi, J., Z. Chen, L. Wang, B. Wang, L. Xu, L. Hou and Z. Zhang*. "A tumor-specific cleavable nanosystem of PEG-modified C60@Au hybrid aggregates for radio frequency-controlled release, hyperthermia, photodynamic therapy and X-ray imaging." Acta Biomater,2016, 29: 282-297(一區)
  4. Jinjin Shi, J. P., Binghua Wang, Luo Zhao, Lin Hou*, Zhenzhong Zhang*. "Efficient remote NIR-controlled drug delivery into tumor cells by nanoplatform modified with tumoral-acid-cleavable PEG." Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology,2016, 12: 1-15(一區)
  5. Shi, J., Z. Chen, B. Wang, L. Wang, T. Lu and Z. Zhang*. "Reactive Oxygen Species-Manipulated Drug Release from a Smart Envelope-Type Mesoporous Titanium Nanovehicle for Tumor Sonodynamic-Chemotherapy." ACS Appl Mater Interfaces,2016, 7(51): 28554-28565(一區)
  6. Shi, J., B. Wang, Z. Chen, W. Liu, J. Pan, L. Hou and Z. Zhang*. "A Multi-Functional Tumor Theranostic Nanoplatform for MRI Guided Photothermal-Chemotherapy." Pharm Res2016, 33(6): 1472-1485(二區)
  7. Shi, J., L. Wang, J. Gao, Y. Liu, J. Zhang, R. Ma, R. Liu and Z. Zhang*. "A fullerene-based multi-functional nanoplatform for cancer theranostic applications." Biomaterials,2016, 35(22): 5771-5784(一區)
  8. Shi, J., L. Wang, J. Zhang, R. Ma, J. Gao, Y. Liu, C. Zhang and Z. Zhang*. "A tumor-targeting near-infrared laser-triggered drug delivery system based on GO@Ag nanoparticles for chemo-photothermal therapy and X-ray imaging." Biomaterials,2016, 35(22): 5847-5861(一區)
  9. Shi, J., X. Yu, L. Wang, Y. Liu, J. Gao, J. Zhang, R. Ma, R. Liu and Z. Zhang*. "PEGylated fullerene/iron oxide nanocomposites for photodynamic therapy, targeted drug delivery and MR imaging." Biomaterials,2016, 34(37): 9666-9677(一區)
  10. Shi, J., Y. Liu, L. Wang, J. Gao, J. Zhang, X. Yu, R. Ma, R. Liu and Z. Zhang*. "A tumoral acidic pH-responsive drug delivery system based on a novel photosensitizer (fullerene) for in vitro and in vivo chemo-photodynamic therapy." Acta Biomater,2016, 10(3): 1280-1291(一區)
  11. Shi, J., R. Ma, L. Wang, J. Zhang, R. Liu, L. Li, Y. Liu, L. Hou, X. Yu, J. Gao and Z. Zhang*. "The application of hyaluronic acid-derivatized carbon nanotubes in hematoporphyrin monomethyl ether-based photodynamic therapy for in vivo and in vitro cancer treatment." Int J Nanomedicine.2016, 8: 2361-2373(一區)
  12. Shi, J., H. Zhang, L. Wang, L. Li, H. Wang, Z. Wang, Z. Li, C. Chen, L. Hou, C. Zhang and Z. Zhang*. "PEI-derivatized fullerene drug delivery using folate as a homing device targeting to tumor." Biomaterials,2016, 34(1): 251-261(一區)
  13. Shi, J., Z. Wang, L. Wang, H. Wang, L. Li, X. Yu, J. Zhang, R. Ma and Z. Zhang*. "Photodynamic therapy of a 2-methoxyestradiol tumor-targeting drug delivery system mediated by Asn-Gly-Arg in breast cancer." Int J Nanomedicine,2016, 8: 1551-1562(一區)


