



  • 中文名:史文嬌
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生日期:1982年7月
  • 職業:教師
  • 職稱:教授











1. 國家自然科學青年基金項目,2011-2013年,適應氣候變化的黃淮海平原農業生產管理最佳化模式研究
2. 國家自然科學青年-面上連續基金項目,2014-2017年,黃淮海平原小麥的極端氣候災害風險評價及其適應研究
3. 國家自然科學基金重點項目的課題,2014-2017年,黑河上游土壤類型和土壤質地的空間模擬分析
4. 中國科學院科技服務網路計畫(STS計畫)項目的課題,2014-2016年,中國農業綜合開發轉型綜合資料庫集成與信息系統運行套用
5. 中國科學院科技促進發展局委託課題,2014-2015年,寧夏農業綜合開發資源環境條件評價
6. 中國科學院戰略性先導科技專項專題,2011-2015年,過去百年增暖對北方農牧交錯帶格局的影響
7. 地表過程與資源生態國家重點實驗室開放基金項目,2011-2012年,極端氣候事件下的中國小麥減產風險辨析
8. 資源與環境信息系統國家重點實驗室開放基金項目,2014-2015年,土壤抗生素空間模擬與污染識別
9. 國土資源部土地利用重點實驗室開放基金項目,2016-2017年,1970s以來北方農牧交錯帶界線變遷的氣候驅動作用定量分析
10. 863項目專題,2015-2016年,耕地二級地類信息提取關鍵技術研發
11. 河南大學委託項目專題,2013-2016年,中原經濟區土地利用與生態環境信息提取
12. 江西省科技廳項目專題,2015-2016年,山江湖工程發展戰略研究
13. 青海省科技廳項目專題,2015-2017年,三江源智慧生態畜牧業生態參數降尺度研究
14. 青海省農牧廳項目專題,2015-2017年,三江源土壤資料庫建設
15. 內蒙古委託項目課題,2015-2016年,智慧農業管理信息系統方案設計
16. 寧夏農業綜合開發項目課題,2015-2017年,土壤環境信息分析與污染評價


1. Shi WJ, Yue TX, Du ZP, Wang Z, Li XW. Surface Modeling of Soil Antibiotics. Science of the Total Environment
2. Shi WJ, Hu YF, Shi XL, Wang Z, Yan HM, Xu ZW, Ren B, Kuang WH, Xu XL, Cheng WM, Chen Y, Wu DB. Strategic transformation of regionalization for the agricultural comprehensive development: The example of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences
3. Shi WJ, Tao FL, Liu JY, Xu XL, Kuang WH, Shi XL. Has Climate Change Driven Spatio-temporal Changes of Cropland in Northern China since the 1970s? Climatic Change
4. Shi WJ, Tao FL, Liu JY, Regional temperature change over the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain: The roles of irrigation versus urbanization. International Journal of Climatology
5. Shi WJ, Tao FL. Vulnerability of African Maize Yield to Climate Change and Variability during 1961–2010. Food Security
6. Shi WJ, Tao FL. Spatio-temporal Distributions of Climate Disasters and the Response of Wheat Yields in China from 1983 to 2008. Natural Hazards
7. Shi WJ, Tao FL, Liu JY. Changes in quantity and quality of cropland and the implications for grain production in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain of China. Food Security
8. Shi WJ, Tao FL. A Review on Statistical Models for Identifying Climate Contributions to Crop Yields. Journal of Geographical Sciences
9. Shi WJ, Liu JY, Du ZP, Yue TX. Development of a surface modeling method for mapping soil properties. Journal of Geographical Sciences
10. Shi WJ, Liu JY, Du ZP, Stein A, Yue TX. Surface modeling of soil properties based on land use information. Geoderma
11. Shi WJ, Liu JY, Du ZP, Song YJ, Chen CF, Yue TX. Surface modelling of soil pH. Geoderma
12. Shi WJ, Yue TX, Fan ZM. An Overview of High Accuracy Surface Modeling of Soil Properties. The 18th Biennial Conference of International Society for Ecological Modelling, 2011, Beijing, China (EI)
13. Shi WJ, Yue TX, Li XW, Du ZP. Chapter 2: Spatial Prediction of Soil Antibiotics based on High-Accuracy Surface Modeling. Digital Soil Mapping Across Paradigms, Scales and Boundaries, Gan-Lin Zhang, Dick J. Brus, Feng Liu, Xiao-Dong Song, Philippe Lagacherie. 2016. Springer Science & Business Media Singapore
14. Li J, Shi WJ*. Effects of alpine swamp wetland change on rainfall season runoff and flood characteristics in the headwater area of the Yangtze River. Catena
15. Chi WF, Shi WJ, Kuang WH. Spatio-temporal characteristics of intra-urban land cover in the cities of China and USA from 1978 to 2010. Journal of Geographical Sciences
16. Yue TX, Shi WJ. Surface Modeling: High Accuracy and High Speed Methods. Charpet 19: Surface Modeling of Soil Properties, 2011. CRC Press, New York.
17. Shi XL, Wang W, Shi WJ*. Progress on quantitative assessment of the impacts of climate change and human activities on cropland changes. Journal of Geographical Sciences
18. Tao FL, Zhang Z, Shi WJ, Liu YJ, Xiao DP, Zhang S, Zhu Z, Wang M, Liu FS. Single rice growth period was prolonged by cultivars shifts but yield was damaged by climate change during 1981-2009 in China, and late rice was just opposite. Global Change Biology
19. Qin YW, Liu JY, Shi WJ, Tao FL, Yan HM. Spatial-temporal changes of cropland and climate potential productivity in northern China during 1990–2010. Food Security
20. Wang M, Tao FL, Shi WJ. Corn Yield Forecasting in the Northeast China Using Remotely Sensed Spectral Indices and Crop Phenology Metrics. Journal of Integrative Agriculture
21. Xiao DP, Tao FL, Liu YJ, Shi WJ, Wang M, Liu FS, Zhang S, Zhu Z. Observed changes in winter wheat phenology in the North China Plain for 1981–2009. International Journal of Biometeorology
22. Li J, Cui YP, Liu JY, Shi WJ, Qin YC. Estimation and analysis of net primary productivity by integrating MODIS remote sensing data with a light use efficiency model. Ecological modeling
23. Zhang H, Tao FL, Xiao DP, Shi WJ, Liu FS, Zhang S, Liu YJ, Wang M, Bai HZ. Contributions of climate, varieties, and agronomic management to rice yield change in the past three decades in China. Frontiers of Earth Science
24. Tao FL, Zhang Z, Zhang S, Reimund PR, Shi WJ, Xiao DP, Liu YJ, Wang M, Liu FS, Zhang H. Historical data provide new insights into response and adaptation of maize production systems to climate change/variability in China. Field Crops Research
25. Tao FL, Zhang Z, Zhang S, Zhu Z, Shi WJ. Response of crop yields to climate trends since 1980 in China. Climate Research
26. Zhang, Z., Song, X., Tao, F., Zhang, S., Shi WJ. Climate trends and crop production in China at county scale, 1980 to 2008. Theoretical and Applied Climatology
27. Liu XF, Zhang Z, Shuai JB, Wang P, Shi WJ, Tao FL, Chen Y. Impact of chilling injury and global warming on rice yield in Heilongjiang Province. Journal of Geographical Sciences
28. Tao FL, Zhang Z, Xiao DP, Zhang S, Reimund PR, Shi WJ, Liu YJ, Wang M, Liu FS, Zhang H. Responses of wheat growth and yield to climate change in different climate zones of china, 1981–2009. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
29. Shi XL, Shi WJ, Wang W. A climate-change risk assessment for carbon sequestration of terrestrial ecosystem: A case of farming-pastoral ecotone of northern China. International Workshop on Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering
30. Dong JW, Liu JY, Shi WJ, China’s Ecological De-farming at the Beginning of 21st Century and Its Habitat Suitability in Typical Region of Loess Plateau. Journal of Resources and Ecology
31. Shi XL, Zhao DS, Wu SH, Shi WJ, Dai EF. Climate Change Risks for Net Primary Production of Ecosystems in China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal
32. Yue TX, Zhang LL, Zhao N, Zhao MW, Chen CF, Du ZP, Song DJ, Fan ZM, Shi WJ, Wang SH, Yan CQ, Li QQ, Sun XF, Yang H, Wilson J, Xu B. A review of recent developments in HASM. Environmental Earth Sciences
33. 史文嬌,胡云鋒,石曉麗,王宗,閆慧敏,任博,匡文慧,徐新良,陳延,武東波. 農業綜合開發戰略轉型區劃研究——以寧夏為例. 地理學報
34. 史文嬌,陶福祿. 非洲農業產量對氣候變化的回響與適應研究進展. 中國農業科學
35. 史文嬌,陶福祿,張朝. 基於統計模型識彆氣候變化對農業產量貢獻的研究進展. 地理學報
36. 史文嬌,岳天祥,石曉麗,宋偉. 土壤連續屬性空間插值方法及其精度的研究進展. 自然資源學報
37. 史文嬌,岳天祥,石曉麗,宋偉. 高風險重金屬污染土壤識別研究方法綜述. 土壤
38. 史文嬌,劉紀遠,杜正平,岳天祥. 基於地學信息的土壤屬性高精度曲面建模, 地理學報
39. 史文嬌,杜正平,宋印軍,岳天祥. 基於多重格線的土壤pH高精度曲面建模研究. 地理研究
40. 史文嬌,汪景寬,魏丹,李雙異,遲鳳琴. 黑龍江省南部黑土區土壤微量元素空間變異及影響因子——以雙城市為例. 土壤學報
41. 史文嬌,魏丹,汪景寬,遲鳳琴,李雙異. 雙城市土壤重金屬空間分異及影響因子分析. 水土保持學
42. 史文嬌,汪景寬,祝鳳春,高中超. 不同施肥處理及土地利用方式對棕壤Olsen-P剖面分布的影響,植物營養與肥料學報
43. 史文嬌,汪景寬,邊振興,王秋兵. 黑龍江北部土壤中主要重金屬和微量元素狀況及其評價. 土壤通報
44. 石曉麗,史文嬌*.氣候變化和人類活動對耕地格局變化的貢獻歸因綜述. 地理學報
45. 石曉麗,史文嬌*. 極端高溫對黃淮海平原冬小麥產量的影響. 生態與農村環境學報
46. 朱美青,黃宏勝,史文嬌,閻波傑,王宗,劉奕婷,張永壽. 基於多規合一的基本農田劃定研究——以江西省餘江縣為例. 自然資源學報,2016,接受.
47. 匡文慧, 遲文峰, 史文嬌. 中國與美國大都市區城市內部土地覆蓋結構時空差異分析. 地理學報
48. 陶福祿,張朝,史文嬌. 中國生態大講堂系列叢書. 生態系統服務與生態安全.第18章:中國陸地生態系統結構和功能對氣候變化的動態回響. 高等教育出版社
49. 宋偉,陳百明,史文嬌. 2007年中國耕地資源安全評價. 地理科學進展
50. 魏丹,遲鳳琴,史文嬌,汪景寬,李雙異. 黑龍江南部黑土區土壤重金屬空間分異規律研究. 農業系統科學與綜合研究
51. 李珊,李啟權,王昌全,史文嬌,袁大剛,李冰,高雪松. 鹽源縣耕層土壤有機碳時空變化及影響因素顯著性變化分析. 土壤通報
52. 朱珠,陶福祿,婁運生,史文嬌. 1981-2009年江蘇省氣候變化趨勢及其對水稻產量的影響. 中國農業氣象
53. 朱珠,陶福祿,婁運生,史文嬌. 江蘇水稻產量對氣候變化回響的敏感性——基於縣級和站點尺度. 資源科學
54. 宋偉,徐新創,陳百明,史文嬌. 土地整理區生物-理化改良技術研究綜述. 中國農學通報
55. 劉曉菲,張朝,帥嘉冰,王品,史文嬌,陳一,陶福祿. 黑龍江省冷害對水稻產量的影響. 地理學報
56. 李啟權,王昌全,岳天祥,李冰,楊娟,史文嬌. 不同輸入方式下RBF神經網路對土壤性質空間插值的誤差分析. 土壤學報


