- 中文名:可用性協會
- 外文名:Usabilty Professional's Association
- 別名:可用性專業協會
- 目標:提供一個國際交流網路平台
可用性協會(可用性專業協會),Usabilty Professional's Association,簡稱UPA。

3,Change new product development processes to include a concern for the people who use them by presenting the business case for usability in product development to colleagues, customers, the public and governmental agencies.
UPA members come from many different backgrounds, meeting in the common ground of a shared interest in creating products that meet the needs of the people who work or play with them.
How does usability relate to other user experience disciplines?
Usability professionals are part of the user experience community. This community is broad and diverse, and is still in the process of forming. We came from many different places, but share a common vision. Because we started from different places, there are many different names for the path – vector – that we are on.
Some people started in computer science and called it human-computer interaction (HCI)
Others who started in ergonomics called it human factors
Or in training, and called it electronic performance support systems
Or in library science, and called it information architecture
Or in technical writing and started with audience analysis
Or in branding and marketing and called it experience design
Or in user interface design and called it usability
In the UPA, we call that goal usability and many of our members identify the process as user centered design, but we recognize other disciplines and other terminology.