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  • 中文名:古勵
  • 出生日期:1982年9月
  • 畢業院校浙江大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:Anaerobic digestion of different biomass等
  • 任職院校:重慶大學


1、 Anaerobic digestion of different biomass
2、 Catalytic nitrate reduction from underground water


Water Research、Bioresource Technology、Chemosphere、Journal of Cleaner Production、Environmental Science and Pollution Research、Desalination and Water Treatment、Journal of Water and Climate Change、ACS Applied Nano Materials等學術期刊審稿人


2009年-2011年 中國科學院城市環境研究所 助理研究員
2004年-2009年 浙江大學 博士
2000年-2004年 同濟大學 學士



(1) 次級河流和湖庫水質保障與運維技術研究與示範,重慶市科技計畫項目集成示範計畫項目,2019-2022
(2) 中小城市污泥、餐廚垃圾、食品工業有機廢棄物協同厭氧消化產氣技術研究,國家科技支撐計畫子課題,2015-2019
(3) 重慶園博園龍景湖水體水質保障技術套用示範,重慶市科技計畫項目集成示範計畫項目,2015-2018
(4) 污泥與多種類城市生物質廢物聯合發酵燃氣化技術研究,重慶市科技計畫項目社會事業與民生保障科技創新專項,2016-2018
(5) 膨潤土介導的污泥-餐廚油脂協同厭氧消化解抑增效特性及機理研究,重慶市科技計畫項目基礎科學與前沿技術研究專項,2017-2020
(6) 高藻水中含氮消毒副產物前體物的辨析研究,教育部高等學校博士學科點科研基金,2012-2015
(7) 高藻水中含氮消毒副產物前體物識別與預處理控制規律研究,國家自然科學基金青年基金,2012-2015
(8) 西部農村分散式污水生態處理和農業利用技術與工程示範,科技部國家重大專項子課題,2013-2018


(1) Ao, Lianggen; Xia, Fan; Ren, Yang; Xu, Jian; Shi, Dezhi; Zhang, Sai; Gu, Li*; He, Qiang. Enhanced nitrate removal by micro-electrolysis using Fe-0 and surfactant modified activated carbon, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 357:180.
(2) Chen, Yongdong; Zhao, Ziyan; Zou, Huijing; Yang, Haifeng; Sun, Tong; Li, Mingxing; Chai, Hongxiang; Li, Li; Ai, Hainan; Shi, Dezhi; He, Qiang; Gu, Li*. Digestive performance of sludge with different crop straws in mesophilic anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 289, 121595.
(3) Chen, Yongdong; Zhu, Ruilin; Jiang, Qin; Sun, Tong; Li, Mingxing; Shi, Jinghua; Chai, Hongxiang; Gu, Li*; Ai, Hainan; He, Qiang Effects of green waste participation on the co-digestion of residual sludge and kitchen waste: A preliminary study. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 671: 838.
(4) Zhao, Ting; Chen, Yongdong; Yu, Qing; Shi, Dezhi; Chai, Hongxiang; Li, Li; Ai, Hainan; Gu, Li*; He, Qiang. Enhancement of performance and stability of anaerobic co-digestion of waste activated sludge and kitchen waste by using bentonite. Plos One, 2019, 14: 7.
(5) Xia, Fan; Yang, Haifeng; Li, Li; Ren, Yang; Shi, Dezhi; Chai, Hongxiang; Ai, Hainan; He, Qiang; Gu, Li*. Enhanced nitrate adsorption by using cetyltrimethylammonium chloride pre-loaded activated carbon. Environmental Technology, 2019.
(6) Chai, Hongxiang; Xiang, Yu; Chen, Rong; Shao, Zhiyu; Gu, Li; Li, Li; He, Qiang. Enhanced simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in treating low carbon-to-nitrogen ratio wastewater: Treatment performance and nitrogen removal pathway. Bioresource Technology, 2019,280: 51.
(7) Li, Li; Huang, Jun; Hu, Xuebin; Zhang, Sai; Dai, Qin; Chai, Hongxiang; Gu, Li. Activation of sodium percarbonate by vanadium for the degradation of aniline in water: Mechanism and identification of reactive species. Chemosphere, 2019, 215: 647.
(8) Chai, Hongxiang; Deng, Siping; Zhou, Xiaoyuan; Su, Chuanrong; Xiang, Yu; Yang, Yan; Shao, Zhiyu; Gu, Li; Xu, Xuan; Ji, Fangying; He, Qiang. Nitrous oxide emission mitigation during low-carbon source wastewater treatment: effect of external carbon source supply strategy. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, 2019.
(9) Zou, Huijing; Chen, Yongdong; Shi, Jinghua; Zhao, Ting; Yu, Qing; Yu, Shangke; Shi, Dezhi; Chai, Hongxiang; Gu, Li*; He, Qiang; Ai, Hainan Mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion of residual sludge with different lignocellulosic wastes in the batch digester. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 268: 371.
(10) Xue, Rui; Xu, Jian; Gu, Li*; Pan, Longhui; He, Qiang Study of Phosphorus Removal by Using Sponge Iron Adsorption. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2018, 229: 5.
(11) Li Guo; Ren Yang; Gu Li*; He Qiang; Deng, Rui; Tang, Lizhan. Migration and transformation of nitrogen in algae organic matter (AOM) during the growth of Microcystis aeruginous. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2018, 111: 79.
(12) Liu, Bing; Gu, Li; Zhang, Xingguo; Li, Qingfei; Yu, Guozhong; Zhao, Chengmei; Zhai, Huimin. Effect of coagulation and adsorption on DON removal and DBPs formation potential in municipal wastewater effluent. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2018, 108-125
(13) Shi, Dezhi; Wang, Pan; Xu, Xiaoyi; Gu, Li; Li, Lei; Ma, Hua; Hu, Chunyan. Effect of Source-Classified Collection of Municipal Solid Waste on Heavy Metals and Pozzolanic Properties of Incineration Residues. International Journal of Environmental Research, 2018, 12: 661.
(14) Zhang, Huining; Gu, Li; Liu, Bing; Gan, Huihui; Zhang, Kefeng; Jin, Huixia; Yu, Xin. An improved biofilter to control the dissolved organic nitrogen concentration during drinking water treatment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23: 18137.
(15) Liu, Bing; Gu, Li; Yu, Xin; Yu, Guozhong; Zhao, Chengmei; Li, Qingfei; Zhai, Huimin. Profile of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in full-scale ozone and biological activated carbon filter. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2015, 55: 2069.
(16) Gu, Li*; Xu, Jinli; Ding, Changlong; Yu, Xin; Lin, Huirong; He, Qiang; Li, Jiang. Study on dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) removal by activated carbon adsorption. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2014, 52: 22-24.
(17) Gu, Li*; Wang, Dandan; Deng, Rui; Liu, Hongxia; Ai, Hainan. Effect of surface modification of activated carbon on its adsorption capacity for bromate. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2013, 51: 13.
(18) Liu, Bing; Gu, Li; Yu, Xin; Yu, Guozhong; Zhang, Huining; Xu, Jinli Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) profile during backwashing cycle of drinking water biofiltration. Science of the Total Environment, 2012, 414: 508.
(19) Liu, Bing; Gu, Li; Yu, Xin; Zhang, Huining Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in a full-scale drinking water treatment plant. Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology-Aqua, 2012, 61: 41.
(20) Zhang, Huining; Gu, Li; Yu, Xin. Pre-oxidation advances dissolved organic nitrogen removal in downstream coagulation fresenius environmental bulletin. 2012, 21: 460.
(21) He, Shilong; Zhang, Dandan; Gu, Li; Zhang, Shenghua; Yu, Xin Bromate adsorption using Fe-pillared bentonite. Environmental Technology, 2012, 33: 2337.
(22) Gu, Li; Xu, Jinli; Lv, Lu; Liu, Bing; Zhang, Huining; Yu, Xin; Luo, Zhuanxi. Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) adsorption by using Al-pillared bentonite. Desalination, 2011, 269: 206.
(23) Gu, Li; Yu, Xin; Xu, Jinli; Lv, Lu; Wang, Qing. Removal of dichloroacetic acid from drinking water by using adsorptive ozonation. Ecotoxicology, 2011, 20: 1160.
(24) Gu, Li; Chen, Zhenxiang; Sun, Cheng; Wei, Bo; Yu, Xin. Photocatalytic degradation of 2, 4-dichlorophenol using granular activated carbon supported TiO2. Desalination, 2010, 263: 107.
(25) Gu Li; Liu Bing; Yu Xin. Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in the processes of polluted source water treatment, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55: 3098
(26) Gu, Li; Zhang, Xingwang; Lei, Lecheng; Zhang, Yi. Enhanced degradation of nitrophenol in ozonation integrated plasma modified activated carbons. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2009, 119: 237.
(27) Gu, Li; Zhang, Xingwang; Lei, Lecheng; Liu, Xianjun. Concurrent removal of humic acid and o-dichlorobenzene in drinking water by combined ozonation and bentonite coagulation process . Water Science and Technology, 2009, 60: 3061.
(28) Gu, Li; Zhang, Xingwang; Lei, Lecheng. Degradation of aqueous p-nitrophenol by ozonation integrated with activated carbon. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2008, 47: 6809.
(29) Lei, Lecheng; Gu, Li; Zhang, Xingwang; Su, Yaling. Catalytic oxidation of highly concentrated real industrial wastewater by integrated ozone and activated carbon. Applied Catalysis A-General, 2007, 327: 287.


(1) 適用於城市排水管網的裝配式跌水井,中國發明專利,2019/07/03
(2) 一種水動力快速除藻機械裝置, 中國發明專利,2019/05/24
(3) 球墨鑄鐵預製裝配式排水檢查井,中國發明專利,2019/05/21
(4) 一種農村小型生活污水收集、處理、回用一體化系統,中國發明專利,2019/05/10
(5) 一種沉水植物種植基質和使用該基質種植沉水植物的方法,中國發明專利,2019/05/03
(6) 一種基於好氧池曝氣系統的臭氣處理方法,中國發明專利,2019/03/29
(7) 一種提高剩餘污泥厭氧消化中甲烷產氣率的方法,中國發明專利,2019/03/15
(8) 一種污泥厭氧消化方法,中國發明專利,2019/03/15
(9) 處理焦化廢水的藥劑和使用該藥劑處理焦化廢水的方法,中國發明專利,2018/11/23
(10) 一種靜滯水面水動力抑制藻類的方法和實施該方法的裝置,中國發明專利,2018/09/07
(11) 一種水下快速除藻的機械裝置,中國發明專利,2018/07/24
(12) 一種治理山地城市土壤流失的材料和治理方法,中國發明專利,2018/05/15
(13) 一種生態型雨水沉砂池,中國發明專利,2018/05/08
(14) 一種基於建築垂直綠化的雨水淨化系統,中國發明專利,2017/07/20
(15) 一種能預處理雨水的車阻裝置和由該車阻裝置組合的系統,中國發明專利,2017/06/20
(16) 一種深水區沉水植物種植裝置,中國發明專利,2017/06/13
(17) 一種沉水植物補光設備,中國發明專利,2017/06/13
(18) 一種建築垂直綠化雨水收集與回用裝置,中國發明專利,2017/06/13
(19) 一種用於水質淨化的水車式強化處理裝置,中國發明專利,2017/05/31
(20) 一種用於海綿城市的模組化雨水收集管道裝置,中國發明專利,2017/05/10


(1) 一種適用於山地城市沖刷徑流處理的下凹式綠地,中國專利優秀獎,2018,排名第1
(2) 三峽水庫城鎮水污染控制關鍵技術研究與套用,華夏建設科學技術獎特等獎,2018,排名第9


