《古代墓葬美術研究(第二輯)》是2013年湖南美術出版社出版的圖書,作者是鄭岩、 [美] 巫鴻、朱青生。
- 中文名:古代墓葬美術研究(第二輯)
- 作者:鄭岩 / [美] 巫鴻 / 朱青生
- ISBN:9787535664631
- 頁數:408
- 定價:85.00
- 出版社:湖南美術出版社
- 出版時間:2013-8-2
1.蘇芳淑/ Jenny So
古人存古:玉琮在古代墓葬中的諸意義Antiques Saved by the Ancients: Meanings of the Jade Cong in Antique Tombs.
2.來國龍/ Guolong Lai
逝者的再現,無形的參列:戰國秦漢藝術中人像觀念的嬗變The Presence of the Invisible: Changing Attitudes towards the Human Figure during the Warring States and Qin-Han Transition
3.Jessica Rawson / 傑西卡 · 羅森
漢帝國及其北方鄰國:異域魅惑The Han Empire and its Northern Neighbors: The Fascination of the Exotic
4.施傑/ Shi Jie
交通幽明--西漢諸侯王墓中的祭祀空間Mediating the Dead and the Living: The Sacrificial Space in Western Han Princely Tombs
5.Lukas Nickel / 倪克魯
磚疊蒼穹:新莽墓葬建築與繪畫中的宇宙象徵Brick-Built Heavens: Cosmic Symbolism in Mortuary Architecture and Painting at the Time of Wang Mang (9–23 CE)
6.鄭岩/ Zheng Yan
彎曲的柱子——陝北東漢畫像石一個細節The Curving Pillar —— A Detail of Eastern Han Dynasty Stone Reliefs in Northern Shaanxi
7.繆哲/ Miao Zhe
重訪樓閣Revisiting the Pavilion
8.邵韻霏/ Yunfei Shao
雙重視角下的複合意涵——朱然墓宮闈宴樂圖漆案研究Complex Meanings From Two Perspectives: A Study of a Painted Lacquer Table with Palace Banquet Scenes Unearthed from Zhu Ran's Tomb
9.林聖智/ Lin Sh eng-chih
ortuary Furniture in the Pingcheng Period of the Northern Wei Dynasty
10.Sascha Priewe / 裴嚴華
相互聯結的聚落:北齊、北周與隋朝時期中國中北部地區的粟特人及其下葬方式Networked Communities: Sogdians and their Burials in North-Central China during the Northern Qi, Northern Zhou and Sui Periods
11.徐濤/ Xu Tao
石槨線刻與粉本的形成方式——兼論唐陵墓壁畫圖像粉本的來源On Line-Engravings on Tang Sarcophagi and the Formation of Copybooks, With an Additional Discussion on the Origin of Copybooks Used in Painting Murals in Tang Mausoleums
12.百橋明穗/ Donohashi Akio
日本古墳壁畫中的四神與十二支像——以高松冢、龜虎古墳為中心Images of the Four Deities and the Twelve Zodiac Symbols in the Murals of Ancient Japanese Tombs: Focusing on the Takamatsu and Kitora Tombs
13.范淑英 / Fa n Shuying
隋唐墓出土的“古鏡”——兼論隋唐銅鏡圖文的復古問題“Antique Mirrors” from Sui and Tang Tombs along with a discussion of Archaism in the Decoration and Inscriptions on Sui and Tang Bronze Mirrors
14.巫鴻/ Wu Hung
寶山遼墓三題Three Aspects of the Liao Tombs at Baoshan
15.李清泉/ Li Qin gquan
“一堂家慶”的新意象——宋金時期的墓主夫婦像與唐宋墓葬風氣之變New Meanings of the “Family Assembly” Ceremony —— Images of the Tomb Occupant Couple during the Song and Jin Dynasties and Changes in Burial Practices during the Tang and Song Dynasties
16.王玉冬 / Wa ng Yudong
蒙元時期墓室的“裝飾化”趨勢與中國古代壁畫的衰落The Tendency toward Ornamentation in Yuan Tombs and the Decline of Chinese Tomb Murals
17.姚進莊/ Josh Yiu
明清兩代陵墓的石供桌The Stone Altar in Ming and Qing Mausoleums
18.朱青生/ LaoZhu
漢畫作為“圖”的八種意義Eight Meanings of Hanhua (Pictures of the Han Dynasty) as "Images"