- 中文名:叢生粉褶蕈
- 拉丁學名:Eurotium parviverruculosus Kong et Qi sp. nov.
編號 | NFG-95-6 |
定名人 | 章衛民 |
Nomencla | Kong Huazhong and Qi Zutong |
發表文章 | 海南省粉褶蕈屬的分類研究(I) |
Article | Two New Species of Eurotium link |
作者 | 章衛民 李泰輝 畢志樹 鄭國楊 |
Author | Kong Huazhong and Qi Zutong |
作者單位 | 廣東省微生物研究所, 廣州 510070 |
摘要 | 本文報 道了海南省粉褶蕈屬 [Entoloma (Fr.) Kumm.] 6個新種, 它們是: 銹褐粉褶蕈 (Entoloma ferrugineobrunneum W.M.Zhang sp. nov.) 紫褐粉褶蕈 (Enolomapurpureobrunneum W.M.Zhang sp. nov.) 叢生 粉褶蕈 (Entoloma caespitosumW.M.Zhang sp. nov.) 肉 褐粉褶蕈 (Entoloma carneobrunneum W.M.Zhang sp. nov.) 近杯傘狀粉褶蕈 (Entoloma subcliocyboides W.M.Zhang sp. nov.) 近偏生粉褶蕈 (Entoloma subeccntricum W.M.Zhang sp. nov.) 所有標本保藏於廣 東省微生物研究所真菌標本室. |
Abstract | This paper reports two new species of Eurotium Link. 1. Eurotium costiforme sp.nov.: Colonies growing well on Czapeck's agar with 40% sucrose, cleistothecia produced abundantly, but conidial structuresextremely limited. colonies on W40Y growing rapidly, attaining a diameter of 65-70mm in 7 days at 25'C, some conidial structuresproduces, near smoke Gray to Light Grayish Olive (Ridgway, Pl. XLVI) or Olive-Gray (Ridgway, pl.LI). Cleistothecia produced abundantly,more concentrated in the central areas, no exudate produced, odor lacking, recrese yellow. Cleisothecia globose to subglobose, 100-150micrometer in diameter, near amber Yellow (Ridway, Pl. XVI), asci globose to subglobose or nearly ellipsoid, 14-17 micrometer indiameter, 8-spored, mature in about 8 days, ascospores lenticular, mostly 6.0-7.0×5.0-6.0 micrometer, roughening on all convex surfacesshowing irregularly anstomosed ribs, equatorial crests prominent, about 0.6 micrometer in breadth. Conidial heads appearing rediate,80-150 micromwter in diameter, conidiophores arising from aerial hyphae, stipes 150-500(-800) X 8.0-12(-16) micrometer , smooth-walled, vesicles globoseto subglobose, rarely ellipsoid and clavate, (15-)20 X 30(-40) micrometer in diameter, fertile all over or on the upper half only, phialides(6.5-)8.0-11 X 3.0-4.0 micrometer conidia ellipsoidal, less commonly globose to subglobose, 3.5-6.0 X 3.0-4.5 micrometer, finely roughened. Weak growth at 37'C. This species is close to Eurotium niveoglaucum (Thom & Raper) Malloch & Cain. But E.costiforme sp. nov. can be easily distinguished from E.niveoglaucumby its smaller ascospores with irregularly anastomosed ribs on the convex surfaces, smaller conidia and colony colonr. Thespecies also resembles E.halopilous and the convex surfaces of ascospores are different. The specific epcithet refers to the character of its ascospores. This fungus was isolated from moldy paper-box in Hebei province.The type specimen HMAS 62766 and living culture AS3.4664 are deposited Microbiology, Acadmia sinica, Beijing, China. 2. Eurotium parviverruculosum sp. nov.: Colonies on Czapeck's agar (CA) very restricted, attaining a diameter of 5-10mm in 30 days at 25'C. Colonies on CA with 20% or 40% sucrose spreading moderately. Colonies on W40Y* speading rapidly, 50-60mm in diameter in 14 days at25'C, with surfaces appearing velvety to floccose, conidial structures abundantly produced, blue-green shades nearly smoke Gray to Light GrayishOlive (Ridway, pl.XLVI), Limited cleistothecia produced no exudate, odor lacking, reverse yellow brown in the central areas, yellow-gray togray-green at marginal areas. Cleistothecia globose or subglobose, 15-18 micrometer 8-spored, maturing in about 3 weeks, asospores lenticular7.5-9.0(-10) X 5.0-6.0(7.0) micrometer, convex surfaces nearly smooth less commonly verruclose, equatorial crests prominent somewhat irregular,0.8 micrometer in diameter, conidiophores arising from the substratum or aerial hyphae, stipes 150-400 X (4.0-)6.0-10(-14) micrometer,smooth-walled, vesicles globose to subgmobose or flask-shaped, (8.0-20-35(-40) micrometer, usually fertile on the upper 1 / 2 to 2 / 3 surfaces,phialides 10-14(-16) X 4.0-6.5 micrometer, conidia ellipsoid, rarely globose to subglobose, (5.5-)8.0-13(-15) X 5.0-8.0(-10) micrometer spinulose. No growth at 37'C. This species is close to Eurotium echinulatum Delace., it differs from the latter by the convex surfaces nearly smooth,less commonly verrulose and with pitsalong both sides of equatorial crests. The new species alsoresembles Eurotium medium Meissner, but the latter is more osmophilic and has low crests, many verrucae on the convex surfaces, and globose or subglobose conidia. The specific epithet refers to the character of its ascospores. This species was isolated from soil in Hebei province. The type specimenHMAS62767 and living culture AS3.4665 are deposited in the Institute of Microbiology, Acadmia Sinica, Beijing, China. |
關鍵字 | 粉褶蕈屬, 銹褐粉褶 蕈, 紫褐粉褶蕈 ,叢生粉褶蕈, 肉褐粉褶蕈, 近杯傘粉褶 蕈 , 近偏生粉褶蕈 |
期刊 | 真菌學報 13(3):188-196, 1994 |
Publication | Acta Mycologica Sinica (Chinese; English Abstract), 14(1):pp.10-16, 1995 |
分享省市 | 海南省樂東縣 |
Place | Wei County, Hebei Province, China |
採集地 | 尖峰嶺林場散生或叢生闊葉林中地上 |
Environment | The specimen collected from soil at Xiaowutai Mountain (Xiaowutaishan) |
生態環境 | 熱帶季風氣候闊葉林區 |
寄主 | 闊葉林內地上富含腐植質的土壤 |
Habitat | twmplate monsoon climate |
Host | soil |
採集人 | 陳煥強 |
Isolation Person | Kong Huazhong |
保存單位 | 廣東省微生物研究所真菌標本室, 廣州 510070 |
Preservation Unit | Herbarium of Mycology, Institute Micronlogy, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China / |
Speciman No. | HMAS 62767 |
Note | The living culture AS 3.4665 deposited in the Chinese Common Culture Collection of Microorganisms, Institute Micronlogy, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China |