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  • 中文名:叢培良
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1978年10月1日
  • 畢業院校武漢理工大學
  • 職業:大學教授





2016/11-至今, 長安大學,材料學院道路材料系,教授/博導;
2018-2019, 西安市雁塔區 副區長;











4.國家自然科學基金 “環氧瀝青固化速度控制及其固化物顯微相態結構研究”(51208050)2013.1-2015.12;
5.交通部西部交通建設科技項目“環氧瀝青固化速度及其固化物顯微組織結構研究”(2013 319 812 020),2013.1-2015.12;
8.中國博士後基金 “環氧瀝青固化機理與微觀結構研究”(20090461276),2009.12-2011.12;
11.Joint Transportation Research Program Research (American) “Friction Surface Treatment Selection”(SPR-3832), 2014.1-2015.12
13.國家自然科學基金“硫酸鹽腐蝕作用下道路混凝土疲勞損傷機理研究” (50978031), 2010.1-2012.12;
14.國家科技部“材料科學數據共享”子課題(2005DKA32800), 2009.10-2012.09;
16.陝西省交通運輸廳科研計畫項目“環氧瀝青混凝土橋面鋪裝體系設計與施工技術研究”(09-03k) 2009.10-2012.10;
18.河南省交通運輸廳科技計畫項目 “高速公路飛機跑道耐久鋪面結構與材料研究”(2011XXXX)2011.3-2012.8


1. Hongjie Hao , Zhihui Chen , Peiliang Cong , Zhiyu Han, Rheological, chemical and short-term aging properties of waste polyurethane particles modified asphalt binder with or without SBS, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 357, 2022, 129363.
2. Hongjie Hao , Anyu Zhang , Yaqian Cheng , Peiliang Cong, The modification mechanisms of silane coupling agent (SCA) on the physical properties of thermosetting polyurethane asphalt binder (PUAB), Construction and Building Materials, Volume 350, 2022, 128836.
3. Yaqian Cheng , Peiliang Cong, Hongjie Hao , Qi Zhao , Linna Mei , Anyu Zhang , Zhiyu Han , Miao Hu, Improving workability and mechanical properties of one-part waste brick power based-binders with superplasticizers, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 335, 2022, 127535.
4. Peiliang Cong, Anyu Zhang, Wanshuai Ge, Yaqian Cheng, Study on macroscopic properties and microstructure of thermosetting polyurethane asphalt binder (PAB) based on curing kinetics, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 333, 2022, 127347
5. Peiliang Cong, Yaqian Cheng , Wanshuai Ge , Anyu Zhang, Mechanical, microstructure and reaction process of calcium carbide slag-waste red brick powder based alkali-activated materials (CWAAMs), Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 331, 2022, 129845.
6. Zhiyu Han, Peiliang Cong a, Jian Qiu, Microscopic experimental and numerical research on rejuvenators: A review, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), Volume 9, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 180-207.
7. Peiliang Cong, Yaqian Cheng. Advances in geopolymer materials: A comprehensive review, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), 8(3):283-314. Published: ‏ June 2021
8. Cong, Peiliang; Wang, Junyan; Luo, Weihua; et al. Effects of aging on the properties of SBS modified asphalt binders containing anti-aging agents, Construction and Building Materials, Volume: ‏ 302Article Number: 124413Published: ‏ OCT 4 2021
9. Cong, Peiliang; Guo, Xize; Ge, Wanshuai. Effects of moisture on the bonding performance of asphalt-aggregate system, Construction and Building Materials, Volume: 295Article Number: 123667Published: ‏ AUG 9 2021
10. Cong, Peiliang; Guo, Xize; Mei, Linna; et al. Influence of aging on the properties of SBS-modified asphalt binder with anti-aging agents, IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, MAY 2021
11. Peiliang Cong, Linna Mei. Using silica fume for improvement of fly ash slag based geopolymer activated with calcium carbide residue and gypsum, Construction and Building Materials, 2021, Volume: ‏ 275Article Number: 122171Published: ‏ MAR 15 2021
12. Peiliang Cong, Xize Guo, Linna Mei. Investigation on rejuvenation methods of aged SBS modified asphalt binder, Fuel, 2020, Volume 279, 1 November Article 118556
13. Peiliang Cong, Junyan Wang, Zhenjun Zhou. Effects of thermal degradation on polymer modified asphalt binders during storage and transportation, Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 248 (10), 1-16
14. Peiliang Cong, Junyan Wang, Zhenjun Zhou, Hao Zhang. Preparation of rejuvenating agent and property evaluation of rejuvenated SBS modified asphalt binders, Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 233 (10), 1-11.
15. Zhou Zhenjun, Wang Junyan, Cong Peiliang*. Investigation of thermal degradation of asphalt binders during storage and transportation, Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 231(20),1-12.
16. Cong Peiliang, Chen Beini, Zhao Hua. Coupling effects of wasted cooking oil and antioxidant on aging of asphalt binders, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 2020, 13, 64-74.
17. Cong Peiliang, Luo Weihua,Xu Peijun , Zhang Yihan. Chemical and physical properties of hot mixing epoxy asphalt binders, Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 198, 1-9.
18. Cong Peiliang, Hao Hongjie, Luo Weihua. Investigation of Carbonyl of Asphalt Binders Containing Antiaging Agents and Waste Cooking Oil Using FTIR Spectroscopy, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2019, 47(2), 1147–1162
19. Luo Weihua, Zhang Yihan, Cong Peiliang*. Investigation on physical and high temperature rheology properties of asphalt binder adding waste oil and polymer. Construction and Building Materials. 2017,144:13-24.
20. Cong Peiliang, Yihan Zhang, Ning Liu. Investigation of the properties of asphalt mixtures incorporating reclaimed SBS modified asphalt pavement, Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 113, 334-340.
21. Cong Peiliang, Tian Yu, Liu Ning, Xu Peijun. Investigation of epoxy-resin modified asphalt binder, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2016,133(21), 1-8.
22. Cong Peiliang, Luo Weihua, Xu Peijun, Zhao Hua. Investigation on recycling of SBS modified asphalt binders containing fresh asphalt and rejuvenating agents, Construction and Building Materials, 2015, 91, 225-231.
23. Cong Peiliang, Liu Ning, Shang Hongming, Zhao Hua. Rheological and Fatigue Properties of Epoxy Asphalt Binder, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 2015, 8(5), 370-376.
24. Cong Peiliang, Xu Peijun, Chen Shuanfa. Effects of carbon black on the anti aging, rheological and conductive properties of SBS/asphalt/carbon black composites, Construction and Building Materials, 2014, 52, 306-313.
25. Cong Peiliang, Xu Peijun, Liu Jianfei et al. Effect of flame retardants on long-term aging characteristics of asphalt binders, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 2014, 7(2), 109-114.
26. Cong Peiliang, Wang Xiao, Xu Peijun, Liu Jianfei, He Rui, Chen Shuanfa. Investigation on properties of polymer modified asphalt containing various antiaging agents, Polymer Degradation and Stability,2013,98(12), 2627-2634.
27. Cong Peiliang, Xun Peijun, Xing Mingliang, Chen Shuanfa. Investigation of asphalt binder containing various crumb rubbers and asphalts, Construction and Building Materials, 2013,40, 632-641.
28. Cong Peiliang, Wang Jie, Li Kai, Chen Shuanfa. Physical and rheological properties of asphalt binders containing various antiaging agents, Fuel, 2012, 97,678-684.
29. Cong Peiliang, Chen Shuanfa, Chen Huaxin. Effects of diatomite on the properties of asphalt binder. Construction and Building Materials, 2012, 30, 495-499
30. Cong Peiliang, Chen Shuanfa, Chen Huaxin. Preparation and Properties of Bitumen Modified with the Maleic Anhydride Grafted Styrene-butadiene-styrene Triblock Copolymer. Polymer Engineering and Science, 2011,51,1273-1279.
31. Cong Peiliang, Chen Shuanfa, Yu Jianying. Investigation of the properties of epoxy resin-modified asphalt mixtures for application to orthotropic bridge decks. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011, 121, 2310-2316.
32. Cong Peiliang, Chen Shuanfa, Yu Jianying, Chen Huaxin. Compatibility and mechanical properties of epoxy resin modified asphalt binders. International Journal of Pavement research and technology, 2011,4,118-123
33. Cong Peiliang, Zhou Bin, Chen Shuanfa, Chen Huaxin. Low temperature rheological and mechanistic characteristics of three different types of asphalt binders. International Journal of Pavement research and technology, 2011,4,307-312
34. Cong Peiliang, Chen Shuanfa, Yu Jianying, Wu Shaopeng. Effects of aging on the properties of modified asphalt binder with flame retardants. Construction and Building Materials, 2010, 24, 2554-2558
35. Cong Peiliang, Yu Jianying, Chen Shuanfa. Effects of Epoxy resin contents on the Rheological Properties of Epoxy-asphalt Blends. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010, 118, 3678-3684.
36. Cong Peiliang, Yu Jianying, Wu Shaopeng, Luo Xiaofeng. Laboratory investigation of the properties of asphalt and its mixtures modified with flame retardant. Construction and Building Materials, 2008, 22,1037-1042
37. Shuo Li, Peiliang Cong, Demei Yu. Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Single Layer and Double Layer High Friction Surface Treatments. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 2019, 2673(2), 552-561
38. Du, Xiaoming; Xu, Peijun; Cong, Peiliang. Compatibilization and toughness modification of linear aliphatic epoxy compound on paving epoxy asphalt. Materials and Structures, 2020,53(2),
39. Peijun Xu, Xingtian Zhu, Peiliang Cong, Xiaoming Du, Ru Zhang. Modification of alkyl group terminated hyperbranched polyester on paving epoxy asphalt. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 165,295-302
40. Peijun Xu,Peiliang Cong,Danggang Li,Xingtian Zhu,Toughness Modification of Hyperbranched Polyester on Epoxy Asphalt,Construction & Building Materials,2016.01.01,122:473~477
41. Peijun Xu,Xiaotian Yan,Peiliang Cong,Xingtian Zhu,Danggang Li,Silane coupling agent grafted graphene oxide and its modification on polybenzoxazine resin,Composite Interfaces, 2017,24(7):635-648
42. Peijun Xu,Peiliang Cong,Zhao Gao,Min Du,High Performance Graphene Oxide Modified Polybenzoxazine Resin,Polymer Composites,2016.01.01,37(5):1507~1514
43. Peijun Xu,Peiliang Cong,Zhao Gao,Min Du,High Performance Modification of Hyperbranched Polyborate on Diglycidyl Ether of Bisphenol-A Resin,Polymer Composites,2015.01.01,36(3):424~432
44. Peijun Xu,Peiliang Cong,Huan Ye,Shuanfa Chen,Modification of Epoxy Asphalt by Hyperbranched Polyester,Advanced Materials Research,2013.01.01,716:379~382
45. Yu Jianying, Cong Peiliang, Wu Shaopeng. Laboratory Investigation of the Properties of Asphalt Modified with Epoxy Resin. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2009, 113, 3557-3563.
46. Yu Jianying, Cong Peiliang, Wu Shaopeng, Cheng Songbo. Curing Behavior of Epoxy Asphalt. J Wuhan Uni Tech-Mater Sci Ed, 2009,24, 462-465
47. Yu Jianying, Cong Peiliang, Wu Shaopeng. Investigation of the performance of flame retardants modified asphalt mixtures. Construction and Building Materials, 2009, 22,1037-1042
48. Yu Jianying, Cong Peiliang, Wu Shaopeng. Investigation of the Properties of and its Mixtures Containing Flame Retardant Modifier. Construction and Building Materials, 2009, 23,2277-2282
49. Wu Shaopeng, Cong Peiliang, Yu Jianying, Luo Xiaofeng, Mo Liantong. Experimental investigation of related properties of asphalt binders containing various flame retardants. Fuel, 2006,85,1298-1304
50. Wu Shaopeng, Mo Liantong, Cong Peiliang, Yu Jianying, Luo Xiaofeng. Flammability and rheological behavior of mixed flame-retardant modified asphalt binders. Fuel, 2007, 87, 120-124
51. 周振君, 王俊岩, 叢培良. SBS改性瀝青熱儲存及運輸過程中的降解研究. 建築材料學報. 2020, 23(2), 430-437
52. 叢培良, 賀北斗, 郝紅傑. 室溫環境固化下硫酸鹽濃度對地質聚合物的性能影響. 矽酸鹽通報. 2020, 39(4), 1201-1207
53. 周振君,張皓,羅偉華,許培俊,叢培良.水熱離子交換時間對銫離子改型白榴石的影響[J].無機鹽工業,2019,51(09):17-20.
54. 許培俊,朱幸天,叢培良,劉慶禹,羅偉華.環氧瀝青中樹脂體系的固化控制與性能關係研究[J].公路,2018,63(03):203-208
55. 許培俊,張茹,杜曉明,叢培良.微膠囊紅磷/氫氧化鋁對三元乙丙橡膠的協效阻燃改性[J].合成橡膠工業,2018,41(03):213-217.
56. 周振君,羅偉華,叢培良,許培俊.面向高新技術產業的材料工程專業碩士培養模式的研究[J].廣東化工,2018,45(10):241-242.
57. 周振君,羅偉華,叢培良,許培俊.新經濟背景下專業建設初探——以長安大學無機非金屬材料工程專業為例[J].科教導刊(下旬),2018(10):55-56+58.
58. 叢培良,羅偉華,周振君,許培俊,齊琳.教育研究法的主流-論混合法研究[J].陝西青年職業學院學報,2018(04):10-12+16.
59. 許培俊,李黨剛,叢培良,朱幸天,杜曉明,趙陽.拌和溫度對高溫鋪裝環氧瀝青性能的影響[J].公路,2017,62(10):1-4.
60. 叢培良,許培俊,李黨剛,閆嘯天. SBS對環氧瀝青鋪面材料的改性作用. 公路.2016,(5), 170-173.
61. 許培俊,李黨剛,朱幸天,叢培良.基質瀝青對高溫拌和鋪面環氧瀝青性能的影響[J].公路,2016,61(12):186-189.
62. 叢培良,李思勰.環氧瀝青混合料低溫抗裂性能研究進展[J].石油瀝青,2015,29(5):1-5.
63. 叢培良,崔小攀,馬曉燕,蘇健. 橡膠顆粒瀝青混合料的成型及性能研究. 公路.2015,(4),202-206.
64. 叢培良,於曉峰,雷延峰,王劍,崔琳.混凝土橋面鋪裝環氧瀝青混合料的性能研究. 公路交通科技(套用技術版).2015,(125),145-150.
65. 崔小攀,叢培良,葉歡,陳拴發.不同纖維改性瀝青的性能研究[J].新型建築材料,2015,42(02):21-24.
66. 安忠東,叢培良,馬曉燕,楊平文.瀝青路面嵌縫膠製備與性能研究[J].公路交通科技(套用技術版),2015,11(05):125-127.
67. 叢培良,劉建飛等. 混凝土橋面鋪裝用環氧瀝青的製備與性能研究. 鄭州大學學報(工學版).2014,35(6),78-81.
68. 叢培良,劉建飛等. 聚合物改性瀝青填縫料的性能研究. 新型建築材料.2014,5, 72-75.
69. 叢培良,崔小攀,劉建飛等. 高濃度乳化瀝青的研製及其性能影響因素.新型建築材料.2013,12, 74-79.
70. 叢培良,許培俊,邢明亮, 陳拴發. 光熱耦合條件對SBS改性瀝青性能的影響研究. 公路. 2013,5,147-151.
71. 叢培良,陳拴發,陳華鑫. 環氧瀝青混合料設計及性能研究. 公路. 2012, 10, 167-171.
72. 叢培良,陳拴發,陳華鑫. 除冰鹽對瀝青混凝土性能的影響. 公路. 2011, 6, 180-184.
73. 叢培良,余劍英,吳少鵬,陳太泉. 影響瀝青混凝土路面車轍因素分析. 石油瀝青. 2007, 21,48-53.
74. 叢培良,姜海濤,柯鑫,余劍英.增容劑對環氧瀝青性能的影響.第十一次全國石油瀝青技術交流會論文集,2008,4.
75. 柯鑫,陳繁華,叢培良,余劍英.增容劑對環氧瀝青性能的影響.第十一次全國石油瀝青技術交流會論文集,2008,4.
76. 孔憲明,余劍英,程松波,吳少鵬,叢培良. 阻燃劑對SBS 改性瀝青混合料路用性能影響. 武漢理工大學學報. 2007, 29(8):19-22.
77. 余劍英,羅小峰,吳少鵬,曾旋,叢培良. 阻燃SBS改性瀝青的製備與性能研究. 中國公路學報. 2007, 20(2):35-39.
78. 張世飆,叢培良,程松波,余劍英. ATH阻燃瀝青混合料Superpave設計與性能研究. 武漢理工大學學報. 2008, 30(12):54-57.
79. 叢培良,吳少鵬,磨鍊同等. 水泥瀝青複合式混凝土配比設計與性能研究. 公路交通科技. 2006, 23(6):49-52.
80. 吳少鵬,劉小明,磨鍊同,叢培良等. 自診斷瀝青混凝土及其套用前景. 華中科技大學學報(城市科學版). 2005, 22(3):1-4.


  • 環氧瀝青固化速度控制和樹脂體系研製
環氧瀝青具有優越的力學性能和高溫性能,已成為鋼橋面鋪裝常選的路面材料。但是,環氧瀝青複雜的組成和結構導致其固化機理異同於一般環氧樹脂,已有研究成果表明現有環氧瀝青普遍存在初期固化反應過快而後期養生時間太長的問題,這是環氧瀝青混凝土路面的性能達不到設計要求,出現早期破壞的主要原因。以環氧瀝青固化劑及其固化物的顯微相態結構為研究對象,通過改變固化劑分子結構(改變端基數量和性質)對環氧瀝青固化速率進行控制。製備具有不同端基性質的支化或超支化固化劑,深入探討固化劑的分子結構及其端基(性質和數量)與環氧樹脂及瀝青間的相互作用;大大延長了施工的可操作時間和鋪裝後的快速通車時間,發表SCI論文3篇。該工作已被包括《Advances in Colloid and Interface Science》《Construction and Building Materials》、《Materials and Structures》、《Journal of Applied Polymer Science》、《Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry》等雜誌引用。
  • 瀝青材料老化機理與耐久性改善技術
以各種類型的紫外線吸收劑與不同產地的瀝青為研究對象,綜合利用目前先進的表征手段,研究各老化劑與不同瀝青分子基團之間的相互作用及改性材料對瀝青結構的影響,探明各類抗老化改性材料對不同結構特徵瀝青的性能的影響,並揭示其作用機理,提出有效的改善技術。發表相關SCI論文5篇。該工作在《Fuel》、《Polymer Degradation and Stability》等雜誌上發表。
  • 溶液聚合法製備接枝SBS高性能改性瀝青複合材料
採用溶液聚合法製備了不同接枝率(GD)的甲基丙烯酸甲酯接枝SBS(MMA-g-SBS)、丙烯酸接枝SBS(AA-g-SBS)、馬來酸酐接枝SBS(MAH-g-SBS)改性劑,製得了不同接枝率的接枝SBS改性瀝青材料,獲得具有較好相容性、抗老化性、高溫穩定性和低溫抗裂性能的改性瀝青,發表SCI論文1篇。該論文被包括《Advances in Colloid and Interface Science》、《Journal of Materials Science》、《Construction and Building Materials》、《International Journal of Pavement Engineering》等雜誌引用。
  • 瀝青/硅藻土複合材料研製
  • 複合阻燃劑的製備及在瀝青改性中的研究
  • 導電、導熱性瀝青材料研製
  • 廢舊聚合物改性瀝青路面材料再生利用技術
  • 新型超薄、抗滑和耐久性鋪裝材料研製
  • 鹼激發法製備出免燒水硬性膠凝材料




擔任《Fuel》、《Energy & Fuels》、《Cold Regions Science and Technology》、《 Construction and building materials》、《Journal of Hazardous materials》、《 Journal of applied polymer science》、《Journal of materials in civil engineering》、《 Polymer composites》、《Polymer engineering science》、《 International journal of pavement engineering》、《 Iranian polymer journal 》、《建築材料學報》《長沙理工大學學報》《河北科技大學學報》等通訊審稿專家。


