



  • 軟體名稱:友情圖片
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:1.48MB
  • 支持版本:iOS2.2.1及以上
此應用程式是專門給誰珍惜朋友的友誼與所有的人。我們的編輯親自挑選一些漂亮的照片,點燃友誼的這種感覺在你身上。每個圖像反映了不同色光的友誼。 得到這個程式今天和享受幻燈片放映的影像時,你是與朋友或消失。 朋友在人生的遊戲中你最好的玩伴。他們總是接近你的心臟。所以,儘管裝飾你的螢幕,帶有圖像反映友誼的感覺。 可用性 - 圖像為iPhone和iPod Touch的最佳化,並保存與存儲在圖像 - >相機膠捲。設定為牆紙和享受這些,每當&無論你想要的。 - 應用程式具有幻燈片放映,可以讓您的設備轉成數碼相框附加功能。圖片是在給定的時間間隔,通過循環,用音樂為背景。 - 應用程式需要自動鎖定的護理,讓您可以享受優雅的幻燈片放映,當設備正在充電或放置在碼頭。 點擊“所有應用程式都通過Webdunia'下面連結了解更多壁紙應用程式。乾杯!This application is dedicated to all people who cherish friends & friendship. Our editors have personally picked some great images, to kindle this feeling of friendship in you. Each image reflects a different shade of the friendship. Get this app today & enjoy the images with the slide-show when you are with friends or away. Friends are your best playmates in the game of life. They are always close to your heart. So go ahead and decorate your screen, with images reflecting the feeling of friendship. Usability -Images are optimized for iPhone & iPod Touch, and are saved & stored in Photo -> Camera Roll. Set as wallpaper and enjoy these, whenever & wherever you want. -The application has additional feature of slide-show, which lets your device turn into digital frame. Images are cycled through at given time interval, with music in the background. -The application takes care of auto-lock, so that you can enjoy classy slide-show, when the device is charging or placed on dock. Click on the 'All applications by Webdunia' link below for more wallpaper apps. Cheers!


