Crisis investments Scholarship founder is Chunmin Wang, born in October 1984, Yunnan Yuxi , years of A shares, gold, foreign exchange practical experience, focusing on Western investment philosophy of perception Western Philosophical insights and in-depth study on the Book of Changes ,In 2010 developed the inevitable investment law, and succeeded in finding ways to break the inevitable law, the creation of a new set of academic ------ crisis Investments.
- 中文名:危機投資學
- 類別:學科
- 創始人:王春明
- 核心:易經的“得失”發揮到金融市場
內容簡介,Introduction,核心思想,Core idea,學術相關套用,Academic-related applications,
Core theory is that the crisis will invest Book of "pros and cons" to play to the financial markets will resolve the crisis into wealth; big loss must have been great Wealth of opportunity, shortens the time period, the rapid time to let the rose bloom.
3. 科學的資金管理
Core idea
1·The company make a lot of money as the core, with the assurance of long-term survival
2 Select the direction to focus on critical sectors benefit
3 Money Sciences Management
4. Professional teams of specialized investment barrier breakthrough 5.Ancient Chinese philosophy Ching introduced Investments
6 levels of qualitative and quantitative analysis of disaster
7. Time and space planning investment products
2007年8月開始席捲美國、歐盟和日本等世界主要金融市場的“美國次債危機” 用投資體系轉危機為機會:做空全球股市和石油和歐系貨幣
2009年4月25日“H1N1甲型流感爆發” 用投資體系轉危機為機會:做多全球甲流疫苗股和相關中藥材
2009年“百年旱災” 用投資體系轉危機為機會:做多全國種子供應商和中藥材庫存企業
2010年3月3日開始的歐洲債務危機 用投資體系轉危機為機會:做空全球股市和做多美元
2013年10至11月 ,美國方面引發的政府危機,直接導致全球經濟引向了蕭條,全球資本避險情緒高漲,投資品依舊遭受低靡期,美元貨幣依舊受寵。
2014年9月5日,世界衛生組織表示,在西非肆虐的伊波拉病毒的傳播速度加快,已經成為全球性的威脅,需要各國協同應對,估計要控制疫情需至少6億美元。伊波拉病毒危機形成。2014年10月8日,美國德克薩斯州達拉斯市一家醫院宣布,美國本土發現的首位伊波拉患者於當地時間8日上午不治身亡。西班牙衛生部2014年10月6日通報說,一名西班牙護理人員在馬德里被確診感染伊波拉病毒,成為首例在歐洲境內感染該病毒的患者 。危機在擴散,投資領域從危機形成到擴散一直瞄準疫苗和基因,A股市場反映了資本受到疫情的影響集中度扎堆醫療疫苗股票。
Academic-related applications
August 2007 began sweeping the U.S., EU and Japan, the world's major financial markets, "the U.S. subprime crisis" turn crisis into opportunity by investing system: short global stock markets and oil and European currencies.
April 25, 2009 "H1N1 influenza outbreak," with investment system turn crisis into opportunity: to do more global flu vaccine stocks and related medicines.
2009 "China century drought" turn crisis as opportunity with investment system: do more national seed suppliers and medicines stock companies.
Beginning of March 3, 2010 Europe's debt crisis turn crisis into opportunity by investing system:do more dollar andShorting stocks.
February16 2011 Libyan civil war caused by the oil crisis, investment in oil crisis do more oil Substitute class stock.
March 11, 2011 9.0 earthquake triggered a nuclear crisis in Japan, the nuclear crisis in investment, short selling nuclear sector stocks.
Mid-2011 July 4 and July 27 Standard & Poor's rating of Greece to "CC triggered the debt crisis escalated, short global equities.
August 5, 2011 by the U.S. Standard & Poor's "AAA" down to "AA +" raised the U.S. debt crisis, global market short stock.
October 2012, the Diaoyu Islands territorial crisis triggered by the event, do more core military core material and military equipment.
November 2012, the U.S. dollar election triggered fears and uncertainties fiscal cliff maturity maturity debt crisis triggered by the U.S., to do more precious metals.
January 2013 triggered dollar fiscal cliff, profitable non-US currencies.
February 2013 U.S. fiscal cliff alleviate the problem, there is no dollar crisis erupted, the global investment destination stability, decrease risk aversion, capital markets, stock market bond inflows obviously profitable venture capital market.
May 2013 to September, global money shortage crisis triggered by the turmoil in the capital markets, capital is particularly important, significant transfers of funds to the high and stable levels of short bonds, government bonds and the dollar bullish.
October-November 2013, the government crisis triggered by the United States, a direct result of the global economy towards a recession, the global capital risk aversion, still suffering from sagging of investment goods, the dollar is still the favored currency.
December 2013 to January 2014, 23 January, emerging market currencies Turkish Lira, Argentine peso, South African rand, Brazilian real, such as in the foreign exchange market have plunged, the existence of a currency crisis in emerging markets, bullish for the dollar and other international currencies.
In September 5, 2014,WHOsaid,in West AfricaravagedEboravirus propagationspeed,has become a globalthreat,requires concertedresponsetothe epidemic control,estimationneedsat least $600000000.The formation ofthe Ebola viruscrisis.In October 8, 2014,the Dallas city hospitalin TexasAmericanannounced,AmericannativefoundEbolapatients in thefirst8 days morning local timedied.In October 6, 2014the Spanish health ministryannounced that,a Spanishnurseswere confirmed infected withthe Ebola virusin Madrid,becoming thefirstEuropeanterritoryinvirusinfected patients.The crisis in thefield of investmentfrom the crisisdiffusion,diffusionhas beenformedtoaim at thevaccine andgene,A stock marketreflects thecapitalby theepidemic of theconcentration degreesimplemedicalvaccinestock.
Began in June 2016 triggered a global risk aversion British retreat European event continues, the formation of the European crisis, capital gold crazy influx of Baiyin Nonferrous Metals, international capital continued from June to July 15th at the corresponding hedging market, gold colored plate of scarce resources A the A-share market related stocks continued to rise nearly 1 months, the euro quickly sell, or high 2.51% hit the biggest decline recorded.
In November 2016 the British did not continue to produce the eurozone turmoil, Trump was elected president will increase fiscal spending may lead to inflation and higher interest rates, the euro continued to fall to create one and a half year low, the euro crisis continues in.
US Government Closing Crisis December 2018,The hedging sentiment of the market has increased, the global economy has begun to tend to hedge, and gold and other hedges have been sought after.