卡內基獎章(Carnegie medal),又稱為卡內基大獎、卡內基兒童文學獎,是英國最權威的童書獎項。
- 中文名:卡內基獎章
- 外文名:Carnegie medal
- 其他名稱:卡內基大獎/卡內基兒童文學獎
- 頒獎機構:CILIP
- 相關獎項:凱特·格林納威獎
卡內基獎章(Carnegie medal)被稱為“英國最古老和最有聲望的兒童圖書獎”,於1936年設立,以美國慈善家安德魯卡內基命名。每年都會頒發給一本為兒童或青年寫的優秀新書。自1955年以來,卡內基獎章有了一個姊妹獎:凱特格林納威獎(Kate Greenaway)。該獎項由英國圖書館協會設立,主要是為了紀念十九世紀偉大的童書插畫家凱特·格林納威女士,是世界插畫界最重要的獎項之一。
卡內基大獎是英國“最古老,最負盛名的童書獎”。1936年,大英圖書館協會(the Library Association (1877–2002))為慶祝卡內基誕生一百周年,特設此獎。

卡內基大獎獲得者將獲得一枚金牌和價值500英鎊的圖書(捐贈給他們選擇的圖書館),2016年以後,卡內基獲獎者還可以同時獲得獎金為5000英鎊的科林獎(Colin Mears Award)。
卡內基大獎的獎章是以蘇格蘭出生的美國慈善家安德魯·卡內基(Andrew Carnegie,1835-1919)命名的。安德魯·卡內基,就是那個出現在無數勵志故事裡的美國“鋼鐵大王”。他曾說過“如果我擁有了財富,我將用諸建立大量免費的圖書館”。(if ever wealth came to me that it should be used to establish free libraries.)。在他年少時,一位退役的詹姆士·安德森上校辦了一個私人圖書館。卡內基從安德森圖書館裡借到了許多好書,使得他在人生的黃金時期有了讀書的機會並養成了讀書的習慣。這段經歷讓卡內基有了成立圖書館的想法,後來事業成功後,他在英語世界創立了超過2800家圖書館。到他去世時,超過一半的英國圖書館機構設有卡內基圖書館。

獲得卡內基大獎提名的書必須用英語寫作,並在上學年(9月至8月)在英國首次出版。直到1969年,該獎只頒發給英國作家在英國首次出版的書籍。第一本得獎作品是亞瑟·蘭森(Jonathan Cape)的《鴿子郵差》(Pigeon Post)。第一位非英籍獲獎者是1972年澳大利亞的Ivan Southall,獲獎作品為《Josh》。第一位獲得兩次卡內基獎牌的作者是1981年的彼得·迪金森,獲獎作品為《杜魯金》和《金城》。
卡內基大獎作品 | ||||||||
年份 | 作者 | 書名 | 已出版中文書名 | 中譯本出版社 | ||||
2016 | Sarah Crossan | One | ||||||
2015 | Tanya Landman | Buffalo Soldier | ||||||
2014 | Kevin Brooks | The Bunker Diary | ||||||
2013 | Sally Gardner | Maggot Moon | ||||||
2012 | Patrick Ness illustrated by Jim Kay | A Monster Calls | 惡魔呼喚 | 長江文藝 | ||||
2011 | Patrick Ness | Monsters of Men | 混沌行走3:獸與人 | 長江文藝 | ||||
2010 | Neil Gaiman two illustrators[a] | The Graveyard Book | ||||||
2009 | Siobhan Dowd | Bog Child | 意林國際大獎小說:沼澤女孩 | 未來出版社 | ||||
2008 | Philip Reeve | Here Lies Arthur | 意林國際大獎小說:少女騎士變身記 | 未來出版社 | ||||
2007 | Meg Rosoff | Just in Case | ||||||
2006空缺 | ||||||||
2005 | Mal Peet | Tamar | Walker Books | |||||
2004 | Frank Cottrell Boyce | Millions | ||||||
2003* | Jennifer Donnelly | A Gathering Light | ||||||
2002 | Sharon Creech | Ruby Holler | 國際大獎小說(升級版)--吶喊紅寶石 | 新蕾出版社 | ||||
2001 | Terry Pratchett | The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents | 碟形世界:貓和少年魔笛手 | 文匯出版社 (讀客圖書) | ||||
2000 | Beverley Naidoo | The Other Side of Truth | ||||||
1999 | Aidan Chambers | Postcards from No Man's Land | ||||||
1998* | David Almond illus. Adam Fisher | Skellig | 當天使墜落人間 | 人民文學出版社 | ||||
1997 | Tim Bowler | River Boy | 國際大獎小說:小河男孩(升級版) | 新蕾出版社 | ||||
1996* | Melvin Burgess | Junk | ||||||
1995* | Philip Pullman | Northern Lights | ||||||
1994 | Theresa Breslin | Whispers in the Graveyard | ||||||
1993 | Robert Swindells | Stone Cold | ||||||
1992 | Anne Fine | Flour Babies | 安妮·范恩大獎小說:麵粉娃娃 | 接力出版社 | ||||
1991 | Berlie Doherty | Dear Nobody | ||||||
1990 | Gillian Cross | Wolf | ||||||
1989 | Anne Fine | Goggle-Eyes | 安妮范恩大獎小說:金魚眼叔叔 | 接力出版社 | ||||
1988 | Geraldine McCaughrean | A Pack of Lies | 國際大獎小說 國際大獎小說-神奇的"謊言" | 新蕾出版社 | ||||
1987 | Susan Price | The Ghost Drum | ||||||
1986 | Berlie Doherty | Granny Was a Buffer Girl | ||||||
1985* | Kevin Crossley-Holland illus. Alan Marks | Storm | ||||||
1984 | Margaret Mahy | The Changeover | ||||||
1983 | Jan Mark illus. | Handles | ||||||
1982 | Margaret Mahy | The Haunting | ||||||
1981 | Robert Westall | The Scarecrows | ||||||
1980 | Peter Dickinson illus.Michael Foreman | City of Gold and other stories from the Old Testament | ||||||
1979 | Peter Dickinson | Tulku | ||||||
1978 | David Rees | The Exeter Blitz | ||||||
1977 | Gene Kemp illus. | The Turbulent Term of Tyke Tiler | ||||||
1976 | Jan Mark illus. | Thunder and Lightnings | ||||||
1975* | Robert Westall | The Machine Gunners | ||||||
1974 | Mollie Hunter | The Stronghold | ||||||
1973 | Penelope Lively illus. | The Ghost of Thomas Kempe | ||||||
1972 | Richard Adams | Watership Down | 兔子共和國 | 華東師範大學出版社 | ||||
1971 | Ivan Southall | Josh | ||||||
1970 | Leon GarfieldandEdward Blishen illustrated byCharles Keeping | The God Beneath the Sea | ||||||
1969 | K. M. Peyton illus. | The Edge of the Cloud | ||||||
1968 | Rosemary Harris | The Moon in the Cloud | ||||||
1967* | Alan Garner | The Owl Service | ||||||
1966 | ||||||||
1965 | Philip Turner illus. | The Grange at High Force | ||||||
1964 | Sheena Porter illus. | Nordy Bank | ||||||
1963 | Hester Burton illus. | Time of Trial | ||||||
1962 | Pauline Clarke illus. | The Twelve and the Genii | ||||||
1961 | Lucy M. Boston illus. | A Stranger at Green Knowe | ||||||
1960 | Ian Wolfram Cornwall illus. Marjorie Maitland Howard | The Making of Man | ||||||
1959 | Rosemary Sutcliff illus. | The Lantern Bearers | ||||||
1958* | Philippa Pearce illus. | Tom's Midnight Garden | 世界兒童文學新經典:湯姆的午夜花園 | 人民文學出版社 | ||||
1957 | William Mayne illus. | A Grass Rope | ||||||
1956 | C. S. Lewis illus. | The Last Battle | 納尼亞傳奇(第七部):最後一戰 | 上海譯文出版社 | ||||
1955 | Eleanor Farjeon illus. | The Little Bookroom | ||||||
1954 | Ronald Welch(Felton Ronald Oliver) illus. | Knight Crusader | ||||||
1953 | Edward Osmond illus. by the author[c] | A Valley Grows Up | ||||||
1952* | Mary Norton illus. | The Borrowers | 借東西的小人 | 譯林出版社 | ||||
1951 | Cynthia Harnett illus. by the author[c] | The Wool-Pack | ||||||
1950 | Elfrida Vipont illus. | The Lark on the Wing | ||||||
1949 | Agnes Allen illus. Agnes and Jack Allen[c] | The Story of Your Home | ||||||
1948 | Richard Armstrong illus. | Sea Change | ||||||
1947 | Walter de la Mare illus. | Collected Stories for Children | ||||||
1946 | Elizabeth Goudge illus. | The Little White Horse | 古堡里的月亮公主 | 人民文學出版社 | ||||
1945 | ||||||||
1944 | Eric Linklater illus. | The Wind on the Moon | ||||||
1943 | ||||||||
1942 | BB(D. J. Watkins-Pitchford) illus. by the author[c] | The Little Grey Men | ||||||
1941 | Mary Treadgold illus. | We Couldn't Leave Dinah | ||||||
1940 | Kitty Barne illus. | Visitors from London | ||||||
1939 | Eleanor Doorly illus. | The Radium Woman | 國際大獎兒童小說:居里夫人的故事 | 浙江少年兒童出版社 | ||||
1938 | Noel Streatfeild illus. | The Circus Is Coming | ||||||
1937* | Eve Garnett illus. by the author[c] | The Family from One End Street | ||||||
1936 | Arthur Ransome illus. by the author[c] | Pigeon Post | 燕子號與亞馬遜號6:鴿子郵差 | 貴州人民出版社 |