姓名:占文鳳 性別:男學歷:博士 籍貫:江西新余
- 中文名:占文鳳
- 籍貫 : 江西新余
- 性別:男
- 學歷 : 博士
[1]Zhan, W., Chen, Y., Voogt, J. A., Zhou, J., Wang, J., Ma, W., Liu, W. Assessment of thermal anisotropy on remote estimation of urban thermal inertia.Remote Sensing of Environment, 2012, 123, 12–24.
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[7]Zhou, J., Chen, Y. H., Wang, J. F.,Zhan, W. F.Maximum nighttime urban heat island (UHI) intensity simulation by integrating remotely sensed data and meteorological observations.IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2011, 4(1), 138-146.
[8]Zhou, J., Li, J., Zhang, L., Hu, D.,Zhan, W. F.Inter-comparison of methods for estimating land surface temperature from Landsat-5 TM image in an arid region with low water vapor in the atmosphere.International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2012, 33(8), 2582-2602.
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[10]周紀,李京,趙祥,占文鳳.郭建俠.用HJ-1B衛星數據反演地表溫度的修正單通道算法.紅外與毫米波學報, 2011, 30(1), 61-67.
[11]占文鳳,陳雲浩,周紀,李京.基於支持向量機的北京城市熱島模擬—熱島強度空間格局曲面模擬及其套用.測繪學報, 2011, 40(1), 96-103.
[12]占文鳳,陳雲浩,馬偉,周紀.城市目標方向亮溫觀測的視場效應分析.遙感學報, 2010, 14(2), 379-386.
[13]占文鳳,陳雲浩,馬偉,周紀.組分權重方法對城市目標方向亮溫模擬的影響.武漢大學學報(信息科學版), 2010, 35(4), 436-440.
[14]占文鳳,楊傑,潘斌,李京. InSAR中DORIS基線估計方法的改進.中國礦業大學學報, 2010, 39(5), 784-789.
[15]占文鳳,周紀,馬偉.基於真實結構的地表熱輻射方向性計算機模擬研究進展.地球科學進展, 2010, 25(1), 118-126.
[17]馬偉,陳雲浩,占文鳳,周紀.城市模擬目標的三維熱輻射方向性模型.遙感學報, 2012,待刊.
2010.09-2011.07博士生聯合培養,TheUniversityofWestern Ontario, Department of Geography