
男,博士,研究員。2004年獲得河南師範大學物理與信息工程學院理學學士學位,並被免試推薦到中國科學院武漢物理與數學研究所碩博連讀;2009年獲得原子與分子專業理學博士學位。2009-2014年在加拿大Sherbrooke大學Andre D. Bandrauk研究組從事博士後研究。2014年1月任中科院武漢物理與數學研究所研究員,2015年入選中組部第十一批“青年千人計畫”。目前已在Phys. Rev. Lett.以及Phys. Rev. A等國際期刊上發表十餘篇第一作者學術論文。


  • 中文名: 卞學濱
  • 性 別:男
  • 職 稱: 研究員
  • 通訊地址: 武漢市武昌區小洪山西30號




1. X.B. Bian, and A.D. Bandrauk, Spectral shift of nonadiabatic high-order harmonic generation, Applied Sciences,. (Invited Review)
2. X.B. Bian, and A.D. Bandrauk, Orientation dependence of nonadiabatic molecular high-order harmonic generation from resonant polar molecules, Phys. Rev. Regular Articles.
3. X.B. Bian, and A.D. Bandrauk, Attosecond time-resolved imaging of molecular structure by photoelectron holography, Phys. Rev. Lett.
4. X.B. Bian, Y. Huismans, O. Smirnova, K.J. Yuan, M.J.J. Vrakking, and A.D. Bandrauk, Subcycle interference dynamics of time-resolved photoelectron holography with midinfrared laser pulses, Phys. Rev., Regular Articles.
5. X.B. Bian and A.D. Bandrauk, Nonadiabatic molecular high-order harmonic generation from polar molecules: spectral redshift, Phys. Rev. A Rapid Communications.
6. X.B. Bian and A.D. Bandrauk, Phase control of multichannel molecular high-order harmonic generation by the asymmetric diatomic molecule HeH2+ in two-color laser fields, Phys. Rev. A Regular Articles.
7. X.B. Bian and A.D. Bandrauk, Multichannel Molecular High-Order Harmonic Generation from Asymmetric Diatomic Molecules, Phys. Rev. Lett.
8. X.B. Bian, L.Y. Peng, and T.Y. Shi, Ionization dynamics of linear molecular ion H32+ in dc and low-frequency laser fields, Phys. RevRegular Articles.
9. X.B. Bian, L.Y. Peng, and T.Y. Shi, Enhanced excitation and ionization of H2+ by a single- and two-color intense laser pulse, Phys. Rev. A Regular Articles.


