1997-2001 大連工業大學,工學學士
2001-2004 大連理工大學,工學碩士
2004-2007 中科院生物物理研究所,理學博士
2008-2010 美國加州大學伯克利分校, 博士後
2010-2015 美國康奈爾大學,研究助理
2015-2016 美國杜克大學,資深科學家
2016.09-至今 中科院生物物理研究所,研究員
2016 入選中科院率先行動“百人計畫”B
1. 非編碼RNA在人類重大疾病中的功能和作用機制
2. 細胞代謝對幹細胞分裂、命運的影響
1. Bu P#, Wang L, Chen K-Y, …, Shen X#. miR-34a and Numb synergize for asymmetric cell fate determination to control stem cell proliferation. Cell Stem Cell
2. Wang L*, Bu P*, Ai Y, et al. A large non-coding RNA regulates colon cancer stem cell asymmetric division
3. Chen HJ,…,Bu P,…et al. A recellularized human colon model identifies cancer driver genes. Nat Biotechnol
4. Srinivasan T, Walters J, Bu P,… et al. Notch signaling regulates asymmetric cell fate of fast- and slow-cycling colon cancer initiating cells
5. Srinivasan T, Than EB, Bu P et al. Notch signalling regulates asymmetric division and inter-conversion between lgr5 and bmi1 expressing intestinal stem cells
6. Bu P#, Wang L, Chen K-Y, …, Shen X#. miR-1269 Promotes Metastasis through a Positive Feedback Loop with TGF-b
7. Sun S, …, Bu P…, et al. IRE1α is an endogenous substrate of endoplasmic-reticulum-associated degradation
8. Li J, Ai Y, Wang L, Bu P,… et al. Targeted drug delivery to circulating tumor cells via platelet membrane-functionalized particles
9. Chen, H, …, Bu, P, …, et al. Chemokine-Targeted Mouse Models of Human Primary and Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
10. Okada N, …, Bu P…, et al. A positive feedback between p53 and miR-34 miRNAs mediates tumor suppression
11. Bu P, Chen K-Y, Chen JH et al. A microRNA miR-34a-Regulated Bimodal Switch Targets Notch in Colon Cancer Stem Cells
12. Bu P, Chen K-Y, Lipkin SM, Shen X. Asymmetric division: a marker for cancer stem cells in early stage tumors? Oncotarget
13. Chen JH, Edwards R, Tucci S, Bu P, et al. The chemokine 25 and chemokine receptor 9 axis suppresses colon cancer invasion and metastasis
14. Choi YJ, …, Bu P, …, et al. miR-34a miRNAs provide a barrier for somatic cell reprogramming
15. Bu P, Zhuang J, Feng J, et al. Visualization of CD146 dimerization and its regulation in living cells
16. Bu P, Gao L, Zhuang J, et al. Anti-CD146 monoclonal antibody, AA98, inhibits angiogenesis via suppression of NF-kB activation